Trump's best photograph

Here's a scene that Biden will never experience.

Look at the joy and excitement, warmth and genuine spontaneous surprise and pleasure in each person's face at the mere presence of the President.


It is exactly how I think of him.

It took me a couple of days before this photo stopped making me cry.

It is a tremendous image.

Enjoy the true greatness of this great man reflected on the faces and in the expressions of every one in this scene.

He's a criminal that incited a riot causing 5 deaths,the Capital to be invaded by his criminal followers!
He should be in prison for treason and manslaughter!
Pull your head out of your ass!
Here's a scene that Biden will never experience.

Look at the joy and excitement, warmth and genuine spontaneous surprise and pleasure in each person's face at the mere presence of the President.


It is exactly how I think of him.

It took me a couple of days before this photo stopped making me cry.

It is a tremendous image.

Enjoy the true greatness of this great man reflected on the faces and in the expressions of every one in this scene.

This is but a staged propaganda pictured, which is totally meaningless.
Here's a scene that Biden will never experience.

Look at the joy and excitement, warmth and genuine spontaneous surprise and pleasure in each person's face at the mere presence of the President.


It is exactly how I think of him.

It took me a couple of days before this photo stopped making me cry.

It is a tremendous image.

Enjoy the true greatness of this great man reflected on the faces and in the expressions of every one in this scene.

I considered that possibility, but how do you get people (non actors) to do and act and look as they do, act and look in this photo?
The same way Trump got women to like him: pay them a lot of money.

Trump probably promised $100 each to pose. It's pretty easy. What does he care? He'll just sell more Trump cards to the Qless and pay his staff from that fund. Easy peasy. He's done it before.

And yet you are clearly smarter than the others.

Which is why I'm an Independent Libertarian not a fucking Democrat or one of the Qless in the Party of Trump.

FWIW, I strongly doubt Trump will be leaving Mar-a-Lago very much for the rest of his days....and may those days be short. ;)
Which is why I'm an Independent Libertarian not a fucking Democrat or one of the Qless in the Party of Trump.

FWIW, I strongly doubt Trump will be leaving Mar-a-Lago very much for the rest of his days....and may those days be short. ;)

“I would just say to my Republican colleagues, can we move forward without President Trump? The answer is no,” Graham told Fox News in an interview."

Lindsey Graham
The same way Trump got women to like him: pay them a lot of money.

Trump probably promised $100 each to pose. It's pretty easy. What does he care? He'll just sell more Trump cards to the Qless and pay his staff from that fund. Easy peasy. He's done it before.


I see that you know little about women.