Unattractive people overrate their looks

The young Sinead O'Connor had the classically beautiful proportions of a nice face, high cheekbones, good smile that even a bald head couldn't diminish, independent of her artistic talent.

I wouldn't say she necessarily was my personal type, but I can look at her and recognize she checked a lot of the
aesthetic boxes for objectively true human attractiveness.

She looked healthy and symmetrical?
Men tend to be more visual, but with only infrequent exceptions, I almost never see objectively beautiful and attractive women dating or married to ugly or fat men.

From what I remember, my female partners throughout my life had crushes on these guys:

Jason Momoa
Johnny Depp, when he was in his prime
Tom Cruise
Young Robert De Niro
Brad Pitt
David Beckham
The youngish Mel Gibson
Youngish Billy Dee Williams
One of my College girlfriends liked the pretty boys in Duran Duran

You know who they didn't have a crush on?

Danny Devito
Chris Farley
Mitch McConnell
Newt Gingrich
Donald Trumpf
John Belushi
George Castanza from Seinfeld
From what I remember, my female partners throughout my life had crushes on these guys:

Jason Momoa
Johnny Depp, when he was in his prime
Tom Cruise
Young Robert De Niro
Brad Pitt
David Beckham
The youngish Mel Gibson
Youngish Billy Dee Williams
One of my College girlfriends liked the pretty boys in Duran Duran

You know who they didn't have a crush on?

Danny Devito
Chris Farley
Mitch McConnell
Newt Gingrich
Donald Trumpf
John Belushi
George Castanza from Seinfeld
I still have a crush on Danny Devito!
Not to this one, who married a brainy computer geek. :)

Steve Jobs doesn't strike me as butt ugly either, he's just got that normal computer geek vibe going on.

I think the bar for ugly has to be calibrated to people like Harvey Weinstein, Roger Ailes, Joey Ramone, Nikita Khrushchev, et al
And Belusi

My big celebrity crush was after seeing little big man

I was in love with Dustin Hoffman after that

The young Dustin Hoffman kind of had those classic dark Mediterranean looks, not to mention his charisma, so I can kind of see why he would appealing
I find Helen Miran, Cate Blanchett, and Queen Elizabeth II were, or still are, all gorgeous women.

Most men do not agree with me though!

These woman all look the same with or without makeup! They look good with or without make-up!
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I find Helen Miran, Cate Blanchett, and Queen Elizabeth II were, or still are, all gorgeous women.

Most men do not agree with me though!

These woman all look the same with or without makeup! They look good with or without make-up!

Cate Blanchette looks good.

Sometimes it's better to have a unique and interesting look. I never really thought the Pamela Anderson blonde beach bunny look was necessarily the highest bar achievable of beauty.