U.S. "Arctic Outbreak" this week signals the End of Global Warming

That is not measuring the temperature of the Earth. Try again. How would you measure the temperature of the Earth?

Math errors: No published unbiased raw data. Failure to select by randN. Failure to normalize by paired randR. Failure to declare and justify variance. Failure to calculate margin of error. Attempt to use random numbers to speculate.

You are not discussing science or mathematics.
Why do I have to measure the temperature of the earth?
If I start to heat water in a 55 gallon drum and take readings 1" off the bottom, 16" off the bottom and 1" from the top, the 3 readings will be different. If the readings are never the same would it be impossible for me to tell if the water is getting hotter?
You are a complete moron because by your argument, I would never be able to tell if the water is heating because I can never accurately measure the temperature of the water.
Where did I make that claim that the temperature of the earth has been accurately measured?
We can find an average of the temperature using multiple measurements.
Math errors: Failure to declare boundary. Failure to provide unbiased raw data. Failure to select by randN. Failure to normalize by paired randR. Failure to declare and justify variance. Failure to calculate margin of error.
We can estimate the temperature based on Stefan Bolzmann
The Stefan-Boltzmann law does not calculate temperature. You are AGAIN denying and discarding the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
and the energy entering the earth and leaving the earth.
The emissivity of Earth is unknown. It cannot be measured.
There is no one earth's temperature.
There is, but it is unknown.
That is your strawman that you want to beat up on.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself.
We don't even have to know the temperature of the earth to know if it is warming or cooling.
Base rate fallacy.
If the averages are warming then the earth is warming.
Math errors: same as above.
But we don't even have to rely on thermometers to tell the northern hemisphere is warming.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the northern hemisphere.
We can just look at 600 years of ice out records on northern lakes to see that either warming is occurring or the temperature at which ice formed on lakes melts is changing.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of an entire lake.
I don't have an issue with science.
Yes you do. You ignore the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
That is your problem.
You can't blame your problem on me or anybody else!
You seem to think that if you make declarative nonsense statements than it negates science.
You are describing yourself again.
You and Into the Night are nothing but idiots screaming into the wind.
Theories of science are not "screaming into the wind".
If you have temperature readings from 10,000 different places, how do you find their average?
Math errors: same as above.
If you take those readings twice a day for 150 years, how do you find out if there is a change in the average over time?
Math errors: same as above.
Why do I have to measure the temperature of the earth?
You can't.
If I start to heat water in a 55 gallon drum and take readings 1" off the bottom, 16" off the bottom and 1" from the top, the 3 readings will be different. If the readings are never the same would it be impossible for me to tell if the water is getting hotter?
Earth is not a 55 gallon drum.
You are a complete moron because by your argument, I would never be able to tell if the water is heating because I can never accurately measure the temperature of the water.
You can. You can't measure the temperature of the Earth.
I remember when commenting or joking about the weather to friends or strangers was just a human nicety, just being friendly.

But now you can't even do that without some Nazi white lib Karen or pajama boy going into a full on red faced rage.
Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all.

It is not measurement.
It is not speculation.
It's so nice to know that you think science was able to confirm the speed of light by never measuring it.
It's so nice to know that you think science was able to confirm gravitational forces by never measuring them.
It's so nice to know that you are an idiot.
You can't.

Earth is not a 55 gallon drum.

You can. You can't measure the temperature of the Earth.
I can measure the 55 gallon drum's temperature? You just told us that it was impossible to measure since according to you science takes no measurements.

Thanks for showing us you can't even keep your idiotic arguments consistent.
The hottest year on record globally was 2024.
Trying to explain climate change to MAGAts is like trying to teach a pig to sing.

Best to just let them wallow in their own shit while planning a BBQ for the Fourth of July. :thup:

Oh jeez, more brain-dead misunderstanding of climate change.
You're too late. Your religion has been debunked. You climate lemmings never even learned the difference between climate and weather. You were all taught that profound faith in physics violations was sufficient for you to achieve thientific greatneth. Your faith has been rug-pulled and you've been left holding the bag of worthless, invisible tokens.

Keep praying to the Climate goddess if you must, but your theism is dead.

Simple minds like yours are the reason they quit using the old term of global warming.
Those living under a rock, such as yourself, never got the memo that Global Warming is still a required doctrine, the miracle forcing resulting from greenhouse effect. You aren't allowed to discard it. OBEY!
Bunch of speculation based on fossils.
Nope. It's worse than that. It's a bunch of wild speculation based on religious interpretations of omens and oracles.

We're panicked about a couple of degrees
... and there's no rational basis for believing that there is any sort of average global equilibrium temperature change whatsoever.

and the entire motherfucker was an ice ball not long ago.
Nope. There's no reason to believe the past was any different from the present, except for where the Arctic was located and where the Antarctic was located, etc..

You people are whacked.
That they are.
I can measure the 55 gallon drum's temperature? You just told us that it was impossible to measure since according to you science takes no measurements.

Thanks for showing us you can't even keep your idiotic arguments consistent.
Measuring the temperature of a 55 gallon drum's contents is not science.
Measuring a cup of milk is not science.
Measuring a gram of a chemical is not science.
Measuring how fast you are driving is not science.
Translation: you want me to just take your word for it, and you cannot find any peer reviewed scientific literature supporting your claims that these talking points debunk the scientific consensus on climate change
You accused me of plagiarism. Now you are deflecting.