Trump's Former Pastor: He Never Actually Entered the Church Doors. Not One Time

It was part of it. He had to get the evangelicals and Christians on board. If they were not able to convince themselves that he was religious enough, he would not have won. He had fewer votes, a small shift would have made Hillary president.

them why all the false memes about should have had Mueller exploring his collusion with God.........
The patrons of the church said they had never seen him in the church he claimed to be a member of. The Christians jumped on board because they have been habituated into believing what the church tells them. Trump is our first atheist president. At least in modern times. But he is also a very selfish man with no ethics, except making money.

I don't think hes an atheist

I have known many a catholic who acted like this man

they believed all they had to do was repent near the end and their ticket to heaven would be restored
I think that, knowing nothing whatever of Christianity in any form. Trump believed he would be kicked out of any respectable church immediately he turned up. In his book, repentance of forgiveness are replaced by lies produced by his Great Father.
the idea of repentance makes for lots of evil people in heaven

whats the point of heaven then?
Trump thinks he is god. He thinks he knows more about everything than anybody else. He knows more about climate change than scientists, more about intelligence than the FBI and CIA, more about governance than the politicians, more about the economy than the economists, more about the military than the generals, more about everything than anyone else. He is not well and he sits in the most powerful office in the world. We should be very afraid of him and what he might do next.
them why all the false memes about should have had Mueller exploring his collusion with God.........

Wow, are you out in deep right field. The Mueller investigation was about the Russians interfering in our elections and any other crimes that he would find as a result of the investigation. Some people think it was wrong for a foreign country to mess with our elections and give campaign money to American politicians, which is against the law.
Trump was not the target. The Russian/Wiki connection was.. Since Trump does no wrong, you can be sure he is as pure as the driven snow. He will not be connected.
President Donald Trump is not a liar. A liar is someone who occasionally tells mistruths. President Trump is a broken fire hose of lies. He’s a broken slot machine of lies. He’s a lie conveyor belt.

On Monday, the president lied again, this time in tweet-form, claiming that America was “starting to make a turn back” to a time when Bible study was big in public schools.

The Washington Post’s Mark Chancy noted, there was no such time in American history.

But besides that, Trump, who has routinely portrayed himself as a man of God, had to deal with a competing tweet from an actual man of God.

Pastor David Lewicki took to Twitter Tuesday to state that not only was he pastor of New York City’s Marble Collegiate Church for about five years where Trump was on the member rolls, he’d never seen Trump at the church. Not at Bible study, not a service. Never.
trumpettes & right wing wackO hateretts, self-proclaimed christians
Do you think that was an answer? Why do you pretend to be religious and back a guy who craps on religious values? You should be shunning Daffy, not backing him blindly.
no......I have no intention of answering the simple minded amazonerd....I have no need to justify my beliefs to people like you.....I don't even bother to justify myself to people I respect......
no......I have no intention of answering the simple minded amazonerd....I have no need to justify my beliefs to people like you.....I don't even bother to justify myself to people I respect......

Well, since you cannot, that response makes sense. You are displaying rigid hypocrisy that should shame you. You should do some soul searching and think about how far off the religious rails you have gone. how do you reconcile the blind ass belief in Trump who offends every bit of religion you have convinced yourself of and pretend to value?
"do evil that good may come about"..... It's in there, in the trump bible collection, page 357, Corinthians two......:rolleyes:

lol no.....Romans 3......and it actually fits your post better than you thought.....
8 Why not say—as some slanderously claim that we say—“Let us do evil that good may result”? Their condemnation is just!

No One Is Righteous
9 What shall we conclude then? Do we have any advantage? Not at all! For we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin. 10 As it is written:

“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11 there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”
13 “Their throats are open graves;
their tongues practice deceit.”[c]
“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”[d]
14 “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”[e]
15 “Their feet are swift to shed blood;
16 ruin and misery mark their ways,
17 and the way of peace they do not know.”[f]
18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”[g]
Well, since you cannot, that response makes sense. You are displaying rigid hypocrisy that should shame you. You should do some soul searching and think about how far off the religious rails you have gone. how do you reconcile the blind ass belief in Trump who offends every bit of religion you have convinced yourself of and pretend to value? you not understand you lack the right, let alone the capacity to assess what others believe?........please, go back to masturbating to pictures of Hillary........ you not understand you lack the right, let alone the capacity to assess what others believe?........please, go back to masturbating to pictures of Hillary........

Obviously, I do see your hypocrisy. It is overt. You have forfeited the right to mention religion any more. We know that you don't really believe in it, but use it to justify and back your right-wing haters and your positions of hate.