Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

The most destructive anger is the kind that builds up in someone who more than likely has a good heart...
Don't let that happen...

You do what you feel is helpful...and I will do what I feel is helpful...
As I have been doing for many years...I'm going to bet I've had way more success than you have...:)
In fact, I know I have...
You "know" nothing but you fantasize plenty...;)
So abort a child one week before their due date? Do you know that the abortionist sticks a suction cannula into the viable child's brain and sucks it out then crushes it's skull then delivers the lifeless body. If you are OK with that you are an animal.
^ Delusional. Fact check: Do abortions really happen in the last days of pregnancy?

"... at 38 to 39 weeks of pregnancy, if it’s clear that the fetus will not survive long after birth, a modified abortion is no longer an option. A health care provider induces labor, and this “is simply called a delivery,” Gunter said.
So abort a child one week before their due date? Do you know that the abortionist sticks a suction cannula into the viable child's brain and sucks it out then crushes it's skull then delivers the lifeless body. If you are OK with that you are an animal.
That's ridiculous, chemical abortion has nothing to do with surgical abortion. I'm sure that you know that the vast majority of terminations happen in the first trimester. At least that's true for the UK and Europe.

Nine out of 10 abortions happen before 12 weeks of pregnancy in many high-income countries, while the proportion of those done under 9 weeks has risen over the past decade, reveals the first review of its kind, published online in BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health.

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That's ridiculous, chemical abortion has nothing to do with surgical abortion. I'm sure that you know that the vast majority of terminations happen in the first trimester. At least that's true for the UK and Europe.

Nine out of 10 abortions happen before 12 weeks of pregnancy in many high-income countries, while the proportion of those done under 9 weeks has risen over the past decade, reveals the first review of its kind, published online in BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health.

Respectfully, it's a termination of a developing baby at any stage...The goal should be to lessen those overall Huge numbers...not to make abortion close to the top of the list of birth control options... I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't support that....
Not suddenly, moron. Most of us have always supported the courts. They get it right more often than they get it wrong.


Two months ago the hive mind that controls you demanded the court be abolished. In another month, the hive mind will program you to demand it again.

Your party doesn't give a fuck about anything other than raw power. The court ruled in a way that benefits the party - so you praise the court today. You don't believe in the court - you don't even grasp the function of the court nor how our three branches work. You only bleat what the hive mind programs into you.

That’s different than supporting individual judges who violate ethical standards,

While Sotomayor has taken millions of dollars in gifts and her children's books are obvious bribes is not the subject. There is nothing illegal about what she did.

like Thomas, by raking in multiple tens of thousands of dollars in gifts without reporting them or recusing himself.

Thomas is black and conservative - he left the plantation. The hive mind programmed you to hate him. He is uppity, an Uncle Tom, a race traitor - because he doesn't further the agenda of the party.

Two months ago the hive mind that controls you demanded the court be abolished. In another month, the hive mind will program you to demand it again.

Your party doesn't give a fuck about anything other than raw power. The court ruled in a way that benefits the party - so you praise the court today. You don't believe in the court - you don't even grasp the function of the court nor how our three branches work. You only bleat what the hive mind programs into you.

While Sotomayor has taken millions of dollars in gifts and her children's books are obvious bribes is not the subject. There is nothing illegal about what she did.

Thomas is black and conservative - he left the plantation. The hive mind programmed you to hate him. He is uppity, an Uncle Tom, a race traitor - because he doesn't further the agenda of the party.
I always do this and you idiot fuckers always fail.

Find my post about abolishing SCOTUS.

The gifts Thomas and his wife took are well known now and more coming out almost every day. Then, there are his wife’s causes that he rules on and refuses to recuse himself.

Tell us about the millions of Sotomayor’s gifts.
It's not total BS...and Christianity (I'm assuming that's what you mean) has nothing to do with my comment...
There are doctors who specialize in High risk pregnancies and late term abortions...
Late term abortion is almost nonexistent. The only time it happens is when the health of the mother is in jeopardy due to problems with the fetus or the fetus is non non-viable .
Great. Now let's see you wring your hands and cry fake tears over all the actual living, breathing babies who have actually been born, as opposed to the lumps of cells idiots like you erroneously call "babies", who've been killed by gun violence and by the Netanyahu government.

Funny how "babies" only matter in certain situations.
It appears that the sewer rats in Hamas are learning about suffering.

They are being destroyed, as we speak.

Don't start a war if you can't finish the war.

Who slaughtered more than 1000 Israelis including be-heading infants and burning them alive?

Who took hostages, Nordy, including Americans?
It appears that the sewer rats in Hamas are learning about suffering.

They are being destroyed, as we speak.

Don't start a war if you can't finish the war.

Who slaughtered more than 1000 Israelis including be-heading infants and burning them alive?

Who took hostages, Nordy, including Americans?
Explain to us all how the women, children and elderly people who are being slaughtered along with those responsible for 10/7 deserve to blown to pieces or slowly die while buried alive underneath the rubble of what used to be their home before the IDF hit it with drone fired missiles.
Thomas wrote a 25 page paper telling how the Trumpys could make a better case. They have to find someone who was hurt by the pills.
I'm not even sure that that would do it. Every single pharmaceutical out there has *some* negative side effect, even aspirin. Coming up with a dozen or so ppl who claim to have been harmed by a medication, after millions of doses dispensed without harm, isn't going to fly.
The only people who are killing babies are the 2A obsessed, NRA backing gun goobers, who share a major portion of the blame for every baby, child, teenager and adult who get killed every day in the US.

So suck on it, goober.
Rabid baby killer ^^^^^^
Why is it OK with you to send Hispanic babies and their mothers out into the desert with no food, water or shelter if you're so concerned about babies?
I'm not sending them out into the desert with no food, water, or shelter...