Trumpet and Sailor banned!!

Oh boy, NOT smart. I can see Trumpet getting banned because he's a completely brainwashed moron. Sailor, on the other hand, I thought was smarter than that. Well, at least we won't have to put up with Trumpet's lame and inane posts for awhile. Let's hope it's a LONG while!
I find it fascinating that US'NoThreadBan'911 is so enamored with 'Banning'. It sure does make me wonder about this PM I got while on 'vacation'. I'm not going to share the woman's name, because, well, you know how USF is. And, there's a possibility that 'Dark Snitch' might be around, so I won't post a verbatim PM, that would be a Rule violation.
Anyway, I get this PM while being Banned, and it tells me that USF got a Huge Boner once he learned that ol' Jack had gotten himself in Hot Water. As she claims, 'He couldn't put his trousers on and zip up'. She went on and stated that 'He walked around for 3 days with everything just hanging out'. Now, this seemed kind of sick, but it was USF, so ...? Then (now this is where it gets even sicker), he finally gives up and goes out in the backyard and fucks this dead dog he still has tied up back there. Now ... I guess that is one way to solve the problem, but, I don't know, it seems ... unnatural. Is it just me?
I find it fascinating that US'NoThreadBan'911 is so enamored with 'Banning'. It sure does make me wonder about this PM I got while on 'vacation'. I'm not going to share the woman's name, because, well, you know how USF is. And, there's a possibility that 'Dark Snitch' might be around, so I won't post a verbatim PM, that would be a Rule violation.
Anyway, I get this PM while being Banned, and it tells me that USF got a Huge Boner once he learned that ol' Jack had gotten himself in Hot Water. As she claims, 'He couldn't put his trousers on and zip up'. She went on and stated that 'He walked around for 3 days with everything just hanging out'. Now, this seemed kind of sick, but it was USF, so ...? Then (now this is where it gets even sicker), he finally gives up and goes out in the backyard and fucks this dead dog he still has tied up back there. Now ... I guess that is one way to solve the problem, but, I don't know, it seems ... unnatural. Is it just me?

You are one perverted individual.

How did you get a PM while you were banned? You have a second account?
I find it fascinating that US'NoThreadBan'911 is so enamored with 'Banning'. It sure does make me wonder about this PM I got while on 'vacation'. I'm not going to share the woman's name, because, well, you know how USF is. And, there's a possibility that 'Dark Snitch' might be around, so I won't post a verbatim PM, that would be a Rule violation.
Anyway, I get this PM while being Banned, and it tells me that USF got a Huge Boner once he learned that ol' Jack had gotten himself in Hot Water. As she claims, 'He couldn't put his trousers on and zip up'. She went on and stated that 'He walked around for 3 days with everything just hanging out'. Now, this seemed kind of sick, but it was USF, so ...? Then (now this is where it gets even sicker), he finally gives up and goes out in the backyard and fucks this dead dog he still has tied up back there. Now ... I guess that is one way to solve the problem, but, I don't know, it seems ... unnatural. Is it just me?

You really shouldn't project your behaviors onto others, especially when you have one foot in the grave and the other one on the perma-ban banana peel. :laugh:
You really shouldn't project your behaviors onto others, especially when you have one foot in the grave and the other one on the perma-ban banana peel. :laugh:

I posted this to your twin sister yesterday. It has 3 existential political elements to it. Naturally, I didn't expect some old bag that lays around all day eating Bon Bons and Milk Duds to have any thoughts on the matter. With YOU, I thought there might be a glimmer of actual brain activity and some kind of 'response'.

"You know Owl, I'm really disappointed in you. I've tried to keep your little secret, your little ruse, your little charade here. You've bludgeoned me time and again, I've turned the other cheek, looked the other way, but THIS really takes the cake. I suspect that Blue Team is aware, and maybe some Red Team members, but USBluntskull911 is totally in the dark. After both of you shit your pants recently, he needs to come on board and know the Truth.
You know I know your Real Name, you know your Real Name, and most of the Amazonerds know your Real Name. Now, I've come to the end of my rope and am going to have to reveal your Real Name to your twin brother, USLoser911 so he can at last understand just what the heck is going on.
Owl's Real Name is ... Kellyanne Conway, a Government Stooge, sent here by the Trump Organization to disrupt Blue Team cohesiveness, spread disinformation, and bring a False Narrative to the Discussion.

Owl knows the Planet is close to Maximum Sustainable Capacity, she knows that Humans Cause Climate Change, she knows Robotics, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence is the wave of the Future, but ... what does she promote? Open Borders. Open the Borders to Third World Labor. Thousands and thousands of low skill cheap Labor to replace American Workers. She wants to DESTROY AMERICA so Trump can be re-elected as 'Champion of the Working Class'. It's all very diabolical. Mostly operated out of a small office in the West Wing. I think that guy Steve Miller or Steve Bannon is her Controller.

She was sent here to portray 'an average Blue Team member'. And, I have to admit she's done a good job of pulling it off. What an Actress. (shaking head)"

1. Planet Earth and it's ability to sustain a Human population.
2. The Degradation of the Planet (it's Air, Water, Land, and Atmosphere), by Human activity.
3. The Role of Humans in the Future. The effects of Technology.

As (disappointingly) expected, you ran from any political discussion and instead immersed yourself in being a 'Junior Moderator scouring the Board for Violations'.
I'll take my chances, out with it.

Snitch Bait.

You can't get a PM while you are banned. I only posted that for 'Snitches'. They run with every tidbit and make fools of themselves to Grind, Phantasmal, and Billy.
I'm pretty sure the Moderators have a List of the Forum Rats that 'run to mommy' with every perceived infraction. (Just between me and you, I'll bet Legina is at the Top of the List)
Snitch Bait.

You can't get a PM while you are banned. I only posted that for 'Snitches'. They run with every tidbit and make fools of themselves to Grind, Phantasmal, and Billy.
I'm pretty sure the Moderators have a List of the Forum Rats that 'run to mommy' with every perceived infraction. (Just between me and you, I'll bet Legina is at the Top of the List)

I really don't care who squealed on me, they know who they are.
Yes, I would think the mods know who PM'ed them crying and bitching.
Oh boy, NOT smart. I can see Trumpet getting banned because he's a completely brainwashed moron. Sailor, on the other hand, I thought was smarter than that. Well, at least we won't have to put up with Trumpet's lame and inane posts for awhile. Let's hope it's a LONG while!

I can see why you'd like Sailor. He was an unhinged, pathologically dishonest troll with no value, whatsoever, as a poster or likely even a man.

Quite pleased to see his shitcanned.
I really don't care who squealed on me, they know who they are.
Yes, I would think the mods know who PM'ed them crying and bitching.

Yeah, well. It's nice to know who the Forum Rats are. You know, you come to a Site with adults, then find half the 'adults' are small children. :)
I think it's hilarious that Jack tries to blame me for reporting his douchebaggery, all the while making excuses not to accept responsibility for his actions.
I can see why you'd like Sailor. He was an unhinged, pathologically dishonest troll with no value, whatsoever, as a poster or likely even a man.

Quite pleased to see his shitcanned.
He's pathetic because he's actually capable of having intelligent discussion. He just refuses. He often blows up, and challenges other members to physical confrontations. WTF?

He typically goes right into the gutter with homophobic slurs against anyone who challenges his stupidity.

Again...most in this thread are idiots. Sailor is capable of better.
Yeah, well. It's nice to know who the Forum Rats are. You know, you come to a Site with adults, then find half the 'adults' are small children. :)
The adults I hang with don’t call other people clitoris, perhaps, you should change your own juvenile behavior before expecting others to do so. Good luck!