Trump's whole strategy: scare white people

He has honed in on immigrants like a classic demagogue: vermin, poisoning our blood, stone cold killers.

It's repugnant, but of course, effective. And it really reinforces how "MAGA" really means going back to a time when those different colors & ethnicities didn't spoil everything for the rest of us.

He's a hateful man. Shame on anyone who buys into this divisive, obvious demagoguery.
Trump’s schtick is cleverly designed to play to that segment of society that is confused, scared, and frustrated because America doesn’t look like the America they would like to think it was back in the day. To them, he is the deliverer of their grievance populism

He is not the first, Bryan, Long, McCarthy are but a few vivid examples, but Trump has been the most successful with the accompaniment of a willing media looking to capitalize on his success
derp derp

having a gun does not make me safe, it is simply a realization that my life is mine to defend and nobody else is obligated to do so
Safe from what?

Just having a gun in your house greatly increases the chances of you or someone else in your home being a victim of gun violence
should police not carry weapons?
Wait a minute, now we are going from you feeling you have to have a gun to “defend” yourself to police carrying weapons?

And don’t try to tell us you encounter daily the type of people the law enforcement sees on a daily basis, especially cause the probability is you live in a gated community

You have just confirmed the topic thread’s point, you believe Trump’s schtick and you are scared
Trump’s schtick is cleverly designed to play to that segment of society that is confused, scared, and frustrated because America doesn’t look like the America they would like to think it was back in the day. To them, he is the deliverer of their grievance populism

He is not the first, Bryan, Long, McCarthy are but a few vivid examples, but Trump has been the most successful with the accompaniment of a willing media looking to capitalize on his success

its about globalist policies being fuckjobs for all citizens..

Why should white people be the only people to be embarrassed by their heritage? I don't see floppy naken black titties everywhere i go, do i?


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Oh, OK, if you want to get semantical, “defend” from who?

Kamala Harris has no problem with America's open Southern Border. Right ? She's happy to allow any UNVETTED, foreign immigrants from anywhere in the world to enter America in any quantity, and then put them on a super-fast track to citizenship. Right ?

For the sake of argument, let's suppose that a President Kamala allows countless 1000s of native West African residents from the Democratic Republic of Congo ( the DRC) a violent "Failed State" that has been embroiled in a blood-drenched, barbaric civil war for the past 30 years to date; to move into (and overwhelm) your nice, civilised Western neighbourhood /town in America. I should mention that the average IQ of the DRC is 64, and that atrocities like slaughtering their fellow human beings to cook and cannibalise organs and limbs from their corpses is commonplace today in 2024. Moreover, since 1610, Western European explorers and colonists have recorded their experiences of witnessing the practice cannibalism amongst the natives of West-Central Africa (Joseph Conrad refers to it being practiced in the Congo in a matter-of fact manner in his classic novel "Heat of Darkness" that was published in 1899).

Anyway, if I were you , Anchovies, a bitchy, sookie; whiney; little, American "liberal" I think I would definitely be very "scared" if where I lived in the US was suddenly flooded with hairy-assed, ultra-violent West African savages ( iINCLUDING cannibal tribesmen) from the DRC. I mean, just think of it Anchovies, one minute you might be walking home at night from your local MacDonald's restaurant, the next minute you could be abducted by a Congolese cannibal who Kamala had granted TRS (Temporary Protected Status) and end up as a "Quarter Pounder" yourself !! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Later, Anchovies, later....

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
He has honed in on immigrants like a classic demagogue: vermin, poisoning our blood, stone cold killers.

It's repugnant, but of course, effective. And it really reinforces how "MAGA" really means going back to a time when those different colors & ethnicities didn't spoil everything for the rest of us.

He's a hateful man. Shame on anyone who buys into this divisive, obvious demagoguery.
You are a blatant fool. You call the prophet a racist and a hater. This has happened many times through history. Fools such as yourself will welcome the destruction of their nation.
And don’t try to tell us you encounter daily the type of people the law enforcement sees on a daily basis, especially cause the probability is you live in a gated community

Where did you go Derp Stick?

Quick question - how many encounters do cops need to have for you to not come for their guns too?

I'm just trying to understand what you gun grabbers are thinking.