Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Trump lost in 2020 because of you, and he's going to lose this year because of you.
Because of me?
.....barring some disastrous event. Covid was the salvation for Democrats who rioted the summer of 2020 and gave an excuse to leftist jurists to override their states legislatures and re-write their election laws leading to widespread election discrepancies.
You said COVID was a hoax, and COVID killed more Democrats than Republicans at the beginning.

There was no fraud. If there was, you would have done something more about it than shitpost on JPP, right? Like, you consider yourself a patriot, yes?
Democrats lost the House and the Senate and only lead there due to phony iondepednents which caucus with them. Republicans outnumber Democrats in both houses.

The current GOP majority in the House is....2 seats. Not a red wave.

Also, the Democrats gained a Senate seat in 2022, did you forget that?
You said COVID was a hoax, and COVID killed more Democrats than Republicans at the beginning.

Wrong again you brain dead halfwit. I said the RESPONSE to Covid was a Hoax.

There was no fraud. If there was, you would have done something more about it than shitpost on JPP, right? Like, you consider yourself a patriot, yes?

There was a LOT of fraud. The lying about China Town and that Trump was a Xenophobe for shutting down travel to from China.

The claim that the virus did not come from a lab, but from bats in a wet market. That was a hoot.

The masking hoax.

The distancing hoax.

The vaccine hoax claiming that it would prevent the spread, it didn't. The list is long. But mentally challenged dumbfucks on the left like you lack the intelligence to comprehend the OBVIOUS. :palm:
Which specific states

Pennsylvania. Wisconsin. Michigan. Too stupid or lazy to do your own research halfwit? Here's an idea, try thinking for yourself. :palm:

and which specific elections was there a red wave in 2022?

New York. Florida. Do some of your own research dimwit. Democrats so not have the majority in the House or Senate. Of the 100 seats in the Senate, 48 are held by Democrats. Republicans have 49 seats.

Of course, low IQ dimwits like you thought they did have it. :palm:
Bullshit, you don't believe this.
Of course you don't, you're a simple minded moron on steroids. :laugh:

Here is why I doubt the election results. But most importantly, why any election using mail in ballots should be met with skepticism.

I find it very difficult to believe that an incompetent, unaccomplished, senile 79 year old racist could win with 80 million votes, bettering Obama by 15,367,303 votes. A guy who could barely fill a thimble of supporters at rallies and rarely came out of the basement or remember what office he was actually running for.

I find it very difficult to believe that Trump, garnering 74,222,958 votes, which beat a much more popular Obama by 8.307,163 votes and who had massive, enthusiastic crowds at his events, could lose an election by 7,060,140 votes.

I find it difficult to believe that Trump, who bettered his 2016 election WIN by 11,237,852 votes and would still lose.

I find it difficult to believe that a election turnout for Obama was 57.1% and 9.2% lower than this election at 66.3%. That's the highest turnout for a boring candidate in the history of the Republic.

Turnout increased in every state and in 98 percent of the nation’s counties.
The lying about China Town and that Trump was a Xenophobe for shutting down travel to from China.
That's right, because throughout January and February 2020, Trump was praising China, and Xi in particular, for the way they were handling the virus.

How did China handle the virus? Lockdowns. Trump praised lockdowns when China did them.

Also, 300,000 Chinese nationals came into the country in the Spring of 2020, they just came from countries from which travel wasn't banned. So they would fly into Europe and then come to the US from those countries.