Trump’s Policies Have Shaken a Once-Solid Economic Outlook

It is spiraling out of control. I'm sure you are aware the interest on the debt has now exceeded our military spending.

Should we try to stop the debt from increasing? ... or should we continue doing the same thing?

I'm all for running a tight budget. But in the scheme of things - it really doesn't make a mathematical difference in terms of the debt.

The debt will just keep growing, regardless. Like, no matter what.
Did I? They are in a transitional phase. No pun intended.
Now you're going to lie about what you said about ... 12 year olds NOT being children? :palm: Or are you admitting it and justifying it by claiming they are in a transitional phase? Which is it?
Now you're going to lie about what you said about ... 12 year olds NOT being children? :palm: Or are you admitting it and justifying it by claiming they are in a transitional phase? Which is it?
Regardless, how does that justify your 12B, dumbass?
Now you're going to lie about what you said about ... 12 year olds NOT being children? :palm: Or are you admitting it and justifying it by claiming they are in a transitional phase? Which is it?
I recall giving the definition of a child.


plural noun: children
  1. a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.

This son of a bitch has been in near collapse for a long time, long kept together with schemes and will certainly be collapsed now and blamed on MAGA.......they hope to finish our enslavement after that.

BTW: The mission of BRICS is to as best as possible protect as much of the world as possible for the collapse of the American Imperial Empire and its dollar.
I was just the other day listening to two smart guys having a heated argument on the subject is there or is there not any realistic chance that this late in the game America and the West can still be saved.....and what percentage of the population will die in chaos and deprivation if it is not.
Now you're going to lie about what you said about ... 12 year olds NOT being children? :palm: Or are you admitting it and justifying it by claiming they are in a transitional phase? Which is it?
Now to your claim about me and the Democratic Party...
Tobytone got a month vacay for his 12B. He must have had a couple of them for that long.

Notice that Lil' Pup is too fucking stupid to apologize and retract.
Don't you want to cut the dicks off little boys and turn them into sperm receptacles for homosexual men?
