Trump's best photograph


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Here's a scene that Biden will never experience.

Look at the joy and excitement, warmth and genuine spontaneous surprise and pleasure in each person's face at the mere presence of the President.


It is exactly how I think of him.

It took me a couple of days before this photo stopped making me cry.

It is a tremendous image.

Enjoy the true greatness of this great man reflected on the faces and in the expressions of every one in this scene.
Here's a scene that Biden will never experience.

Look at the joy and excitement, warmth and genuine spontaneous surprise and pleasure in each person's face at the mere presence of the President.


It is exactly how I think of him.

It took me a couple of days before this photo stopped making me cry.

It is a tremendous image.

Enjoy the true greatness of this great man!

You are proof that dumb people support Trump.
Yes, you are very stupid. Maybe you're a liberal doing parody. Still, it's a waste of time.

In foreign affairs, Trump rebuilt our military capabilities, defeated ISIS by destroying its caliphate, and eliminated terrorists Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Qassem Soleimani. After presidents of both parties spent decades promising to name Jerusalem the capital of Israel and move the U.S. embassy there, Trump did it. Perhaps more importantly, his administration secured the historic Abraham Accords between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, creating a monumental geostrategic shift in the Middle East to set it on a path toward a sustainable peace.

He made peace. Not war.
Lame shitposting and not a current event. Yawn.

This was datelined 8/4/21 in The Hill.

Are you always so accurate in your assessments?


President Trump left office seven months ago, but the pathologically obsessed left just can’t quit him. Every left-wing media outlet ceaselessly talks about and curses him like it’s August 2018. Yet their six-year-long, wild-eyed, anti-Trump mania has, in many ways, only made him stronger.

Witness the most recent filings by his Save America PAC and the Federal Election Commission, showing Trump raised an eye-popping $82 million in the first half of 2021 and has over $100 million cash on hand with which to influence the 2022 midterm elections. No other former president has ever inspired and controlled that kind of political fundraising juggernaut.

Additionally, Trump has been holding key meetings about his future, described by his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, as “[making] plans to move forward in a real way, with President Trump as the head of [the 2024] ticket.”
Here's a scene that Biden will never experience.

Look at the joy and excitement, warmth and genuine spontaneous surprise and pleasure in each person's face at the mere presence of the President.


It is exactly how I think of him.

It took me a couple of days before this photo stopped making me cry.

It is a tremendous image.

Enjoy the true greatness of this great man reflected on the faces and in the expressions of every one in this scene.

Something's fake here. Why does Melania have a pillbox on the back of her head? Why are the curtains beige when trump put gold curtains in the Oval Office? Why does trump look 50 lbs. lighter than he is?

Post the origin of the pic.