Unattractive people overrate their looks

Humility is much more attractive than false bluster

To me it increases hotness exponentially

Self-confidence... sexiest attribute of all. People are attracted to those who are confident, self-assured, and not arrogant but interested in other people. Charisma is a word used for that quality.
Great thread. It certainly drew out the envious, the jealous, the angry, and most of all the ugly. Take a bow, you fuglies!
Study: Unattractive people far overestimate their looks, while beautiful people tend to underestimate their looks

I don't think I'm an Adonis, but I don't think I'm ugly. My girlfriend, though; a beautiful, sexy Puerto Rican woman, describes herself similarly. She doesn't see herself as ugly at all, but far from a beauty queen.

But, to her, the only opinion which matters is mine, and for me the only opinion which matters is hers...
I don't think I'm an Adonis, but I don't think I'm ugly. My girlfriend, though; a beautiful, sexy Puerto Rican woman, describes herself similarly. She doesn't see herself as ugly at all, but far from a beauty queen.

But, to her, the only opinion which matters is mine, and for me the only opinion which matters is hers...
What a lovely sentiment.
Not one single person in the history of the United States has ever opened a Victoria's Secret catalog and exclaimed, 'look at all the ugly women!'

Good looks are powerful. There is no question about that.

For a moment, they open doors, get you special treatment and one feels all eyes on you when you enter a place, a mall, etc. It is a rush.

But, looks always fade --to some degree-- so one should have more to offer than that for the long haul.
I don't think I'm an Adonis, but I don't think I'm ugly. My girlfriend, though; a beautiful, sexy Puerto Rican woman, describes herself similarly. She doesn't see herself as ugly at all, but far from a beauty queen.

But, to her, the only opinion which matters is mine, and for me the only opinion which matters is hers...

There is personal opinion and personal taste, and then there are objective valuations of looks. Different issue, different question.

We all have a basic sense of what an attractive person looks like. 95 percent of people including me would say Melania Trump is an attractive middle aged lady. Even though as a human being I think she is repulsive.

I see lots of people who I objectively know are nice looking, even if they aren't exactly my type.
There is personal opinion and personal taste, and then there are objective valuations of looks. Different issue, different question.

We all have a basic sense of what an attractive person looks like. 95 percent of people including me would say Melania Trump is an attractive middle aged lady. Even though as a human being I think she is repulsive.

I see lots of people who I objectively know are nice looking, even if they aren't exactly my type.
Good looks = symmetrical features.

Look up the Golden Ratio of facial aesthetics.
Not one single person in the history of the United States has ever opened a Victoria's Secret catalog and exclaimed, 'look at all the ugly women!'
You don't speak for everybody, dude. I've seen (what I consider to be) ugly women in those catalogs before.
Study: Unattractive people far overestimate their looks, while beautiful people tend to underestimate their looks

The finding is remarkably similar to the Dunning-Kruger effect, which describes how incompetent people tend to overestimate their own competency

Now, new research reveals another disparity: Unattractive people seem less able to accurately judge their own attractiveness, and they tend to overestimate their looks. In contrast, beautiful people tend to rate themselves more accurately. If anything, they underestimate their attractiveness.

https://bigthink.com/health/science...ts to,attractive people underrate their looks.

Interesting reading on the study.

While the comparison to the Dunning-Kruger Effect is a good one, I have two additional thoughts. One is that human beings are social animals. Despite the American culture of individuality, even Americans want to "fit in". Euros and Asians even more so. Therefore, the Goldilocks Principle may be more applicable than Dunning-Kruger: People try to move toward the middle and away from the edges. They desire to be "normal".

A second thought is that "attractiveness" is a malleable social standard, not a universal one. This, too, is related to the Goldilocks Principle of "normal". Tall, short, fat, thin, light skin, dark skin and other superficial human traits vary among human groups. Attractiveness is relative to those groupings. This malleability of what is attractive is still seen in American advertising, with female models setting a Barbie-doll like unrealistic standard of beauty with full on airbrushing and digital enhancement. The people judging who is attractive and who is less so do it from their own social standards.

Unrealistic body standards create toxic environment
The mentality of a perfect body continues to exist in our era today, stimulating an environment where many lack body confidence and self esteem.

Society’s unrealistic body standards create an immense sense of pressure among teenagers to achieve a perfect body, thus deteriorating their overall self-esteem and creating unhealthy habits.
Good looks are powerful. There is no question about that.

For a moment, they open doors, get you special treatment and one feels all eyes on you when you enter a place, a mall, etc. It is a rush.

But, looks always fade --to some degree-- so one should have more to offer than that for the long haul.

Obviously you have never experienced that rush yourself. Who told you about it? Your attractive sister? Your dog? lol
There have been a lot of dudes on jpp dot com who bluster about how irresistible they supposedly are to chicks.

Some people are attracted to money and/or power over physical attractiveness. The Pedo Don-Melania relationship is one of those. Pedo Don paid for the plastic surgery, including breast enhancements for the females, of his multiple wives and his children. In return, they got money.
There is personal opinion and personal taste, and then there are objective valuations of looks. Different issue, different question.

We all have a basic sense of what an attractive person looks like. 95 percent of people including me would say Melania Trump is an attractive middle aged lady. Even though as a human being I think she is repulsive.

I see lots of people who I objectively know are nice looking, even if they aren't exactly my type.

She has pretty hair but that's about it. She was lovely before she had her face made over. $arah Palin, on the other hand, was very attractive but now appears to have also had "work." This kind of proves the point of your OP. Sometimes people who are attractive don't think that they are, and if they have the money they go have work done.
Some people are attracted to money and/or power over physical attractiveness. The Pedo Don-Melania relationship is one of those. Pedo Don paid for the plastic surgery, including breast enhancements for the females, of his multiple wives and his children. In return, they got money.

I always thought of Henry Kissinger as pretty damn ugly. Yet he was said to be charismatic and charming, and never lacked for a beautiful woman on his arm.
She has pretty hair but that's about it. She was lovely before she had her face made over. $arah Palin, on the other hand, was very attractive but now appears to have also had "work." This kind of proves the point of your OP. Sometimes people who are attractive don't think that they are, and if they have the money they go have work done.
You're right, Melania had some kind of surgery that's not flattering

Still, if we compared her to all other 55 year old women I think 97 percent of people would agree that she is objectively nice looking for a middle aged woman, even if she doesn't suit our own personal tastes and preferences.