Ukraine has now captured 1,293 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk Oblast

Ukraine Moves to Encircle Russian Troops in Kursk and Digs In for Long Fight​

STETSKIVKA, Ukraine—Ukrainian troops said they are moving to encircle an estimated 3,000 Russian troops that are hemmed against a river in Russia’s Kursk province, seeking a fresh blow against Moscow in the third week of a surprise incursion.

Ukraine’s military said it used U.S.-supplied Himars rocket systems and explosive drones to strike pontoon crossings and bridging equipment as Russia scrambled to prevent the encirclement of its forces between the Seym river and the Ukrainian border.

Putin's red lines are meaningless.

Hand wringers have been peeing their diapers over the dozens of red lines Putin has warned Ukraine and NATO not to cross, and he always back down once they are crossed.

Ukraine has now captured 1,293 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk Oblast​

That's probably enough to hold all the neo-Nazis with a fence around it.

Ukraine has now captured 1,293 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk Oblast​

That's probably enough to hold all the neo-Nazis with a fence around it.
You're right. There are, and always have been, a lot of neo-Nazis and fascists in Russia.

My father's hometown had a large Russian fascist organization that was virulently anti-semitic.
It is good to see Ukraine taking Russia territory I just wish it was Ukrainian territory. Maybe Trump can force both fighters to return to their corners.
Maybe Trump can force both fighters to return to their corners.

Trump has always been sympathetic to Putin

JD Vance openly said he doesn't care what happens to Ukraine.

The Republican House delayed military aid to Ukraine for six months, and even when it came to a vote the majority of Republicans voted against helping Ukraine.

Trump has always been sympathetic to Putin

JD Vance openly said he doesn't care what happens to Ukraine.

The Republican House delayed military aid to Ukraine for six months, and even when it came to a vote the majority of Republicans voted against helping Ukraine.
Maybe Republicans are not the major shareholders of the US arms companies.
Ray McGovern on Judge Nap today says that over 8,000 NATO troops that went into Russia are dead.....not dead and wounded as the Russians report casualty numbers.....DEAD.
Ray McGovern on Judge Nap today says that over 8,000 NATO troops that went into Russia are dead.....not dead and wounded as the Russians report casualty numbers.....DEAD.
Larry Johnson on Judge Nap today said over 1 million Ukrainian soldiers dead. Said Putin now realized he has to defeat nato for Russia to survive.
Larry Johnson on Judge Nap today said over 1 million Ukrainian soldiers dead. Said Putin now realized he has to defeat nato for Russia to survive.
Yes, and as I have been reporting for a couple of months China Bloc, which is led by Russia and China, have decided that there is no option but to remove America from global power now, many years ahead of schedule....they intend to save the world from the abuse of the Evil American Empire.
Judge Nap is awesome, which is why Google is in the process of removing him from YouTube.....just got done with a one week time-out for Pepe Escobar.
Somebody on my grapevine says that our defeat in Ukraine is the end of the American Empire....which is why everyday as the children of Washington are faced with two choices....escalate or admit defeat....they choose escalation......which if they continue ends with us all dead in WW3....the Russians are not bluffing.

Others.... for instance Scott Ritter.....think that we are getting ready to walk away.
"If it happens then we are all dead, but we are going to Heaven, you are going to Hell"
The Russians
Never in the history of the world has a dying empire had the ability to incinerate the world on the way out....wish us luck....we are going to need it.
Successive U.S. administrations have eschewed arms control in favor of maintaining American strategic advantage over real and/or imagined adversaries.

This is accomplished by embracing nuclear weapons employment strategies that deviate from simple deterrence into war-fighting at every level of conflict, including scenarios that don’t involve a nuclear threat.

At a time when the U.S. advocates policies exacerbating already high levels of tension with nuclear-armed adversaries Russia and China, the Biden administration has signed off on a new nuclear employment plan that increases, rather that decreases, the probability of nuclear conflict.

Left unchecked, this policy can have only one possible outcome — total nuclear annihilation of humanity and the world we live in.