Trump's are 2 Types of supporters ... which one are you?

Man up and prove your accusation.

I already have. You refusing to doxx yourself is the proof that you're full of shit.

What are you so afraid of by coming clean with your actual name? Are you afraid that you'll be exposed as an exaggerator? Are you afraid that somehow, retribution will be taken against you for being a Nazi? I don't understand what you're so afraid of? You made your personal fortune central to your character and central to your argument. Now, you're refusing to support it in a way you know is unquestionably verifiable.

I think you're just a poseur who wants other people to think you're more important and successful than you actually are. If you've been in this game long enough, you start to see the same patterns with the same people over and over.
What are you waiting for then?

I already have! Look at us now, debating your credibility instead of allowing you to continue spreading bullshit about whatever subject. This is the playing field I want to be on...questioning the validity and credibility of your claims. And it's working. You've already changed your story once..."re-defining" your "2nd home" which before you had been passively implying was your primary residence. Only after I pointed out that Blue Ridge is mostly poor white trash did you suddenly say your Blue Ridge home was your "weekend home". LOL. I mean, really dude...come this humiliation really worth it to you? Are your beliefs really that important that you have to pretend to be someone else just so you're taken seriously? Doesn't seem like it to me.
Again, unless you are going to give your actual name so I can verify myself, I'm not going to believe you. And since you've made these circumstances of yours central to your entire argument, if not even one point of it can stand to scrutiny or conjecture, then all of it is poisoned. Which means your argument is poisoned. Which means your belief system is poisoned. Which means your mind is poisoned.

That's not the way it works here. Sorry for you.

So why do you keep making claims about yourself that you know can't be proven true? It's because people like you are insecure and need to feel better about yourselves, and you do that by playing a character on the internet, spreading propaganda for Nazis.

Fuck man, just play some D&D instead.
That's not the way it works here. Sorry for you.

That is the way it works, dude. In the real world, the burden of proof is on the braggart. It's how it was so easy to take down Joe (Sam) the Plumber (Wurzelbacher, not a plumber), Julie Boonstra, and even Ashley Todd.

Like I said...not my first rodeo.

If you want to build a convincing character online, don't lie big.
....This is the playing field I want to be on...questioning the validity and credibility of your claims. And it's working. ....

According to you....

However you were the one making the original claim. Therefore you are the one, by your own definition, with no credibility here.
Never said that, as it's not the civil standard....

LOL! It is what you said, now you're backtracking. But it's fine. We're already on the grounds in this debate that I want to be on; your credibility and me whittling it down one errant branch at a time.
So why do you keep making claims about yourself that you know can't be proven true? It's because people like you are insecure and need to feel better about yourselves, and you do that by playing a character on the internet, spreading propaganda for Nazis.

Fuck man, just play some D&D instead.

LOL I'm guessing that the irony of your post is lost on you.
That is the way it works, dude. In the real world, the burden of proof is on the braggart.

I'm not bragging; I am defending myself against your accusation. And in the real world, the burden of proof is on the accuser. That would be you:

Dark Souls lives in the Blue Ridge mountains because he cannot afford to live anywhere else. Those welfare checks aren't that big.