Trump's are 2 Types of supporters ... which one are you?

And you have no way of proving that is yours unless you reveal your actual name. Which you won't do because doing so would expose you as lying to everyone here. And your ego cannot take that hit.

So now we're in circular reasoning territory with you:

I am rich and own a home.
Prove it.
Here's a photo.
How do I know this is yours?
Take my word for it.
I'm rich and own a home.
I don't believe you.
Here's a photo.
This is the same photo from before.
How could it not be mine if you can see the signature?
How do we know that's your signature?
I can't prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.

LOL. This is a civil matter. The required proof is therefore "a preponderance of evidence".

For your theory (about how you will fail) is that I would be taking photos of someone else's home, not mine. Since a fine home like I've shown doesn't exist next to the "dump" that you claim I live, I would have to travel quite a way, trespass, then come back and upload the photo, edit it to remove the house number above the door, reduce it in size to make with through the forum's restraints.

Then if you ax'd me for another angle, do it again.

Your scenario is not plausible.

A more plausible explanation on why you are afraid to ask for a spot and angle photo is that you know that I am right, and that you yourself are the bullshitter here, exactly what you accuse me of.
How do we know it's your fingerprint?

You're not much with math and probabaility, are you?

Pick out a spot on the house, and ax me for a more detailed photo of a particular spot, and angle (position of the camera), both of your choosing. The mathematical probability of me having that in my file (or accessible with "Google", is, of course, infinitesimal. I would have to put my shoes on, grab my cell phone and go out in the front yard and take the photo. Since I can do that in 5 minutes or so it proves that I am where I say that I am. At my "city" home.
Let the record show that LV426 refused to accept a reasonable challenge to prove his accusation against me.

He/ she has therefore FAILED.

Nice. I was expecting some apologetics, but nope just a proper sock in the face.
There are a lot of good people who voted for Trump and defend their votes.
They have their reasons and they are not stupid people, nor are they billionaires.

Their reasons were either stupidity or racism.

Neither are a legitimate defense.
Theories, theories....

At this point, not a theory. At this point, it seems likelier than the ludicrous lie that you're rich, own two homes, and are in the 1%. All things you claimed that you know you cannot prove on a message board. All things that are central to your strategy. So if I can pull a thread in just one of those claims of yours, the rest of it all unravels.
LOL. This is a civil matter

No, no. You don't get to try and redefine the rules again.

What this is, is you submitting as central to your debate, your personal, unverifiable evidence that lends your argument manufactured credibility that doesn't otherwise exist on the facts you are presenting. So before you started lying about your homes, you were making a pretty shitty argument. Seeing that argument flailing, you decide to invent given circumstances for yourself, playing a character that owns homes and using random photos that could have come from anywhere, as support. When asked to validate your own claims, you refuse to do so then go on to say you can't prove anything you're saying here is true beyond a reasonable doubt.

That last bit is almost verbatim what Sam Wurzelbacher said to me as I was fact-checking an article about him. A guy who pretended to be a plumber, who pretended his name was Joe, just so he could lure and entrap Obama into saying something that could ultimately be used against him, taken out of context. So a Conservative lied about himself just to try and prove a point.

Which is exactly what you're doing here. And you're not even doing that good a job of it. I've seen way better poseurs than you.
At this point, not a theory. At this point, it seems likelier than the ludicrous lie that you're rich, own two homes, and are in the 1%. All things you claimed that you know you cannot prove on a message board. All things that are central to your strategy. So if I can pull a thread in just one of those claims of yours, the rest of it all unravels.

What are you waiting for then?
For your theory (about how you will fail) is that I would be taking photos of someone else's home, not mine. Since a fine home like I've shown doesn't exist next to the "dump" that you claim I live, I would have to travel quite a way, trespass, then come back and upload the photo, edit it to remove the house number above the door, reduce it in size to make with through the forum's restraints.

See, all this is just us having to rely on your word. Why should I trust anything you're saying about yourself when you won't even verify who you are? Such a fine home, you say? I guess I'll have to take your word for it. And your word is worth nothing, so I don't have to take it at all.

As I said before, you could have just snapped that picture yourself as you were doing work on that home, then misrepresent that home on the internet later on during a debate so you could feel better about having a shitty argument. There's not even proof you are the one who took that photo! You could have grabbed it off social media, an internet search, it could have come off someone else's phone that you stole. Like you said, you can't prove any of this beyond a reasonable doubt. So then, why make the claim in the first place? The answer is the same now as it was before; you do it to lend your shitty argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have on the facts.

It's an easily identifiable behavior because your patterns are always the same; you make a bad argument, see yourself losing that argument, then decide to lend that bad argument credibility by inventing circumstances about yourself, that are unverifiable, to fill in the blanks that exist because of a serious fact and reasoning deficit.

It's pathetic. It's what children do when they play make-believe.

You wanna also tell me you're a "veteran" or are "married to a (insert minority race here)"? You've already used the stand-by, deliberately vague "self-employed" (does that mean you own a business, are an independent contractor, or are just unemployed and work under-the-table because you're on disability?). This isn't my first rodeo...I've seen plenty of people inflate their own credentials because they thought it would help them make a point.

SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't.
I would have to travel quite a way, trespass, then come back and upload the photo, edit it to remove the house number above the door, reduce it in size to make with through the forum's restraints

Or you could have just grabbed it off some social media site, or stole it from someone's online profile, or just stole the phone yourself.

You said yourself you couldn't prove anything beyond a "reasonable doubt". Reasonable. Your standards for yourself aren't even reasonable. That's how deficient a person you are, and that's why I don't believe anything you say about yourself.

If you're in the 1%, then I'm Tom Brady.
Then if you ax'd me for another angle, do it again.

Again, unless you are going to give your actual name so I can verify myself, I'm not going to believe you. And since you've made these circumstances of yours central to your entire argument, if not even one point of it can stand to scrutiny or conjecture, then all of it is poisoned. Which means your argument is poisoned. Which means your belief system is poisoned. Which means your mind is poisoned.
Your scenario is not plausible.

My scenario is the most likely one out there because you are refusing to verify any claim you made about yourself. Why? For fear of being exposed as a liar and fraud on an internet message board.

It's pathetic that you have to come to an anonymous place in order to get validation of your shitty ideas. That means you're just not a bright person, are weak-willed, and would make an easy mark for a conman like Trump.

more plausible explanation on why you are afraid to ask for a spot and angle photo is that you know that I am right, and that you yourself are the bullshitter here, exactly what you accuse me of.

There's no proof you're the one who even took those photos!

You said yourself that you couldn't prove any of this beyond a reasonable doubt. Reasonable. You're saying you cannot even reasonably prove anything about yourself. It's not on me to prove you a liar, it's on you to prove who you are since you're making who you are central to your entire position.

Amateurs....::eye roll::
You're not much with math and probabaility, are you? Pick out a spot on the house, and ax me for a more detailed photo of a particular spot, and angle (position of the camera), both of your choosing. The mathematical probability of me having that in my file (or accessible with "Google", is, of course, infinitesimal. I would have to put my shoes on, grab my cell phone and go out in the front yard and take the photo. Since I can do that in 5 minutes or so it proves that I am where I say that I am. At my "city" home.


How about you take a picture of yourself, holding your utility bill, in front of the house.

Oh, and don't block out any names or addresses or phone numbers. That way, we can verify if anything you're saying is true.

It's the same standard I held Ashley Todd, Sam Wurzelbacher, and Julie Boonstra to. They had the courage not to be anonymous...what's your excuse for staying in the shadows? What are you afraid of? Obviously, you're afraid of what people will think of you if you're not who you claim to be.
Let the record show that LV426 refused to accept a reasonable challenge to prove his accusation against me.

And let the record show that Dark Soul himself even said he couldn't prove who he was beyond a reasonable doubt, meaning we had to take his word for it.

Why the fuck should I or anyone take your word for it?

Those photos aren't proof of anything. You could just be at the house right now, mowing the lawn or picking up brush, and pretending the house is yours. Hillbilly catfishing.

And why would someone like you try so hard to convince others of your wealth? Because you've spent your entire argument using those credentials as the basis for what you say, think, and believe. And if I can pull at even one thread of that, all of it unravels.