Uh-oh, Reedy Creek will outlast DeSantis!

it is sad you are stupid enough to think anyone but Disney will pay Disney's outstanding debts......

Disney isn't going to pay shit...you saved them money because you and DeSantis are just a couple of goddamned fucking morons.

So they're going to take the $200M you saved them and make everything super duper gay.

They're already doing it by handing the Thor franchise to Taika Waititi.
Disney is going to take that $200M a year you saved them and use it to make all your favorite heroes super duper gay, starting with Thor.

Oh no! Not Thor!!! LOL.

I find it hilarious that you think I care if Thor is gay.
Oh no! Not Thor!!! LOL.

I find it hilarious that you think I care if Thor is gay.

First of all, that wasn't in response to you, that was in response to PMP.

Secondly, I don't really give a shit what you think about anything since you don't have a moral compass and happily accommodate Nazis whenever you can, or change the rules of your own board on the fly so you don't have to hold yourself or your Nazi pals accountable for breaking those rules.
I'm sorry if the idea of retroactive is too complicated for you.......I'm sure that Disney's accountants and the state government can deal with it appropriately despite your ignorance.....

How can they retroactively pay off bonds that are scheduled to be paid off with future tax revenue collected on property taxes by Reedy District? If Reedy District can not collect money from taxes then it can't pay off the bonds. That means the bonds are either worthless or another taxing agency has to take them over. Any other taxing agency can't apply taxes only to Disney without violating the equal protection clause. Why would Disney accountants agree to an illegal taxing scheme from the state?

Folks have no idea what special district means in this case.

Disney would "tax themselves" then subsidize that tax as Reedy Creek ran on a deficit (Disney didn't tax themselves enough). They were literally pulling money out of one pocket and putting it in another. Now they will pay the actual Tax bill on this particular property. You act as if Orange County got money from them for nothing... however they were a special home rule district that taxed themselves at the rate they decided to pay for the services they provided at a level they chose to provide the services. LOL.

Anyway, Disney will pay more in taxes because they will no longer be paying whatever rate they set for themselves and will have to pay the actual tax bill that any other corporation would have to pay for that property.

While this doesn't affect the 578M they get in tax credits for a different property for bringing over new employees to the state (and housing them) it does effectively raise the cost for Disney as they will no longer be able to simply "tax themselves" at a rate lower than they would otherwise pay.

Folks have no idea what special district means in this case.

Disney would "tax themselves" then subsidize that tax as Reedy Creek ran on a deficit (Disney didn't tax themselves enough). They were literally pulling money out of one pocket and putting it in another. Now they will pay the actual Tax bill on this particular property. You act as if Orange County got money from them for nothing... however they were a special home rule district that taxed themselves at the rate they decided to pay for the services they provided at a level they chose to provide the services. LOL.

Anyway, Disney will pay more in taxes because they will no longer be paying whatever rate they set for themselves and will have to pay the actual tax bill that any other corporation would have to pay for that property.

While this doesn't affect the 578M they get in tax credits for a different property for bringing over new employees to the state (and housing them) it does effectively raise the cost for Disney as they will no longer be able to simply "tax themselves" at a rate lower than they would otherwise pay.

Here's the thing...if Disney believed even for a second that this thing would result in them paying more in taxes net-net, they would not have sat by so tepidly as the Nazis rammed this through the state legislature.

Disney's battallions of lawyers and accountants would have provoked Corporate Comms into issuing statements or lobbying in Tallahassee to kill the bill.

But Disney didn't do that...instead, they sat back and watched DeSantis punch himself in the dick.

And now Thor is gay.
Poll: Over 60% of U.S. voters support language of Florida ...
https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › apr › poll-o...
Apr 1, 2022 — A poll released this week finds that 61% of U.S. registered voters support the language of Florida's new Parental Rights in Education law, ...

Poll shows BIPARTISAN support for Florida's Parental Rights ...
https://notthebee.com › article › poll-turns-out-people-a...
Mar 15, 2022 — A recent poll shows a majority of Americans, regardless of race, age, or political affiliation, support Florida's "Parental Rights in ...
Duh. You don't have April Fools Day where you live?
That works out to Disney's benefit because the obligation will be on the county and city, not Disney anymore.

In trying to punish Disney for not going along with your Christian Fascism you...GAVE THEM A $200M/year TAX BREAK YOU FUCKING MORON.
And a free pass on $1 billion in debt.

If Reddy Creek is going to be dissolved it doesn’t look it could happen until 2029. The bond holders of the $2 billion in Reddy Creek bonds have rights and the Florida government can’t to do anything to add risk to those investments. (It is spelled out in the reddy creek creation docs)
A lot of lawyers seem to have become ignorant of / unable to read contracts/laws once they became politicians.
Disney has told shareholders they are proceeding with business as usual.

They get to keep their bonds. AND?

How can they retroactively pay off bonds that are scheduled to be paid off with future tax revenue collected on property taxes by Reedy District? If Reedy District can not collect money from taxes then it can't pay off the bonds. That means the bonds are either worthless or another taxing agency has to take them over. Any other taxing agency can't apply taxes only to Disney without violating the equal protection clause. Why would Disney accountants agree to an illegal taxing scheme from the state?

I will speak slowly.......they are barred from issuing future bonds........do you understand now?.........