Legion Troll
A fine upstanding poster
Two men and three women are accused of keeping a 22-year-old autistic woman outdoors with only a kennel-like crate as her shelter in Louisiana.
Sheriff Daniel Edwards said in a statement that investigators searched the house after a report of a woman in a cage.
He said authorities found the woman in the back yard near the crate draped with a blue tarp
Sheriff's spokeswoman Dawn Panepinto said investigators later learned the five planned to prostitute the woman.
Panepinto said Terry Knope, 43; Raylaine Knope, 40; Taylor Knope, 18; Jody Lambert, 21; and Bridget Lambert, 19, were arrested on charges of human trafficking and cruelty to the infirm.
Investigators discovered that the five accused conspired to transport the young woman to a specific location with the intention of prostituting her out to multiple male subjects for money.