Ukraine has now captured 1,293 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk Oblast

Woah! It's like I've stumbled across Hume's alter ego!

Do you know that words have specific meanings? You might want to buy a dictionary so you can figure out if the words you are using are used correctly or in context.

Remember, "Reading is Fundamental"!
This was the plan of the incompetent Merican generals: Make a lightning strike and take the power plant, threaten terrorism with it and use the threat to hold the Russian territory if possible. The Russians would need to move troops off of the line to protect Russia. NATO would then announce that they would be open to talks for a trade, if the Russians would agree to the so called Zelenski framework. Putin would be humiliated and the Russians might replace him.

1) They did not come remotely close to getting the plant.

2) The Russians moved nobody off the line, they have massive reserve forces to deal with anything that comes up.

3) The Russians have decided that after this there will be no talks...there will be only the unconditional surrender of Ukraine.

4) Putin is now even stronger.

The American Generals got humiliated yet again.
"Look, we have been telling you all the way down the trail that America is a terrorist state, here is yet more proof"
China Bloc to the rest of the world
There are two huge problems with the children of Washingtons over decade long program to take Putin out and then resume the rape of Russia:

1) Putin was pro western and is a moderate....who ever comes next is certain to be less so

2) The Russians already lived through the rape of Russia.....there is zero chance they will allow it again.

These fuckers in Washington are not just abusive....they are stunningly incompetent.
Somebody on my grapevine said today "Sure Putin is a hard man, he had to be to save Russia like he did (from the rape of Russia by the West)"
Bargaining chip. They will give it back to Russia once Russian invaders leave Ukranian territory.

Col MacGregor says on Judge Nap today that the word on the street is that this disaster for NATO was designed by NATO commander Gen Cavoli.
Ray McGovern on Judge Nap today says that over 8,000 NATO troops that went into Russia are dead.....not dead and wounded as the Russians report casualty numbers.....DEAD.
We keep coming back to the point that troops have families. If 8,000 troops were dead, most of them American, there would be thousands of Americans complaining.
And the Chinese, often with Russian technical assistance, make 7 times what the Russians do.
The number of veterans of combat in the Chinese military can be counted on one hand. And soon will be zero. The last time the Chinese were in combat was nearly 50 years ago, and that was tiny. The last major war was 70 years ago.

The Chinese have a huge industrial base, and are learning how to produce high tech items on their own. They are very inexperienced in how to produce, and use modern weapons.
Russians are digging in, as are Ukrainians. That means both sides has accepted that the Ukrainians are there to stay.

That means that the two battalions of Russian troops that have been cutoff by the Ukrainians are being left to rot. At first, they could be resupplied by air, but now anything flying into the area is being shot down. Sooner or later, they will abandon their positions and weapons, and then the Ukrainians will more than double their Russian holdings.
On Judge Nap today Tony Shaffer says that he is hearing that NATO came up with this idiotic idea a year ago.
On Dialog Works today Andrei Martyanov says that the NATO forces in the Kursk region are confined to an area of about 100 sq/km.....and they are getting slaughtered.