Trumpet and Sailor banned!!

And you still don't understand why other posters either put on IA or just Thread Ban you.


Jesus Christ, USF. This is why you are living on the edge and your world is coming apart from all around you. Here, let me give you a few more pearls before you decide to end it all and just walk out into the desert with no canteen.

Now, remember when Dark Soul graduated from Trump University with his 'Engineering Degree'? Yes, it cost him $6,000 (or $12,000 depending on who you ask) and he was so excited and thrilled. Granted, you're not going to make that kind of money at your '3 day Seminar'. But, the point being, 'WHAT HAPPENED NEXT'? Do you remember? Think, USF, think. DS coughed up another hundred bucks to get his picture taken next to a life-size cut out of Donald Trump.
Are the wheels turning here, USF? Yes, that's right. YOU charge an extra 20 bucks for 'Graduates' to have their picture taken next to a life-size cut out of YOU! Think of all the people that would have that picture on their walls, Mantels, and their nitestands.

I know you don't claim to be the sharpest tack in the box, but from my vantage point, this is definite Gold at the end of THIS Rainbow.
Jesus Christ, USF. This is why you are living on the edge and your world is coming apart from all around you. Here, let me give you a few more pearls before you decide to end it all and just walk out into the desert with no canteen.

Now, remember when Dark Soul graduated from Trump University with his 'Engineering Degree'? Yes, it cost him $6,000 (or $12,000 depending on who you ask) and he was so excited and thrilled. Granted, you're not going to make that kind of money at your '3 day Seminar'. But, the point being, 'WHAT HAPPENED NEXT'? Do you remember? Think, USF, think. DS coughed up another hundred bucks to get his picture taken next to a life-size cut out of Donald Trump.
Are the wheels turning here, USF? Yes, that's right. YOU charge an extra 20 bucks for 'Graduates' to have their picture taken next to a life-size cut out of YOU! Think of all the people that would have that picture on their walls, Mantels, and their nitestands.

I know you don't claim to be the sharpest tack in the box, but from my vantage point, this is definite Gold at the end of THIS Rainbow.

And you still don't understand why other posters either put on IA or just Thread Ban you.

He's pathetic because he's actually capable of having intelligent discussion. He just refuses. He often blows up, and challenges other members to physical confrontations. WTF?

He typically goes right into the gutter with homophobic slurs against anyone who challenges his stupidity.

Again...most in this thread are idiots. Sailor is capable of better.

Nailed him. I spent too much time trying to wrestle anything of value out of that jerk.
He trolled me incessantly despite his being blocked because I once surgically humiliated him.
I figured it was just desserts. He is a third rate internet bully who uses feeble carrots and sticks to try and force people
to accept his half cocked prejudiced right wing opinions. He NEVER provided linked materials, factual
backup or even complex argument. Just an opinion quickly followed by ad hom, or a back slapping
approval if he liked what some rightard. And always the homophobic man card thing.

There is something very off about that guy. Glad he has been banned. A useless troll.
I would not have been at all surprised to learn he was posting from a federal penitentiary.
Sadistic personality disorder. Bye-bye asshole!:cool:
Nailed him. I spent too much time trying to wrestle anything of value out of that jerk.
He trolled me incessantly despite his being blocked because I once surgically humiliated him.
I figured it was just desserts. He is a third rate internet bully who uses feeble carrots and sticks to try and force people
to accept his half cocked prejudiced right wing opinions. He NEVER provided linked materials, factual
backup or even complex argument. Just an opinion quickly followed by ad hom, or a back slapping
approval if he liked what some rightard. And always the homophobic man card thing.

There is something very off about that guy. Glad he has been banned. A useless troll.
I would not have been at all surprised to learn he was posting from a federal penitentiary.
Sadistic personality disorder. Bye-bye asshole!:cool:

Just an opinion quickly followed by ad hom, or a back slapping...Sadistic personality disorder
