Trumptard Excuse thread

I hope that you are not mad at me because we dont agree on certain things....not agreeing is almost never a problem for me, though I draw the line at abuse....I have no use for abusers.

Nope. I have disagreed with many here that I agree with on most issues.
Nope. I have disagreed with many here that I agree with on most issues.

I have a big problem in that since the only tribe I belong to is the Truth Tellers it never takes long for anyone to find some reason to hate me if they decide they must.....It never takes me long to say something out of many cant/wont make room for others anymore...They have been generally well trained in the arts of taking offense and boy do they like doing it..civilization has collapsed this much already.
I have a big problem in that since the only tribe I belong to is the Truth Tellers it never takes long for anyone to find some reason to hate me if they decide they must.....It never takes me long to say something out of many cant/wont make room for others anymore...They have been generally well trained in the arts of taking offense and boy do they like doing it..civilization has collapsed this much already.

I don't belong to any "tribes," just the NRA, my gun club and a few fire companies.
This is the only political site I post on, although I did post on Debate Politics a few
times over the last 3 years. I also frequent a few automobile sites, but rarely post.
Here is another tRump "gem" from the past:

"The Electoral College is a disaster for a democracy, tRump tweeted*on election night 2012"
Can you articulate Trump's vision for his second term? If you can, you are way ahead of Trump. When asked that question, he just babbled. I'm not sure what your definition of losing is. I thought if you were ahead in every poll, you were winning. But maybe you can explain to me why that's wrong. LOL at you.

continue anti globalism, continue china pushback. continue bring troops home.
And the tRump quote that best describes his trumpanzees: "I like the poorly educated".

Gee, I wonder why?.........)
mail in voting is obviously more prone to fraud.

Ok, show your work. Several states have had it a long time and have almost no fraud. It obviously is not more prone to fraud. It is not like voter repression, striking likely leftys off the voter rolls and so many other Repub election cheats.
A 400 Lb. Man In Parents Basement Hacking state voter machines

It's time to get a head start on excuses for Trumps blowout loss. I'll seed this to get you started:

Demonrats voted seven times each.
Hillary did it.
Comey, Brennan, Clapper and Obama
The election oversampled Democrats
Fake News

Feel free use this thread to make up excuses for the other stupid shit Trump does too. For example:

'He was never briefed on X'
'He didn't know that was a concentration camp symbol'
'He was kidding'

Just post the stupid thing he did and your list of excuses. Should be fun.

What blow out loss? Last time I looked there could be 300,000,000 screaming leftists voting for Maxism in states like California, NY Org. Washington, Ill, Minn...etc, but its the Electoral College that still elects our POTUS (according to SCOTUS.....just yesterday). (As per usual.....this bad news for the mocking bird marxist media has been deleted.....I wonder why?)

Go ahead MAIL all the false ballots you will in in California, NY....etc., nothing will change.....especially sense Mr. Trump triggered the idiots to attack the 4th of July as being racist. The silent majority is silent no longer. :bigthink:

Have you ever looked at REAL SCINCE in projecting the next Presidential Winner.....not fake polls that sample democrats at a 3-1 ratio, but real science based upon a mathematical algorithm used by Helmut Norpoth? Trump 91%+ chance at being re-elected. Helmut Norpoth has only been correct 97% of the time...........

This is why Mr. Trump is a 91% candidate. Documented Facts beats the hell out of undocumented BS propaganda..........EVERY TIME. Truth and FACTS can be reproduced......lies cannot.
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What blow out loss? Last time I looked there could be 300,000,000 screaming leftists voting for Maxism in states like California, NY Org. Washington, Ill, Minn...etc, but its the Electoral College that still elects our POTUS (according to SCOTUS.....just yesterday). Again, what BLOW OUT other than Mr. Trump's electoral college blowout 306-232

Go ahead MAIL all the false ballots you will in in California, NY....etc., nothing will change.....especially sense Mr. Trump triggered the idiots to attack the 4th of July as being racist. The silent majority is silent no longer. :bigthink:

Have you ever looked at REAL SCINCE in projecting the next Presidential Winner.....not fake polls that sample democrat at a 3-1 ratio, but real science based upon a mathematical algorithm used by Helmut Norpoth. Trump 95%+ chance at being re-elected.

The one in November. if you can find me a poll that samples Democrats at a 3-1 ratio, i'll leave this site. Get to work, little fella.
the complete disbelief of a party who railed about being 'ruled' by old white men demanding to elect an old white man accused of racism and rapism as the last great hope for America............................just, wow
The one in November. if you can find me a poll that samples Democrats at a 3-1 ratio, i'll leave this site. Get to work, little fella.

Helmut Norpoth scare you off? :laugh: Or was it OUR constitution? 2016 not give you a learning curve? You repeat the same Marxist propaganda and expect the people have dumbed down that much?

As I said, go to REAL SCIENCE such as Helmut Norpoth.......why? As Mark Twain said, "figures don't lie but LIARS sure as hell figure........" None of these polls have been correct since the advent of the cell phone and the disconnection of land lines....the pollsters do not who they are talking to or where they polling...........and you can take any information you obtain on the web....with a grain of salt...people such as you are so honest. :bigthink:
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Helmut Norpoth scare you off? :laugh: Or was it OUR constitution? 2016 not give you a learning curve? You repeat the same Marxist propaganda and expect the people have dumbed down that much?

As I said, go to REAL SCIENCE such as Helmut Norpoth.......why? As Mark Twain said, "figures don't lie but LIARS sure as hell figure........" None of these polls have been correct since the advent of the cell phone and the disconnection of land lines....the pollsters do not who they are talking to or where they polling...........and you can take any information you obtain on the web....with a grain of salt...people such as you are so honest. :bigthink:

Nope. I couldn't care about his methodology. Anyone who claims 95% certainty is selling snake oil. Math and stuff. And the pollsters know exactly who they are talking to BECAUSE THEY ASK. You appear to know absolutely nothing about polling except what your cult leader tells you. Any luck with that 3-1 ratio? ROTFLMFAO!!! How stupid.
Nope. I couldn't care about his methodology. Anyone who claims 95% certainty is selling snake oil. Math and stuff. And the pollsters know exactly who they are talking to BECAUSE THEY ASK. You appear to know absolutely nothing about polling except what your cult leader tells you. Any luck with that 3-1 ratio? ROTFLMFAO!!! How stupid.

Its obvious you could CARE LESS, that's the MO of all Narcissitic Psychopaths. Facts, Truth, Logic, Reason...mean nothing to such individuals. You are incapable of saying "SHIT" in any type of logical or truthful fashion if you had a mouth full. espouse pure ad hominem BS propaganda concerning the re-election chances of the POTUS.....then when confronted with the science demonstrated in the laws of mathematical probability you project it as SNAKEOIL? You are the quint essential example of our ignorant and emotional friends with no cognitive connection to reason or logic in your brain ..... MARXIST supporters, potato heads by majority, as there is not one historical example of any successful nation that implements MARXIST SOCIALISM. And no....the Scandinavian nations are not socialist nations all those nations are based upon a free market economy...i.e., CAPITALISM.

Reality: SOCK PUPPET: you project your failures, its called psychological projection, its a common trait of all narcissistic psychopaths. Looks like Rush was correct: LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISEASE.

Narcissism: excessive interest or admiration of one's self. Psychopath: a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder, often seeking accolade while granting none....i.e., self interest with no cognition toward any type of conscience.

The perfect example: Barry Soetoro:bigthink: No worries mate: Barr/Durham have the cure for all supporters of child molestation....and all other perverted sexual deviants. If you support THE LEFTIST modern embrace it ALL.

Lets see come NOVEMBER 3rd....."IF" the American citizen wants to live in a leftist world as exampled over the past 3 months, riots, murders, thefts, rapes, book burnings, defunding the civil police forces, declaring the 4th of July as being a symbolism of bigotry and racism. (Question? What other nation on earth has accomplished more in relation to civil liberties and freedom for all peoples regardless of race, creed or religion?)......or do THE PEOPLE want the rule of law re-established where the people can walk down their streets in FREEDOM with no concerns of personal immediate harm?

I choose door number 2. Nationalism beats the hell out of MARXISM.
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