Here, you are ripping a page straight out of AProudLefty's playbook. "Ummmm, I never SAAAAAAID [those precise words] ... DERRR!!!!" Yet, the positions that you are taking fully rely upon the assumed truth of that premise. You even do it again in the very next assertion that you make.
^^ Here, the Marxist "We" rears its ugly head again. Poor Richard Saunders has to pretend that he is speaking for a large group of unnamed people instead of just speaking for himself.
Here, you are assuming that Earth's temperature has been accurately measured ("multiple measurements" making up a valid data set that "an average of the temperature" can be calculated from). So, this brings us back to my question: How was Earth's temperature accurately measured? Accurate measurements of Earth's temperature are required in order to form a valid data set of Earth's temperature, and the existence of that valid data set is required in order to calculate an average temperature value from it.
^^ Here, the Marxist "We" rears its ugly head again. Poor Richard Saunders has to pretend that he is speaking for a large group of unnamed people instead of just speaking for himself.
Here, you are assuming that you know what Earth's emissivity is. You don't know what Earth's emissivity is. You also don't know what light is being emitted from Earth vs from other bodies such as the moon and the stars.
Here, you aren't making any sense. Idk what you mean by "one earth's temperature". There IS a temperature for Earth at any given point in time, though.
^^ Here, the Marxist "We" rears its ugly head again. Poor Richard Saunders has to pretend that he is speaking for a large group of unnamed people instead of just speaking for himself.
Here, you have made a statement so stupid that it will probably win a 'thooper thmart perthun award' of some sort at the end of this month. How are you visibly seeing that Earth has warmed by a fraction of a fraction of a degree Celsius over the last decade (as is commonly claimed by the Global Warming faith)?
I also didn't know that you could somehow calculate an average without the existence of a valid data set. Please show me how you are calculating Earth's average temperature (for any time period of your choosing) without the existence of any valid data set for Earth's temperature.
I also just want to note how funny it is that you are making reference to something you call "the averages" as if it is some sort of holy entity.
^^ Here, the Marxist "We" rears its ugly head again. Poor Richard Saunders has to pretend that he is speaking for a large group of unnamed people instead of just speaking for himself.
Here, you are claiming that you can somehow visibly see the northern hemisphere's temperature increasing by a fraction of a fraction of a degree Celsius over the last decade (as is commonly claimed by the Global Warming faith).
^^ Here, the Marxist "We" rears its ugly head again. Poor Richard Saunders has to pretend that he is speaking for a large group of unnamed people instead of just speaking for himself.
Here, you are attempting to make a stupid point using poor grammar. The surface area of ice at a specific defined boundary being more or less at any given time doesn't mean that Earth's temperature (or a hemisphere's temperature) has increased or decreased. This gets into IBDaMann's brilliant synopsis of the Global Warming religion and how it is essentially just one great big giant "lie of omission". In this instance, you are honing in on some warming while omitting cooling.
Here, you are blaming other people for your own issues. You can't fix your own issues by blaming other people for them.
For a simplistic answer, assuming that by "average" you are referring to a calculated mean value (the most common type of average), and that you are utilizing a data set consisting of 10,000 total temperature readings (1 temperature reading per 1 thermometer location), all of them simultaneously taken by the same observer, then you would sum up the values of each temperature reading and then divide that sum by 10,000 (the total number of readings). That would yield a mean temperature value (the average) for all 10,000 specific thermometer locations at a specific moment in time.
You cannot, however, turn around and claim that the average reading of those 10,000 thermometer locations is somehow "Earth's temperature" at the specific moment in time. That gets into a whole host of other issues (including but not limited to: declaring a margin of error value at the outset, removing all known biases (such as location and time), using only raw data, declaring and justifying a variance value, and calculating a margin of error value).
Let's see if you understand the answer to your first question before moving onto this question.