U.S. weapons reaching Syrian rebels

BAC, gotta go along with Evince on this - a picture of a bunch of people at an Assad rally says nothing about whether he is actually supported by his people or not. People under dictators often feel like they have to show up at the rallies. I also didn't notice any date/time stamps on those photos, so no idea when they were taken. Or if it was actually Syria, come to think of it...

Rebels, by their very nature, can't hold big rallies - because the regime would just love a big rally to target.

As evince commented -

Neutral polling of the feelings of the Syrian people by reputable news sources would be real data.

Those aren't pictures of a bunch of people, they are pictures of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE supporting Assad.

ALL as in EVERY poll that has been taken of the sentiment of the Syrian people has ALL, as in EVERY instance demonstrated excatly what the pictures demonstrate.

Here's another ..

Obama's lie about Libya is exposed 15 seconds into the video.

How is it that we can so easily ignore the will of the people of the nation we're pretending to save?

How is it that we end up supporting TERRORISTS against their own people?

How is it that we knew how the MIC works when Bush was in office, now we've suddenly forgotten.

Iraq was targeted, Libya was targeted, Syria was targeted, Iran is targeted.

NO! This war will not be over and settled in Assad's favour! Even with the US losing the propaganda initiative, it will continue to hold on to the will to see Assad defeated.

I disagree.

I know its hard to believe that the US can't do whatever it wants whenever it wants .. but Obama wanted to be at war with Syria right now .. not happening.

Unless we put boots on the ground, how will the US win? Bomb the entire nation to death? I don't think so.

THE hardest thing for Americans to wake up to are the limits of military power ..

.. as the Chinese laugh.
Syrian rebel leadership rejects Russian arms initiative
Western-backed Syrian rebel leadership council has rejected a Russian proposal to place Syria’s chemical weapons under international control, the group said in a video statement.

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council met in New York on Wednesday to discuss the plan, which would aim to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles and avert a U.S. military strike.

We announce our definitive rejection of the Russian initiative to place chemical weapons under international custody,” Salim Idriss, head of the rebel Supreme Military Council, said in a video posted online late on Wednesday.

Flanked by four rebel leaders, Idriss said al-Assad must be held accountable after Syria admitted for the first time to possessing chemical weapons – something it says it needed to counter Israel’s assumed nuclear arsenal.

“We ask that the international community not be content with withdrawing chemical weapons, which are a criminal instrument, but to hold the perpetrator accountable and prosecute him at the International Criminal Court,” Idriss said.

“Removing the criminal tools is one matter and holding the criminal accountable is another,” he said, calling on “friendly” countries to provide more weapons and ammunition to the rebels

Screw the FSA, Gen'l Idriss, and the Sunni jihadist that they "allow to fight besides us".

Screw "more weapons and ammunition."

Forget their "rejections" - we are not their lap dogs.

recalibrate this entire mess - to one of neutrality
I disagree.

I know its hard to believe that the US can't do whatever it wants whenever it wants .. but Obama wanted to be at war with Syria right now .. not happening.

Unless we put boots on the ground, how will the US win? Bomb the entire nation to death? I don't think so.

THE hardest thing for Americans to wake up to are the limits of military power ..

.. as the Chinese laugh.

and annoying Canadians. :rolleyes:
Actually, no the report says is that Assad did not order or approve it. It does not say that forces under Assad's command did not use them. In fact, it suggests the opposite. I mean, how in the hell could Assad order or approve a chemical weapons attack carried out by the opposition forces? Use your head, BAC.

And You conveniently dodge the question about why Assad's field commanders have repeatedly requested to use chemical weapons if, as you claim, there was no need for Assad's forces to use them.
My guess is Maher al_Assad ordered them used - this was very near Damascus.
It's possible a field commander just panicked, but i would think it would take a little higher up authority to use.

Anyways....in the scheme of 100k+ killed -( including children by bullets/shelling) why do we need to make this a "red line"?

Work to defuse this with Russia, forget supporting the Sunnis/Shiites, and for once try to fins a protocol that doesn't include US firepower.
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I disagree.

I know its hard to believe that the US can't do whatever it wants whenever it wants .. but Obama wanted to be at war with Syria right now .. not happening.

Unless we put boots on the ground, how will the US win? Bomb the entire nation to death? I don't think so.

THE hardest thing for Americans to wake up to are the limits of military power ..

.. as the Chinese laugh.
there is no "winning"; winning means the fall of Assad ("Asssad must go" -Obama/Clinton), and the last thing we need is a fractured Syria, or one taken over by the radical jihadist.

we were told by Kerry -"they aren't that much of a fighting force -maybe 20%" -but they ARE. Religious fanaticism trumps anything on the battlefield.

Stay out of it - no matter what happens.
Neutral polling of the feelings of the Syrian people by reputable news sources would be real data.

I hope this helps sister.

Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media
Assad's popularity, Arab League observers, US military involvement: all distorted in the west's propaganda war

Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most Syrians are in favour of Bashar al-Assad remaining as president, would that not be major news? Especially as the finding would go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis, and the media considers the unexpected more newsworthy than the obvious.

Alas, not in every case. When coverage of an unfolding drama ceases to be fair and turns into a propaganda weapon, inconvenient facts get suppressed. So it is with the results of a recent YouGov Siraj poll on Syria commissioned by The Doha Debates, funded by the Qatar Foundation. Qatar's royal family has taken one of the most hawkish lines against Assad – the emir has just called for Arab troops to intervene – so it was good that The Doha Debates published the poll on its website. The pity is that it was ignored by almost all media outlets in every western country whose government has called for Assad to go

The key finding was that while most Arabs outside Syria feel the president should resign, attitudes in the country are different. Some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, motivated by fear of civil war – a spectre that is not theoretical as it is for those who live outside Syria's borders. What is less good news for the Assad regime is that the poll also found that half the Syrians who accept him staying in power believe he must usher in free elections in the near future. Assad claims he is about to do that, a point he has repeated in his latest speeches. But it is vital that he publishes the election law as soon as possible, permits political parties and makes a commitment to allow independent monitors to watch the poll.


As for foreign military intervention, it has already started. It is not following the Libyan pattern since Russia and China are furious at the west's deception in the security council last year. They will not accept a new United Nations resolution that allows any use of force. The model is an older one, going back to the era of the cold war, before "humanitarian intervention" and the "responsibility to protect" were developed and often misused. Remember Ronald Reagan's support for the Contras, whom he armed and trained to try to topple Nicaragua's Sandinistas from bases in Honduras? For Honduras read Turkey, the safe haven where the so-called Free Syrian Army has set up.


NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians’ hearts and minds

LONDON — After two years of civil war, support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad was said to have sharply increased. NATO has been studying data that told of a sharp rise in support for Assad. The data, compiled by Western-sponsored activists and organizations,
showed that a majority of Syrians were alarmed by the Al Qaida takeover of the Sunni revolt and preferred to return to Assad
, Middle East Newsline reported.

“The people are sick of the war and hate the jihadists more than Assad,” a Western source familiar with the data said. “Assad is winning the war mostly because the people are cooperating with him against the rebels.”

The data, relayed to NATO over the last month, asserted that 70 percent of Syrians support the Assad regime. Another 20 percent were deemed neutral and the remaining 10 percent expressed support for the rebels


A report to NATO said Syrians have undergone a change of heart over the last six months. The change was seen most in the majority Sunni c mmunity, which was long thought to have supported the revolt. “The Sunnis have no love for Assad, but the great majority of the community is withdrawing from the revolt,” the source said. “What is left is the foreign fighters who are sponsored by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They are seen by the Sunnis as far worse than Assad.”
Why did O-BOMB-YA fail to mention the multiple warnings he's gotten informing him that the rebel factions in Syria have chemical weapons?
there is no "winning"; winning means the fall of Assad ("Asssad must go" -Obama/Clinton), and the last thing we need is a fractured Syria, or one taken over by the radical jihadist.

we were told by Kerry -"they aren't that much of a fighting force -maybe 20%" -but they ARE. Religious fanaticism trumps anything on the battlefield.

Stay out of it - no matter what happens.

There is indeed 'winning' for the Syrian people.

Not having bombs dropped on their heads right now is winning.

Fuck Obama/Clinton .. who gives a fuck about them? I'm talking about winning for the Syrian people and the world. Everytime the world says HELL NO to the MIC, the world wins, the American people win, people in small countries with oil win.
I hope this helps sister.

Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media
Assad's popularity, Arab League observers, US military involvement: all distorted in the west's propaganda war

Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most Syrians are in favour of Bashar al-Assad remaining as president, would that not be major news? Especially as the finding would go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis, and the media considers the unexpected more newsworthy than the obvious.

Alas, not in every case. When coverage of an unfolding drama ceases to be fair and turns into a propaganda weapon, inconvenient facts get suppressed. So it is with the results of a recent YouGov Siraj poll on Syria commissioned by The Doha Debates, funded by the Qatar Foundation. Qatar's royal family has taken one of the most hawkish lines against Assad – the emir has just called for Arab troops to intervene – so it was good that The Doha Debates published the poll on its website. The pity is that it was ignored by almost all media outlets in every western country whose government has called for Assad to go

The key finding was that while most Arabs outside Syria feel the president should resign, attitudes in the country are different. Some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, motivated by fear of civil war – a spectre that is not theoretical as it is for those who live outside Syria's borders. What is less good news for the Assad regime is that the poll also found that half the Syrians who accept him staying in power believe he must usher in free elections in the near future. Assad claims he is about to do that, a point he has repeated in his latest speeches. But it is vital that he publishes the election law as soon as possible, permits political parties and makes a commitment to allow independent monitors to watch the poll.


As for foreign military intervention, it has already started. It is not following the Libyan pattern since Russia and China are furious at the west's deception in the security council last year. They will not accept a new United Nations resolution that allows any use of force. The model is an older one, going back to the era of the cold war, before "humanitarian intervention" and the "responsibility to protect" were developed and often misused. Remember Ronald Reagan's support for the Contras, whom he armed and trained to try to topple Nicaragua's Sandinistas from bases in Honduras? For Honduras read Turkey, the safe haven where the so-called Free Syrian Army has set up.


NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians’ hearts and minds

LONDON — After two years of civil war, support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad was said to have sharply increased. NATO has been studying data that told of a sharp rise in support for Assad. The data, compiled by Western-sponsored activists and organizations,
showed that a majority of Syrians were alarmed by the Al Qaida takeover of the Sunni revolt and preferred to return to Assad
, Middle East Newsline reported.

“The people are sick of the war and hate the jihadists more than Assad,” a Western source familiar with the data said. “Assad is winning the war mostly because the people are cooperating with him against the rebels.”

The data, relayed to NATO over the last month, asserted that 70 percent of Syrians support the Assad regime. Another 20 percent were deemed neutral and the remaining 10 percent expressed support for the rebels


A report to NATO said Syrians have undergone a change of heart over the last six months. The change was seen most in the majority Sunni c mmunity, which was long thought to have supported the revolt. “The Sunnis have no love for Assad, but the great majority of the community is withdrawing from the revolt,” the source said. “What is left is the foreign fighters who are sponsored by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They are seen by the Sunnis as far worse than Assad.”

Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media

Assad's popularity, Arab League observers, US military involvement: all distorted in the west's propaganda war
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Jonathan Steele

Jonathan Steele

The Guardian, Tuesday 17 January 2012 13.40 EST
Friday, May 31st, 2013 | Posted by WorldTribune.com

NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians’ hearts and minds