Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

That's new because it's not what you were saying at the time.

You only started saying this AFTER your insurrection failed.

An insurrection you did everything to aid, but curiously you didn't join. The reason is because you knew that you were telling a lie and you didn't want to end up in jail -or worse- by acting on it.

That's why you and every other Conservative on JPP didn't go to 1/ knew Trump was lying. You wanted all the benefits of indulging the lie, but none of the liabilities.

That's what makes you a pussy, and why you'll always be a pussy.
You're not smarter than me.
Yes, I am much smarter. Shall we let you show just how uneducated you are? Yes, we shall.

1. Do you believe in Global Warming?
2. Do you believe in Climate Change?
3. Do you believe in greenhouse effect?

That should do for now.

You refuse to stand behind any of the shit you say here.
I stand behind everything I say.

You hide behind the anonymity JPP provides you in order to be the worst possible version of yourself.
I post on anonymous internet sites because here credentials are eliminated from consideration.
You claimed the 2020 election was stolen.
I observed it and am relaying my observation.

But when the time came for you to actually do something about it, at Trump's invitation no less, you chickened out and hid right here on JPP.
First, Trump didn't invite anyone to violence.
Second, yes, I took no action on my observation. I was a coward.

So that says to me that you didn't really believe what you were saying because ...
... you suck at logic. I believe what I observe.