Unattractive people overrate their looks

What percentages would you apply to most people in terms of "above average", "nice looking" and "not so much"? 25-50-25? 5-90-5? 35-60-5?

With age, I grew to appreciate the observation "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it" so I'm with the latter percentages.

What do you think of the common thought that "less attractive people are more encouraged to develop a personality since they can't get by on their looks alone?"

I hadn't ever really thought about a percentage breakdown. I only look at T & A , hahaha just kidding.

Truly ugly or stunningly beautiful are obviously the exception. Objectively pretty, nice looking, attractive tends to depend on having a classically proportioned face, nice eyes and smile, reasonably fit and healthy body, and other intangibles of presentation like not dressing slovenly.

Good intelligence, personality, and character can make up for a subpar physical presentation.
I hadn't ever really thought about a percentage breakdown. I only look at T & A , hahaha just kidding.

Truly ugly or stunningly beautiful are obviously the exception. Objectively pretty, nice looking, attractive tends to depend on having a classically proportioned face, nice eyes and smile, reasonably fit and healthy body, and other intangibles of presentation like not dressing slovenly.

Good intelligence, personality, and character can make up for a subpar physical presentation.

The A part is a commonality we share with our simian cousins. :)

The T part is a human thing. The theory most favorable to me is the one that walking upright forced more attention on a woman's front side than the back.
Melania and Donald Sr.

Yes, the exception rather than the rule.

I just can't buy the claim that women place very little emphasis on looks. I would say of all the beautiful women in Hollywood and the film industry, very few are dating fat men or ugly men.

Just walking around on the street outside, I almost never see a really beautiful or strikingly attractive women dating an obese guy or an ugly guy.
Yes, the exception rather than the rule.

I just can't buy the claim that women place very little emphasis on looks. I would say of all the beautiful women in Hollywood, very few are dating fat men or ugly men.

Just walking around on the street outside, I almost never see a really beautiful or strikingly attractive women dating an obese guy or an ugly guy.

I think Melinda Gates is hot. Bill, not so much.

I think Melinda Gates is hot. Bill, not so much.


Not bad, doesn't come across to me as strikingly beautiful.

I've heard way too many women around here swoon over the Australian men's swim team, or David Beckham and Mikhail Baryshnikov in their heyday to put a ton of stock in the claim that women don't pay much attention to physical looks.
Yes, the exception rather than the rule.

I just can't buy the claim that women place very little emphasis on looks. I would say of all the beautiful women in Hollywood and the film industry, very few are dating fat men or ugly men.

Just walking around on the street outside, I almost never see a really beautiful or strikingly attractive women dating an obese guy or an ugly guy.
No? I've seen quite a few.




Attractiveness is very related to the perception of HEALTH





People make these decisions subconsciously for the most part

It helps if the subject has features the person is familiar with in their own bloodline

People in their 70s can look great if they are fit, eat healthy, excercise, are active.

People in their 40s who smoke and drink can look like they are falling apart.
For someone who likes to virtue signal their interest in American Natives by majoring in Native American Studies, I find it interesting how insensitive you are to the sexual violence problem in their communities. Completely lost on you


I find it equally fascinating that you always revert to this nonsense whenever the subject of your slutpuppy years comes up. Why is that? Do you really believe that those men were all cruel and rough with their women, so they all ran to you because you're such a tender and skilled lover?


That is all.
Moose in front, a moosette behind the mask. He's smarter than most of the Trumper dumbasses but still average within the middle-class spectrum. The fact he' afraid to cross the Trumpers is the moosette part. LOL

I see he tried to derail me by claiming that I don't care about the horrible DV problem present in many native communities. Guess that's why they "threw" themselves at him, because they knew he was a much better stud than their partners, so tender and loving. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
I have found people who have never had looks ---> put the most stock in them. Those who have, don't care.

IMO, women don't care as much about physical appearance, men are more visual. Women care more about character traits and success.

Thanks, this explains a lot about your new squeeze here and her fondness for calling other forum women fat/ugly/flabby/old/etc. No one had a clue what anyone else looked like, just like here. But there you go -- your cuntly little friend just got tossed under the bus by you once more. Thanks!
I see he tried to derail me by claiming that I don't care about the horrible DV problem present in many native communities. Guess that's why they "threw" themselves at him, because they knew he was a much better stud than their partners, so tender and loving. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

Who else likes to troll you about domestic violence among Native Americans?

The dumbassess just keep repeating their same insults. The average, like anymouse, go a little deeper in their trolling. The intelligent and educated have the ability discuss the topic. :)
Not bad, doesn't come across to me as strikingly beautiful.

I've heard way too many women around here swoon over the Australian men's swim team, or David Beckham and Mikhail Baryshnikov in their heyday to put a ton of stock in the claim that women don't pay much attention to physical looks.

A matter of personal preference. :)
She has pretty hair but that's about it. She was lovely before she had her face made over. $arah Palin, on the other hand, was very attractive but now appears to have also had "work." This kind of proves the point of your OP. Sometimes people who are attractive don't think that they are, and if they have the money they go have work done.

I agree on a preference for no-plastic surgery. It's more than just the physical alteration, but the mindset behind it.

TBH, the "cat eyes" are a little sleazy. The Before picture is better, IMO.

I see he tried to derail me by claiming that I don't care about the horrible DV problem present in many native communities. Guess that's why they "threw" themselves at him, because they knew he was a much better stud than their partners, so tender and loving. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

There was a guy on here a few years ago who enjoyed telling tales about how in college the girls would throw themselves at him.
I agree on a preference for no-plastic surgery. It's more than just the physical alteration, but the mindset behind it.

TBH, the "cat eyes" are a little sleazy. The Before picture is better, IMO.


I agree. Before is better. She is thin but she is not a raving beauty in the face.