Trump's whole strategy: scare white people

Bill Maher's Guest Said Something So Stupid That Even He Thinks She's Crazy“Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court.”Fran Lebowitz said this after declaring that the Supreme Court “shouldn’t even be allowed to be called the Supreme Court.”Bill Maher found this comment so crazy that he replied, "Come on."But Fran responded that Biden's "the king" and can do whatever he wants.Sorry, Fran. That's not how it works.


There is a pretty good argument that technology made life so easy that we drove ourselves insane and are burning civilization to the ground out of dont give a fuck boredom.

The Greeks warned us that too easy a life is a lot worse for humans than is too hard a life.

Right Again!

Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it!Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years. The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means if the “Democratic” Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!! Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying “asylum seekers”, who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election. America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only “elections” will be the Democratic Party primaries. This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty.The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America. Once the whole country is controlled by one party, there will be no escape. Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco.
He has honed in on immigrants like a classic demagogue: vermin, poisoning our blood, stone cold killers.

It's repugnant, but of course, effective. And it really reinforces how "MAGA" really means going back to a time when those different colors & ethnicities didn't spoil everything for the rest of us.

He's a hateful man. Shame on anyone who buys into this divisive, obvious demagoguery.
shame on anyone who buys in to the obvious and divisive false racist rhetoric that the left has utilized for decades
He has honed in on immigrants like a classic demagogue: vermin, poisoning our blood, stone cold killers.

It's repugnant, but of course, effective. And it really reinforces how "MAGA" really means going back to a time when those different colors & ethnicities didn't spoil everything for the rest of us.

He's a hateful man. Shame on anyone who buys into this divisive, obvious demagoguery.
You MUST be joking right? When it comes to racial division and hate NOBODY has divided this country like the left. It began very slowly back in the early to mid 80's. They were smart enuff to begin slowly lest it be squashed before it even got off the ground. Little by little PROGESSIVELY thru the years until we ended up right here where we are now. " nation against nation". YOU the left DID THIS and you did it as a way to win elections. I honestly cant think of anything more lowly or despicable.
They learned this tactic at the universities in the mid to late 60's then went about the work of getting themselves elected and into politics. By the late 80's they finally had some numbers and lower level clout in the political world. Their power grew until here we are today with the decrepit old Nancy Pelosi's of the world in power at the head of the progressive machine. The old Heads of the left wing learned from the Alinsky's of the world who learned from the writings of Marx , Lenin and Trotsky who themselves learned from the original old divider and rebeller himself,...Satan.
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He has honed in on immigrants like a classic demagogue: vermin, poisoning our blood, stone cold killers.

It's repugnant, but of course, effective. And it really reinforces how "MAGA" really means going back to a time when those different colors & ethnicities didn't spoil everything for the rest of us.

He's a hateful man. Shame on anyone who buys into this divisive, obvious demagoguery.
you apparently watch too much MSDNC

latest information shows that 25% of black men are voting trump
I've never watched MSDNC. I've rarely watched MSNBC either. CNN, FNC and local news are my primary sources of broadcast/streaming news sources. What are yours? OAN? Stormfront? RT?

From a white supremacist constantly bitching about blacks and women, I'm surprised you give a shit about the "black men" vote. Why the change?

Majority of Black swing-state voters back Harris, as Trump makes inroads with Black men: poll​

Among Black voters, Trump polled best with young men but still loses handily with 16% to Harris' 75%​

The Howard University poll shows an overwhelming majority of Black voters in the seven swing states support Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Trump.

A whopping 82% of respondents told pollsters that they supported Harris compared to just 12% that backed Trump....

...Approximately 89% of Black voters over 50 years old backed Harris, while only 8% backed Trump and 4% backed an alternative candidate....

...This age difference was most obvious among men — men under 50 broke 72% to 21% in favor of Harris, contrasted against 88% to 10% among men over 50.
He has honed in on immigrants like a classic demagogue: vermin, poisoning our blood, stone cold killers.

It's repugnant, but of course, effective. And it really reinforces how "MAGA" really means going back to a time when those different colors & ethnicities didn't spoil everything for the rest of us.

He's a hateful man. Shame on anyone who buys into this divisive, obvious demagoguery.
replacement theory is real, but it's not racial.

the PTB want new Americans who are poorer, more desperate, and unwaware of constitutional freedoms.
