Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Yes he did. He lost the 2020 election and the reason is because he sucks and you suck.

Trump lost more private sector jobs than any President ever.

In fact, Trump lost more private sector jobs than all Presidents combined.
I stand behind everything I say.
So then how come on 1/6 you were here, switching between your socks and shitposting instead of saving the country from this fraud you said occurred?

Some patriot you claim the election was stolen and that it was the greatest theft in history...but all you did about it was switch between your socks and shitpost on an anonymous message board.

Fucking pussy.
I post on anonymous internet sites because here credentials are eliminated from consideration.

You post on anonymous sites because you would never say the things you say here under your real name...or in public.

Because you're a coward, like I keep saying.
Well, you can't read very well. Let's try again:

How do you DIFFER from a conservative loser? At the moment, you can't seem to articulate any specific reason that you are not a conservative and a loser.
How do I differ? I'm not Conservative and I'm not a loser. That's how I differ from you, that's how I'm better than you.

You support candidates who lose.

You support policies that fail.

You lie because the truth is too embarrassing.
I observed it and am relaying my observation.
So you claimed the 2020 election was stolen, but you did nothing about it other than shitpost on JPP.

You can see how folks would doubt your sincerity since your actions do not match your rhetoric.

You're just a bullshitter.
First, Trump didn't invite anyone to violence.
He invited you to DC to "stop the steal", but you didn't join him there because you knew the election wasn't stolen.

That is the sole reason why you were hiding out on JPP on 1/6 instead of "stopping the steal" in DC.

Everyone knows it...everyone knows those stolen election claims are bullshit, which is why you took no real action when the time came.

You stood by on JPP and let the whole thing happen.
Second, yes, I took no action on my observation. I was a coward.

No, you are a coward.

So you "observed" (how?) fraud but were too chickenshit to do anything about it.

Sounds to me like you weren't chickenshit, you just knew everything you were saying and repeating was a lie.