Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian


A guy like TRUMP , a sell-made billionaire, who made his money as a property developer in Manhattan - the most cut-throat and competitive real estate market in the world is NECESSARILY going to be involved in legal disputes all the time. That's just the way it is in modern-era America if you're a high-stakes businessman. If you want to make money developing/buying and selling real estate in a district like Manhattan it means you're going to have to put a few noses (and big egos) out of joint, and if your competitors or the local Council get upset, the first thing they'll do is file some kind of lawsuit. Ditto "The Apprentice," I'm sure Trump would have had to deal with a lot of lawsuits while he was hosting what became America's number 1 TV show.

When you are a high-profile/"household name" billionaire in America, you are automatically a target for lawsuits . A woman, for instance, might be encouraged to file a bogus legal action against Trump for sexual misconduct and end up with a court awarding her a windfall of tens of millions of dollars (as in the recent, controversial lawsuit where a woman was awarded 80-90 million dollars because she claimed Trump had sexually assaulted her).

Do you get where I'm coming from, ChristieFANNY ??

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!

(highlighting mine)

Oh, I see. You are insane. Okay, we can take that into consideration.
You're not very good at logic. My actions, or lack thereof, show that I am a coward
Yes, you are a coward. This is true.

Your actions do not match your rhetoric, and you know that.

So you run your mouth on JPP, but you're not confident enough in it to actually risk anything meaningful.

You're just a phony and a liar.
Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
Every time I do, you run away because you're a coward.

Like how you're running away from explaining why you did nothing about "the greatest theft in history" other than shitpost under multiple ID's on an anonymous message board.

Those are the actions of a coward and a loser.
Help me out here. How do you differ from a conservative loser?

I'm not a Conservative and I'm not a loser.

You are.

You are a coward who can't defend anything you you run away or you lob impotent bullshit like this to cover for the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about.
but I'm so much smarter than you are, and you are undereducated. What does this say about you?

You're not smarter than me. You're not smarter than anyone. You're one of the biggest dumbasses and cowards on JPP.

You refuse to stand behind any of the shit you say here.

You hide behind the anonymity JPP provides you in order to be the worst possible version of yourself.
What policies of mine have failed?
The tax cut from 2017, the tarrifs, the COVID response, the disastrous deal with the Taliban, want me to keep going?

Trump joins Hoover and Bush the Dumber as the only Presidents to end their term with fewer private sector jobs than when it started.
What is the MAGA dominated GOP. Worship of a person...the disgusting Trump.

Gotta remind sane people of the NAZI domination of German politics of the 1920's and 30's...with the NAZI adherents worshipping Hitler.
The tax cut from 2017, the tarrifs, the COVID response, the disastrous deal with the Taliban, want me to keep going?

Trump joins Hoover and Bush the Dumber as the only Presidents to end their term with fewer private sector jobs than when it started.
I do not support conspiracy theories, I do find it very odd that Trump has silenced his campaign on this issue.
I feel that so far, evidence shows that the Secret Service was remiss in their duties.
You have nothing right in regards to my take on this matter.
Oh, he certainly does, liar.
You DO support conspiracy theories. You are SPEWING THEM EVEN NOW!

I have no desire to silence you. I was requesting that YOU silence you.

It is not the English that confuses me. It is the babble.

You didn't fix it, you made it into a lie. But that figures.

I am talking about the MAGA dominated GOP. If you think there is no such thing...your problem, not mine.

Third base.
Go learn English. He's right. You don't know English.