ome kind of odd veiled threat, I guess. 'Oh no- he's a scary Hollywood monster'. LOL!
So of course, in typical Nazi tradition, you leave out posts and responses so you can craft a false narrative. You're the one who challenged me to a fight, then I laughed that off by saying you couldn't even get out of your home unless the roof was taken off it because you're a fat piece of shit. Removing the roof so you can get out is a reference to What's Eating Gilbert Grape? In that movie, the white trash mother to the two boys was so fat that she couldn't leave her house unless they took the roof off and brought in a crane. I'm saying you're as fat as the mother in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and that's why you and me fighting would be a pointless endeavor.
But remember,
you're the one who made the first threat.
Finally, out of shear desperation:
"SHEER", not "SHEAR", you Nazi. I always love it when Nazis pretend to be intellectuals, then can't use the correct word when they're trying to prove a point.'
An accusation which he has failed to prove, yet desires me to disprove, "beyond a reasonable doubt", to his judgement alone, insisting on knowing my contact information.
You're the one who said you were rich. You're the one who said you were in the 1%. You were the one who said, halfway through the conversation, that you had two houses and that Blue Ridge was just your vacation home, after implying in the dozens of posts before that it was your primary home. You keep changing your story so you can cast yourself in the best possible light, but the facts are that you're a liar, a fraud, a phony, and someone who is so insecure you have to pretend to be something you're not, just so you can be taken seriously on an anonymous internet message board.
Pathetic, and not original at all.
I've already had one pussy fill my mailbox up with his dog's poop this week, and I don't need another skulking around here in the dark.
Maybe all this negative attention you're receiving should clue you into why you're getting this negative attention; it's because you're a fucking Nazi that no one likes. So do society a favor and eat a few tide pods and settle down for a long nap. You won't be missed.