Lie. He was a Democrat. Now there's social media posts of his released which supported Joe Biden and his policies.
A tweet? That settles it, the fact he was a registered Republican means nothing, there is a mysterious tweet not provided that proves he supported Joe Biden, must be why he was scouting both Biden and Trump activities on the Internet

It doesn't matter how the info was released. The info is still the info. It stands on its own accord.
That settles it,
Yes, it does. Crooks, speaking for himself via social media, praised Joe Biden and his policies. He also donated to Act Blue. He also tried to assassinate a Republican President. Seems pretty obvious to me that he is a liberal.
the fact he was a registered Republican means nothing,
It means nothing. You can still vote for liberal politicians while being registered as a Republican. Liberals will register as Republicans in order to vote for RINOs in Republican primaries. Apparently he was one of those people.

Likewise, there are plenty of people who used to vote for liberals, who are now voting for conservatives, who have never updated their party affiliation from D to R.
there is a mysterious tweet not provided that proves he supported Joe Biden, must be why he was scouting both Biden and Trump activities on the Internet

:seenoevil: :hearnoevil:
A tweet? That settles it, the fact he was a registered Republican means nothing, there is a mysterious tweet not provided that proves he supported Joe Biden, must be why he was scouting both Biden and Trump activities on the Internet

Democrats in Pennsylvania OPENLY bragged about registering as Republicans in the primary to vote against Trump. News Flash: Crooks didn't like Trump very much. Crooks sent his money to ACTBLUE for Progressive causes.

Bullshit walks and money talks.