Truck Fump / h1b
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impeach now!
Yeah.OK. That was your most profound post yet. I do feel sorry for you. You cannot answer a question or add anything to a discussion. Just a one-line blurb showing how you think Librul is some kind of bon mot. It isn't.
look.....Nordnerd is pretending he's involved in a discussion!.......this whole thread is an atheist joke......
Run, flee , it is all you have. PP is so sad.
sorry cunt, you lose......
Lose what?Ttry , oh really, really try to make sense sometime. One-liner blurbs and a run back to the bunker.
Anyone feeling the love of Jesus oozing out???
He has openings he cannot fill.
but you have openings you just won't fill, gayhater.
Channeling your inner Trump again?
Bullshit Blob's inane memes waste bandwidth the way his breathing wastes oxygen.
Trump is the first atheist president in modern times.
But he uses religion to his advantage.
The religious are prone to accepting propaganda,
so having faith in Daffy is a small step from a church.
Trump is a religion to the right.
You do not question, no matter what he says or does, You just back him blindly.
Trump is the first atheist president in modern times. That is the only thing I like about him. But he uses religion to his advantage. The religious are prone to accepting propaganda, so having faith in Daffy is a small step from a church. Trump is a religion to the right. You do not question, no matter what he says or does, You just back him blindly.