Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

Who's currently President?

Remember, you said Trump was going to win in 2020 and he didn't. Then you said there would be a red wave in 2022 and there wasn't.

So why would you be right now when you've never been right before?
His dementia prevents him from remembering back that far.
The 2020 elections weren't legitimate in so many ways.
You don't believe this. This is just bullshit.

If you truly believed the 2020 election was stolen, then you would have done more than just shitpost on JPP on 1/6.

But didn't. You were too scared to go to DC on 1/6, or you didn't want to go because you knew the election wasn't stolen and didn't want to face consequences for believing the stupidest lie ever told by the stupidest person to ever tell it.
You don't believe this. This is just bullshit.

If you truly believed the 2020 election was stolen, then you would have done more than just shitpost on JPP on 1/6.

But didn't. You were too scared to go to DC on 1/6, or you didn't want to go because you knew the election wasn't stolen and didn't want to face consequences for believing the stupidest lie ever told by the stupidest person to ever tell it.
That's the problem; he does believe it. He believes everything he posts.
Many women may think he's a threat to them in his opposition to abortion in ALL circumstances. Of course we'll have to see how long that principled position survives.
he agrees with the constitutional position that this is a complex issue left to the states.

If women think this is a threat, they really think the American Experiment is the threat. He represents one vote on this issue
The beer bottle that injured Trump was broken about 300 meters behind the wannabee shooter who was only firing blanks.
Pretty far fetched conspiracy theory, even for the insane.

Few who say they can hit accurately at 300 meters with a
hi-power rifle actually can. I was a hi-power rifle instructor
Momma's boy. Sad.

The forum coward pukes his shit once again. You are a hideous waste of flesh.

Since I support Trump, why not come and shoot me since you want to make
shooting Trump supporters a national pastime? Come on coward, bring it on.
Few who say they can hit accurately at 300 meters with a
hi-power rifle actually can. I was a hi-power rifle instructor
Sniping someone with a flying shard from a shattering beer bottle at 500 meters is very doable. It's a piece of cake at only 450 meters. I'm a bottle-breaking instructor. It's just a matter of controlling your breathing and having a clean, solid surface on which to shatter the bottle, e.g. your head.

The forum coward pukes his shit once again. You are a hideous waste of flesh.

Since I support Trump, why not come and shoot me since you want to make
shooting Trump supporters a national pastime? Come on coward, bring it on.
When you calm down, son, we can talk. :thup:

Actually, the first link is listed as a footnote to the post, not as something the poster actually read since it appears that the post was lifted straight from Wikipedia.
It was still a link to the Project 2025 website, Terry. Why are you so afraid of admitting error or apologizing to Christie for being a jackass?
The 2025 Presidential Transition Project[3], also known as Project 2025, is an initiative organized by the Heritage Foundation with the aim of promoting a collection of conservative and right-wing policy proposals to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power should Donald Trump win the 2024 presidential election.[4][5]



So, you are citing other people's opinions on what Project 2025 is without reading it for yourself. Got it.