Trump's Former Pastor: He Never Actually Entered the Church Doors. Not One Time

Obviously, I do see your hypocrisy. It is overt. You have forfeited the right to mention religion any more. We know that you don't really believe in it, but use it to justify and back your right-wing haters and your positions of hate. see nothing except your own lies.....
Donald Trump knows who is buttering up his Butte Buns!

And no one is buttering up Donald Trump's Butte Buns any more than the hypocritical Religious Right that is the heartbeat and financial backing for White Nationalism, Racism, and corruption! see nothing except your own lies.....

I am not religious, but I respect the truth. You claim to be religious but sold all your values to Trump. Maybe he is your god. You tell lies on this board endlessly and verbally attack those who show you the errors of your way. Hypocrisy is all you have. So sad. But what you do not show is a trace of real religion.
Hello Nordberg,

The patrons of the church said they had never seen him in the church he claimed to be a member of. The Christians jumped on board because they have been habituated into believing what the church tells them. Trump is our first atheist president. At least in modern times. But he is also a very selfish man with no ethics, except making money.

There is nothing in the world wrong with being an atheist. Lying as if it were shameful is shameful.
Thinking intelligent people who are able to resist propaganda. That is wihat an atheist can do. You should admire it in others because you could not do it.

you mean those guys who say it is irrational to believe things in the absence of proof and then shout that there is no god?........sure I admire that.....
Mark Chancy from the Washington Post is incorrect. McGuffey readers were religious and used to be used quite extensively in American schools, at least the earlier versions.
What years were McGuffey readers used?

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you mean those guys who say it is irrational to believe things in the absence of proof and then shout that there is no god?........sure I admire that.....

That supposed to mean something? Thousands of years and not a scintilla of evidence for god, any god. Can you not figure out religion is a corporation seeking more converts, more money, and more power. They have no answers. They are dangerous.