Two of the most disgraceful women on the planet. Woops, I will also add that other disgraceful woman named the Hildebeast
to make that 3 on the top list of disgraceful female human beings.
No he had a flesh colored dressing and this hair covers the top part of his ear.

"There was no real injury" Something bled.
Now why would someone wear a small flesh colored dressing to play golf but at the RNC event he supposedly changed it to a huge white dressing covering the entire ear? Again, it just doesn't add up.
Now why would someone wear a small flesh colored dressing to play golf
Why would a person wear one Band-Aid one day, and a different Band-Aid a different day? I never understood that. You are sooooo right to be concerned. We need to get to the bottom of this.


but at the RNC event he supposedly changed it to a huge white dressing covering the entire ear? Again, it just doesn't add up.
You're totally correct. This just doesn't add up ... but shouldn't we leave questions of this magnitude to philosophers?

Why would a person wear one Band-Aid one day, and a different Band-Aid a different day? I never understood that. You are sooooo right to be concerned. We need to get to the bottom of this.


You're totally correct. This just doesn't add up ... but shouldn't we leave questions of this magnitude to philosophers?

Bandages typically start large covering the entire area of the wound. You don't put a tiny one on and the next day put a huge one. It was done as a ploy for sympathy. Seems it didn't work and he is losing voters. Too bad so sad.

Trump only pays for flat, cheap, farm fields.. Trump is implying USSS can have all viewpoints & open areas protected, at about 270°, with the equivalent of 6 football fields.. (An AR-15 has an effective target range of 600-800 yards) this is beyond the USSS scope. #TrumpIsCheap​

Bandages typically start large covering the entire area of the wound.
Bandages typically are as minimally invasive as possible. Doctors could have put Trump in a full body cast. Once the bleeding was under control, whatever had the smallest footprint is what he's going to wear.

If you are wondering why Trump might have a larger bandage at the RNC so that if inadvertent bleeding began to occur, Trump could nonetheless finish his speech without having to interrupt the event to immediately address the issue, the answer is that it he probably wanted to be able to finish his speech without having to interrupt the event to immediately address any inadvertent bleeding that might occur ... just to be on the safe side. When he's golfing, he can always stop and get a new bandage. During the convention, stopping might be awkward.

You don't put a tiny one on and the next day put a huge one.
Sure I do, for a number of reasons, including whether that is all that's available at the moment.

Have you never worn a bandage or a Band-AirCurad?

It was done as a ploy for sympathy.
Why do you assert this? Did you afford Trump any sympathy for the bandage? I didn't either. In fact, I wouldn't even think about it if gullible leftists weren't obsessing over it every day.

If you want to take away the "bandage advantage" that you perceive Trump has, stop obsessing over it. Leftists are literally the only ones talking about it.
After Gerogia, Crimea and soon to be Ukraine, did the world come to an end? Russia has every right to surround itself with friendly neighbors and that goes for Ukraine. No country should ever feel afraid. If you do, than arm your military and stay on ready should the bitch come knocking.