Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

What is the MAGA dominated GOP. Worship of a person...the disgusting Trump.

Gotta remind sane people of the NAZI domination of German politics of the 1920's and 30's...with the NAZI adherents worshipping Hitler.
That Depoends frankie
A man was killed, have you no shame? This is a serious matter, and you mock the death and injury of people. Deplorable.

As if you Stalinists care about the man killed, who you would call a "magat."

You and your party are spinning as many absurd and laughable lies as you can dream up in hopes of blaming the victim.

Look at how many of your fellow Communists are STILL running around saying "The shooter, Timothy Cook, was a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN."

Well, Timothy Cook might in fact be a registered Republican, but that isn't even the name of the shooter. CNN lied fast to try and spin the narrative. Once you Marxists latch on to lie, you NEVER let go..

Thomas Crooks was NOT a registered Republican. Yet every last Marxist here is still spewing the big lie, as if it will somehow make Trump responsible.
Oh, shut the hell up.
No. You can't silence me.
You just about never make any sense.
Your English comprehension issues are not my fault. Learn English!
And for the record, anyone who disagrees with "the MAGA RINO dominated GOP" is just stupid.
YOU do not get it.
This is not about YOU.
What isn't?
It is about the MAGA dominated GOP.
There is no "MAGA dominated GOP". WTF are you even talking about?
Deep Purple?
A man was killed, have you no shame?
I'll ask you the same question. You support the "never Trumpers" and the TDS-afflicted, being TDS-afflicted yourself. You said nothing when your ilk were trivializing Corey D. Comperatore's death by insinuating that Trump arranged the whole thing. You said nothing while your ilk treated the assassination attempt with jocularity because it was Trump who was shot, after all.

Now I have no shame in mocking you and your ilk in your dishonesty. I will assume that your incorrigible leftism is to blame for your inability to detect facetiousness and sarcasm, but it could be your inability to read that is linked to you undereducation.

I am mocking leftists. I will continue to do so. This does not bring me shame.

This is a serious matter, and you mock the death and injury of people. Deplorable.
... so while we're on the topic of the extrajudicial killing of living humans, why do you support it?

I'm happy to be one of your "deplorables." I reject the idea of killing living humans who have not committed any crime, whereas you ADVOCATE for it. You're so wholesome.

(you didn't catch the sarcasm there, did you?)
I'll ask you the same question. You support the "never Trumpers" and the TDS-afflicted, being TDS-afflicted yourself. You said nothing when your ilk were trivializing Corey D. Comperatore's death by insinuating that Trump arranged the whole thing. You said nothing while your ilk treated the assassination attempt with jocularity because it was Trump who was shot, after all.

Now I have no shame in mocking you and your ilk in your dishonesty. I will assume that your incorrigible leftism is to blame for your inability to detect facetiousness and sarcasm, but it could be your inability to read that is linked to you undereducation.

I am mocking leftists. I will continue to do so. This does not bring me shame.

... so while we're on the topic of the extrajudicial killing of living humans, why do you support it?

I'm happy to be one of your "deplorables." I reject the idea of killing living humans who have not committed any crime, whereas you ADVOCATE for it. You're so wholesome.

(you didn't catch the sarcasm there, did you?)
I do not support conspiracy theories, I do find it very odd that Trump has silenced his campaign on this issue.
I feel that so far, evidence shows that the Secret Service was remiss in their duties.
You have nothing right in regards to my take on this matter.
Oh, shut the hell up. You just about never make any sense.
You're the clueless one.

And for the record, anyone who disagrees with "the MAGA dominated GOP" is just stupid.
For the record, anyone who believes the RNC is "MAGA dominated" is a total idiot.

YOU do not get it. This is not about YOU. It is about the MAGA dominated GOP.
You do not get it. You made it about YOU and how you are one of the stupid people who strangely believes that the RNC is MAGA-dominated.
You don't get to declare what others believe.
Thing is, you people are so disingenuous.

You talk shit all the time, but you never back it up.

Like for instance, you say the 2020 election was stolen, but the most you did about it was shitpost under an anonymous profile on a message board.

Your actions don't match your rhetoric...that's how I come to the conclusion that you're a phony.

Hope this helps clear things up for you.
Because Trump isn't really an RNC Republican, i.e. Trump isn't owned and controlled by the DNC. Trump actually wants to make America great again, not make America great for the DNC in exchange for a few kickbacks.
Donald Trump joins Hoover and Bush the Dumber as the only Presidents to leave office with fewer private sector jobs than when they started.
I do not support conspiracy theories,
So, you are yet another leftist who denies that humans conspire. You are brilliant in that way.

I do find it very odd that Trump has silenced his campaign on this issue.
... but you don't find it odd that you believe this despite Trump never having silenced his campaign on this issue.

I'm not as gullible as you are.

I feel that so far, evidence shows that the Secret Service was remiss in their duties.
Sure. They allowed a sniper to get off a shot. They were clearly remiss.

You have nothing right in regards to my take on this matter.
In other words, I nailed it, especially your advocacy of the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime.

And to think you were pretending to care about humans dying, as your pretense for being judgmental. Too funny.
Thing is, you people are so disingenuous.
So now I'm plural. Awesome!

You talk shit all the time, but you never back it up.
I support everything I affirmatively claim. You do not.

Like for instance, you say the 2020 election was stolen, but the most you did about it was shitpost under an anonymous profile on a message board.
You need to connect a bunch of dots here.

Your actions don't match your rhetoric...that's how I come to the conclusion that you're a phony.
You're not very good at logic. My actions, or lack thereof, show that I am a coward. I'm a totally genuine coward and not a phony.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
Not a problem. I'll keep all you magas updated on his words and actions, just like I do with trump's.

Don't be mean to Don and his MAGA people, ChristieFANNY. Remember, I am a TRUMPER, but - as you know - I still WUV OU XOXOXO. This is because I am able to experience people beyond crude, Party political divisions, and appreciate them for who they are as individual human beings.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
So, you are yet another leftist who denies that humans conspire. You are brilliant in that way.

... but you don't find it odd that you believe this despite Trump never having silenced his campaign on this issue.

I'm not as gullible as you are.

Sure. They allowed a sniper to get off a shot. They were clearly remiss.

In other words, I nailed it, especially your advocacy of the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime.

And to think you were pretending to care about humans dying, as your pretense for being judgmental. Too funny.
Man, you sure do twist people’s words, lol, I quit reading this after your many incorrect statements.