U.S. weapons reaching Syrian rebels

which rebels have they armed?

do you claim they ONLY armed AQ people?


you see guys you want the rebels who are NOT in line with AQ to have better arms huh
did you guys forget whos watch OBL died under?

I hate to break this to you .. Bin Laden was not behind 9/11 and was never charged for it by the FBI or anyone else.

Even Dick Cheney says that there was never any proof of Bin Laden being involved.
good point that may be what the answer is IF he truly wins this one in the end.

I say his people will take him out.

They look at the world around them and see all the countries turning over and they see its possible.

people don't like it when you gas babies.
good point that may be what the answer is IF he truly wins this one in the end.

I say his people will take him out.

They look at the world around them and see all the countries turning over and they see its possible.

people don't like it when you gas babies.

The VAST majority of the Syrian people support Assad. I know you didn't know that.

Why would they support him if he gassed babies?

They support Assad and hate Obama's AL QAEDA posse.