Ukraine has now captured 1,293 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk Oblast

On Dialog Works today Andrei Martyanov says that the NATO forces in the Kursk region are confined to an area of about 100 sq/km.....and they are getting slaughtered.
NATO troops would have NATO families. Odd how we are hearing nothing from these NATO families who are losing their loved ones.
Working on my education:

European irrationality in Ukraine - Michael von der Schulenburg, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen​

10,000 families complaining... And yet we have heard none of them?

I am beginning to think your claims are impossible.
Of course you misrepresent my claims, which is usually actually the claims of people on my grapevine.
Of course you misrepresent my claims, which is usually actually the claims of people on my grapevine.
With a tiny bit of logic, all your claims fall apart, so you blame your "grapevine." Why are you posting obvious lies from your "grapevine"?
Did anyone see the pix or videos from Russia showing off the countless brand-new western tanks and halftracks they captured in the Kursk region? Putin had a parade for all the world to see him gloat about the dangerous combination of US arrogance and ignorance.

Tonight, when asked directly, Trump refused to say if he wanted Ukraine to win - and spent his time complaining that we were wasting our money helping Ukraine defend itself.

NEWS UPDATE: NO SOUTHERN ESCAPE ROUTE, SEP 13th 2024After the huge territorial gains by RuAF west of Krasnohorivka yesterday and especially the capture of Hostre there is no longer any possibility for UkrAF to retreat southwards towards Kurakhove. Now the only alternatives are to the west.The road between Hostre and Maksymilianivka is about 200 meters from known Russian forward positions and the bridge into Kurakhove has repeatedly been destroyed by Russian attacks.