Cool now think of all the Americans that AREN'T there, and whether or not they dislike Trump enough to vote for anyone else.
Now why would someone wear a small flesh colored dressing to play golf
He didn't. The "golf picture" was from two years prior.
but at the RNC event he supposedly changed it to a huge white dressing covering the entire ear?
He started out with a huge white dressing. Then, it changed to a smaller flesh colored dressing. Now, there's no dressing (the wound has healed).
Again, it just doesn't add up.
1) A wound was inflicted.
2) The wound was bandaged up to stop bleeding and prevent infection.
3) The wound healed enough to switch over to a smaller bandage.
4) The wound healed, the bandage was removed.

What exactly isn't "adding up" for you?
Bandages typically start large covering the entire area of the wound.
Right, and that's why Trump's doctor started off with the larger bandaging and then switched to the smaller one after Trump's ear had healed enough.
You don't put a tiny one on and the next day put a huge one.
Right, and that's why Trump's doctor started off with the larger bandaging and then switched to the smaller one after Trump's ear had healed enough.
It was done as a ploy for sympathy.
You're right. Trump set it all up for sympathy. He told the shooter exactly when he was going to turn his head so that the shooter could purposely just graze his ear.
Seems it didn't work and he is losing voters. Too bad so sad.
Seems that you were manipulated by fake news (a two year old picture that was blindly claimed by libtards to have been taken "the day after"). Too bad so sad.
All your pivoting aside, the shooter was incited by shits like you to assassinate someone. You are the kind of shit that should be flushed from society.
It's really entertaining watching you make a horse's ass out of yourself here every day!

Just wanted to say, Jolly Good Show, and keep the laughter going!
It's really entertaining watching you make a horse's ass out of yourself here every day!
I know you're terrified and I wish there was something I could do to help, but Trump is going to win and, at this point, nothing can adequately prepare you for your imminent bubble-burst.

Just wanted to say, Jolly Good Show, and keep the laughter going!
Making you comfortable is all anyone can do. I'll slip a cyanide pellet into your pocket just in case ... well, you know.
Got to love when they attack individual phrases often taken out of context, reminds one of their high school English classes when teachers explained the fundamentals of debating and what not to do, must coming from listening and watching right wing media
I know you're terrified and I wish there was something I could do to help, but Trump is going to win and, at this point, nothing can adequately prepare you for your imminent bubble-burst.

Making you comfortable is all anyone can do. I'll slip a cyanide pellet into your pocket just in case ... well, you know.
Thanks Nosrtadamus!

But, I'll wait for Steve Kornacki's Board results!