Let's go Brandon!
And you have no way of proving that is yours unless you reveal your actual name. Which you won't do because doing so would expose you as lying to everyone here. And your ego cannot take that hit.
So now we're in circular reasoning territory with you:
I am rich and own a home.
Prove it.
Here's a photo.
How do I know this is yours?
Take my word for it.
I'm rich and own a home.
I don't believe you.
Here's a photo.
This is the same photo from before.
How could it not be mine if you can see the signature?
How do we know that's your signature?
I can't prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.
LOL. This is a civil matter. The required proof is therefore "a preponderance of evidence".
For your theory (about how you will fail) is that I would be taking photos of someone else's home, not mine. Since a fine home like I've shown doesn't exist next to the "dump" that you claim I live, I would have to travel quite a way, trespass, then come back and upload the photo, edit it to remove the house number above the door, reduce it in size to make with through the forum's restraints.
Then if you ax'd me for another angle, do it again.
Your scenario is not plausible.
A more plausible explanation on why you are afraid to ask for a spot and angle photo is that you know that I am right, and that you yourself are the bullshitter here, exactly what you accuse me of.