Trumpster gets 5 Years for Insurrection

Yes, Judge Tanya S. Chukan, an Obama appointee--why is that important? Because Obama appointed judges have rate of being overturned far above other judges and often rule politically rather than on the law--is turning the cases that come before her into little more than Stalinist show trails (sic).

There wasn't any trial.

The Trump insurrectionist plead guilty and copped a plea deal because he knew prosecutors had overwhelming evidence to put him away for 20 years.
Ironically, the 'defund' crowd is safely seated in their districts. And that has been thoroughly debunked anyway by the majority of the party.

I'd worry more about the voter denial laws being passed, coupled with the racist gerrymandering.

More compounding of the problem.
Wrong. A rioter got 5 years for assaulting a police officer. He was not charged with, nor got convicted of, "insurrection" no matter how hard you wish for it.

I do not need a court to make a legal finding that Bill Clinton cheated on his wife.

This Trumpist did not riot because his team won the super bowl, or because he was on a drunken bender.

He rioted against the government with the goal of overturning a legal democratic election.
"smash and grab?" what the fuck does that mean

It's in the news; gangs of criminals flash mob a store, "smash and grab" then take their loot to a rendezvous point to be resold. San Francisco has a major problem with it and there are copy cats in other cities.

Thank Al Gore for inventing the Internet! :thup: :laugh:
It's in the news; gangs of criminals flash mob a store, "smash and grab" then take their loot to a rendezvous point to be resold. San Francisco has a major problem with it and there are copy cats in other cities.

Thank Al Gore for inventing the Internet! :thup: :laugh:

So you are saying this is the latest thing in flash mobs?

flash mob
[ˈflaSH ˌmäb]
a large public gathering at which people perform an unusual or seemingly random act and then disperse, typically organized by means of the internet or social media.
So you are saying this is the latest thing in flash mobs?

Criminal flash mob.

Both of us know that human beings are very bright when it comes to weaponizing anything**. In this case, it's weaponizing a flash mob, using Internet tools, to conduct a criminal raid on a store.

**Yes, including a banana in the tailpipe.

It's in the news; gangs of criminals flash mob a store, "smash and grab" then take their loot to a rendezvous point to be resold. San Francisco has a major problem with it and there are copy cats in other cities.

Thank Al Gore for inventing the Internet! :thup: :laugh:

Gore did not say that, however, he was in the front of passing legislation to propel it into the future.
Smash and grab is not a political act.
Gore did not say that, however, he was in the front of passing legislation to propel it into the future.
Smash and grab is not a political act.

He certainly inferred it and agreed about political act. Since when did you start believing I was stupid enough to fall for the Trumpian bullshit? ;)
Hello PomoProfit,

If the Trumpsters win both Houses next November, is it okay with you if BLM and Antifa occupy Congress from time to time to prevent any business being done that they happen to disagree with? Very little can be done to stop them, right?
Hello Tranqued Cunt,
depends....can the capital police put a bullet in their heads and get away with it?......