Unattractive people overrate their looks

Attractiveness is very related to the perception of HEALTH





People make these decisions subconsciously for the most part

It helps if the subject has features the person is familiar with in their own bloodline

Well groomed too.
It's funny that moose is demanding that you show proof. He's one of those guys who has often stated how women -- Native Alaskan women -- threw themselves at him. And thus the truth emerges -- his insistence about you being "pompous" because you said that some JPP males have said that they're chick magnets cut deep, very deep. :laugh:

Oh, I see. He imagined that somehow this thread was all about him, and that's what sent him into a frenzy of bizarrely and nonsensically claiming that writing some dudes claim to be chick magnets is somehow a "pompous" thing to post.
It's funny that moose is demanding that you show proof. He's one of those guys who has often stated how women -- Native Alaskan women -- threw themselves at him. And thus the truth emerges -- his insistence about you being "pompous" because you said that some JPP males have said that they're chick magnets cut deep, very deep. :laugh:

For someone who likes to virtue signal their interest in American Natives by majoring in Native American Studies, I find it interesting how insensitive you are to the sexual violence problem in their communities. Completely lost on you
What's lost on... Foul, et al , is the violence and sexual assault problem Native women endure. It's a real problem.
Oh, I see. He imagined that somehow this thread was all about him, and that's what sent him into a frenzy of bizarrely and nonsensically claiming that writing some dudes claim to be chick magnets is somehow a "pompous" thing to post.

Not about me. It's ALL about YOU. And how righteous you are compared to other males on the board. You'll never get it.
Already did. Posting it directly after your sensible OP is an obvious insinuation of how fucking righteous you are, as usual.

You didn't logically explain anything, you just indulged in your bizarre latent resentments.

I have no responsibility for the fact you read my thread and imagine it's somehow all about you. I have been registered here since 2006 and have seen dozens of baggers who think they are God's gift to females come and go. The world does not revolve around you, pompous fool.
Attractiveness is very related to the perception of HEALTH





People make these decisions subconsciously for the most part

It helps if the subject has features the person is familiar with in their own bloodline

Entirely reasonable
Good points, attractiveness is a fluid combination of factors, but it probably starts with the face. Eyes, smiles, and classically beautiful proportions are the first thing people tend to notice.

I think almost all humans have a general sense of objectively nice looks.

Every model I have seen in the SI swimsuit issue and every single Victoria's Secret model I have seen I can say are objectively nice looking people, even if some of them don't necessarily suit my own personal preferences and taste.

Agreed. A large part of that general sense is identifying "normal" since, in an environment where medical care was the oldest woman in tribe and death was common, "normal" was good and anything too far outside that realm often ended up a tragedy.

As Thomas Hobbes wrote in Leviathan, "life outside society would be ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’.’ IMO, this applies to selections of mates and friends. Optimally, the person should be healthy and physically capable to survive.

Isn't musculature, or toned leanness, a common sign of "attractiveness"? It'd be a normal instinct, since it's an excellent sign of health.
You didn't logically explain anything, you just indulged in your bizarre latent resentments.
Again, already did. Twice. No reason to do it three times.
It wasn't until you followed it up immediately w/ post #2. THAT's what made it pompous.:tongout:
Already did. Posting it directly after your sensible OP is an obvious insinuation of how fucking righteous you are, as usual.
Like I said, you'll never get it.
What's sadder for him is that he'll never get it.
He's the 98 lb. weakling that bullies will always pick on and not know why.
I have no responsibility for the fact you read my thread and imagine it's somehow all about you.
Then you shouldn't have a problem at all reposting where I stated it had anything to do with me. If you can't, I understand.
I agree that there are aspects of her looks I could criticize too. That comes down to personal taste.

But I still think if you put Melania and 100 other randomly chosen 55 year old people in an auditorium, there would be overwhelming consensus that'l she is objectively nice looking for a middle aged woman.

What percentages would you apply to most people in terms of "above average", "nice looking" and "not so much"? 25-50-25? 5-90-5? 35-60-5?

With age, I grew to appreciate the observation "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it" so I'm with the latter percentages.

What do you think of the common thought that "less attractive people are more encouraged to develop a personality since they can't get by on their looks alone?"
He's banned now, but that Polish kid who used his real shirt-less pic in his profile was one of them. He was fat and furry and ugly, but claimed women thought he was hot. So did the late and unlamented Bull&Terrier/Capt. Underpants.

Witold was clearly below average in IQ. Jits wasn't retarded, but certainly felt that his family's money and jujitsu expertise was all he needed to be "attractive".
It's funny that moose is demanding that you show proof. He's one of those guys who has often stated how women -- Native Alaskan women -- threw themselves at him. And thus the truth emerges -- his insistence about you being "pompous" because you said that some JPP males have said that they're chick magnets cut deep, very deep. :laugh:

Moose in front, a moosette behind the mask. He's smarter than most of the Trumper dumbasses but still average within the middle-class spectrum. The fact he' afraid to cross the Trumpers is the moosette part. LOL
Attractiveness is very related to the perception of HEALTH




People make these decisions subconsciously for the most part

It helps if the subject has features the person is familiar with in their own bloodline
Agreed. A healthy appearance is commonly attractive. Also agreed on specific features, since a person's knowledge of "normal" would be relative to their fellow tribe members.

Since one's tribe is their best insurance policy for survival, psychological traits conducive to supporting the tribe would be attractive.

Traits like hard worker, generous and brave would be positive since the traits help the tribe.

Lazy, stingy and cowardly would be harmful to the tribe since such people only consume and do not support. Such tribal members would be seen as a negative for attractiveness.
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I have found people who have never had looks ---> put the most stock in them. Those who have, don't care.

IMO, women don't care as much about physical appearance, men are more visual. Women care more about character traits and success.
Again, already did. Twice. No reason to do it three times. Like I said, you'll never get it.
Then you shouldn't have a problem at all reposting where I stated it had anything to do with me. If you can't, I understand.

Dude stop

You are embarrassing your self
I have found people who have never had looks ---> put the most stock in them. Those who have, don't care.

IMO, women don't care as much about physical appearance, men are more visual. Women care more about character traits and success.

You mean right wing men

They tend to see women as property and a status symbol
I have found people who have never had looks ---> put the most stock in them. Those who have, don't care.

IMO, women don't care as much about physical appearance, men are more visual. Women care more about character traits and success.


IMO, it's a trait that was passed down from over 250,000 years of living in tribes where men were the hunters, a highly visual/non-verbal skill, and when women "chewed the fat" in social circles while caring for the young, the sick and the old.
I have found people who have never had looks ---> put the most stock in them. Those who have, don't care.

IMO, women don't care as much about physical appearance, men are more visual. Women care more about character traits and success.

Men tend to be more visual, but with only infrequent exceptions, I almost never see objectively beautiful and attractive women dating or married to ugly or fat men.