Ukraine has now captured 1,293 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk Oblast

Russia and China are working together to rapidly ramp up China's nuclear fast even my grapevine does not know....but this program is massive.
My grapevine is reporting that NATO arms transfers to Ukraine are the case of Europe it is certainly because the cupboards are the case of America there is certainly some of that....but it might be that Scott Ritter et al are correct that we are getting ready to leave.

On the other hand the legend of Americas massive military industrial complex has been proven to be a myth....sure we spend a shit ton of money....but the capacity is weak....and that is not even talking about the general low quality of what they make....America gear has tended to be proven not fit for purpose in Ukraine.
Relatively small Russia, once said to be a gas station masquerading as a county, makes more and generally better military gear than we do.

Thats Embarrassing.

This is a War of Resources and Resolve, a conflict with its origins in a "sucessful" US backed, Anti Russian Coup in Kiev, has turned into the single greatest foreign policy disaster for the Whitehouse since Vietnam.In this War of resources and resolve Russia is, despite what the Western Managed Media, or Ursula Von Der Leyen tells you, winning on both fronts. You don't have to agree or disagree with me, but you do have to accept reality and the indisputable facts. As I've said before, many tines, "Russia makes stuff" real things, in vast forges, and in huge Soviet designed manufacturing cities whose furnaces are roaring day and night. These forges and furnaces have been long closed in the US, while in Europe, the US destruction of Nordstream decapitated Germany and Europes industrial capacity. Here's what that looks like for Ukraine. Russia, without any external assistance from its powerful allies, is producing three times more artillery munitions than the US and Europe combined, and this, despite what the deluded pro Ukrainain fan club celebrating the destruction of a single Russian plane or ship tells you, is a War of artillery supremacy, manufacturing and manpower. According to Western sources, Russia is producing 250,000 artillery munitions per month, or a massive 3 million a yearMeanwhile, the US and Europe have the capacity, at a maximum, to make only about 1.2 million shells a year. While the US Army has set an ambitious goal to produce 100,000 rounds of artillery a month by the end of 2025, this is still, even if achieved less than half of Current Russian monthly output, remember the US estimates and lofty goals are based on further funding for industry which hasn't materialised. On the Battlefield, Russia is firing about 10,000 shells a day, compared to a maximum of just 2,000 a day from the Ukrainian side. As I have consistently written, Russia is running its vast artillery factories “24/7” on alternating 12-hour shifts, over 3.5 million Russians are now working in the huge indigenous defense sector, that's an increase of a million skilled workers in 2 years, increasing from around 2.5 million before the Conflict. Ukraine is now essentially a failed state, absolutely reliant on aid, both military and financial, from its Western paymasters. The delusion that any amount of aid will do anything but delay the inevitable is clearly laid out here for any objective Observer to see. The outcome of this conflict is essentially already decided, It is now a matter of how many unfortunate Ukrainians have to die before the US tells Zelensky to end it.
And the Chinese, often with Russian technical assistance, make 7 times what the Russians do.

Buckle Up.
The children of Washington, who run around abusing the world, are getting us hurt.

They have no idea what they are doing, they are not just abusive, they are totally incompetent.

In a Universe where stupid hurts.
No but you have to laugh at Trump's Buddy Vlad. He thought he was going to roll into Ukraine and take what he wanted in a couple days. Years later Ukraine is invading Russia!

This is karmic gold!
You are either lying or else you have no idea whatsoever what reality looks like.

Either Way.
It kinda sounds like Vlad wants a second shot at the Cold War. I wonder if their economy is still weak enough that we will be able to outspend them as we did in the 1970's and 1980's that ultimately helped bring down the USSR.
China Bloc is taking the American Empire down....they are going to save the world from our abuse.