Unattractive people overrate their looks

I agree on a preference for no-plastic surgery. It's more than just the physical alteration, but the mindset behind it.

TBH, the "cat eyes" are a little sleazy. The Before picture is better, IMO.


Better before
No? I've seen quite a few.





I very clearly wrote there are exceptions to the rule. How many billionaires are there in the country? , and you are the first person I have ever heard of who called Eddie Murphy ugly. He is not a GQ model, but he hardly qualifies as ugly -- what I wrote is that it is infrequent to see beautiful women with fat or ugly men.

I very clearly wrote there are exceptions to the rule. How many billionaires are there in the country? , and you are the first person I have ever heard of who called Eddie Murphy ugly. He is not a GQ model, but he hardly qualifies as ugly -- what I wrote is that it is infrequent to see beautiful women with fat or ugly men.


Still, the point is that rich and/or powerful men can be ugly and still get the pretty girl. :)

I imagine it works the other way, but it's not as common.
I very clearly wrote there are exceptions to the rule. How many billionaires are there in the country? , and you are the first person I have ever heard of who called Eddie Murphy ugly. He is not a GQ model, but he hardly qualifies as ugly -- what I wrote is that it is infrequent to see beautiful women with fat or ugly men.

I didn't post pics of any billionaires. Eddie Murphy is more ugly than attractive. He is no Denzel or Blair Underwood.

It's not infrequent. Looks don't matter to beautiful women. They know someone ugly will treat them like a queen and never cheat on them.
Still, the point is that rich and/or powerful men can be ugly and still get the pretty girl. :)

I imagine it works the other way, but it's not as common.

Yes, that's why I wrote I don't frequently see it. There's just not that many billionaires who can purchase trophy wives.

In decades of tooling around California, I just do not frequently see strikingly attractive women with fat guys or truly ugly guys.

My wife liked Johnny Depp when he was at his prime. She also liked Robert De Niro when he was in his prime, which I thought was a little unusual, but I imagine it was all the tough guy mafia roles he played.

Over the years when I have overheard women actually swooning over men, at least when they were in their prime, it was generally Olympic athletes, Hollywood leading men, David Beckham, Mikhail Barishnikov, Jon Bon Jovi, but never John Belushi, Alfred Hitchcock, Roger Ailes, or Chris Farley.
Yes, that's why I wrote I don't frequently see it. There's just not that many billionaires who can purchase trophy wives.

In decades of tooling around California, I just do not frequently see strikingly attractive women with fat guys or truly ugly guys.

My wife liked Johnny Depp when he was at his prime. She also liked Robert De Niro when he was in his prime, which I thought was a little unusual, but I imagine it was all the tough guy mafia roles he played.

Over the years when I have overheard women actually swooning over men when they were in their prime it was generally Olympic athletes, Hollywood leading men, David Beckham, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Jon Bon Jovi, but never John Belushi, Alfred Hitchcock, Roger Ailes, or Chris Farley.

The main point is that "attractiveness" is relative. It can be physical beauty, physical ability (athlete), fame, fortune, power, etc.

Not just who has blond hair and blue eyes. :)
Study: Unattractive people far overestimate their looks, while beautiful people tend to underestimate their looks

The finding is remarkably similar to the Dunning-Kruger effect, which describes how incompetent people tend to overestimate their own competency

Now, new research reveals another disparity: Unattractive people seem less able to accurately judge their own attractiveness, and they tend to overestimate their looks. In contrast, beautiful people tend to rate themselves more accurately. If anything, they underestimate their attractiveness.

https://bigthink.com/health/science...ts to,attractive people underrate their looks.

yes. you're stupid and ugly....

is that the takeaway here?
Who else likes to troll you about domestic violence among Native Americans?

The dumbassess just keep repeating their same insults. The average, like anymouse, go a little deeper in their trolling. The intelligent and educated have the ability discuss the topic. :)

And the truly strong can admit that they're guilty and not get butthurt or abrasive over it.
And the truly strong can admit that they're guilty and not get butthurt or abrasive over it.

Agreed. Which is why many of them are weak excuses for American manhood. It also explains why none of them went to the protests, much less 1/6.

They're Keyboard Warriors, not physical ones.
He wasn't a nice nerd in his younger days. Jus' sayin'. :)

Of course he wasn't. No one gets to the pinnacle of business by being "nice." That's not my point though. I thought of him as a cute nerd guy, just from pics. He wasn't uglier than his bride, he was just an average nerdy-looking guy.
There was a guy on here a few years ago who enjoyed telling tales about how in college the girls would throw themselves at him.

The late and unlamented Jack was also into telling similar tales, including with lurid details about juices and organs and such. Blech.
The main point is that "attractiveness" is relative. It can be physical beauty, physical ability (athlete), fame, fortune, power, etc.

Not just who has blond hair and blue eyes. :)

I remember in the early 90s thinking Sinead O'Connor looked pretty good...and she was bald!
The late and unlamented Jack was also into telling similar tales, including with lurid details about juices and organs and such. Blech.

I remember just scrolling past him if I caught even the slightest whiff of a pornographic tale taking form
I remember in the early 90s thinking Sinead O'Connor looked pretty good...and she was bald!
Do you think her singing ability or popularity was a factor in her "attracitiveness"?

While the maxim "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", I think a deeper understanding is that beauty is relative.

Is there any doubt that lepers isolated on an island would develop a relative view of beauty?

Treated like lepers: Honouring the dead at Darwin's leprosy island
I remember just scrolling past him if I caught even the slightest whiff of a pornographic tale taking form

Jack had untreated mental issues. I'm guessing bipolarism coupled with self-medicated alcohol. He did such things to provoke reactions but I doubt he was in full control of his faculties when doing so....which partially explains why he is banned. He couldn't always control himself. Goat/CO is the same way.

FWIW, there are levels so just because a person can control themselves enough to evade being banned doesn't mean they are mentally fit.
Of course he wasn't. No one gets to the pinnacle of business by being "nice." That's not my point though. I thought of him as a cute nerd guy, just from pics. He wasn't uglier than his bride, he was just an average nerdy-looking guy.

I've seen a lot of women who were attractive to me until they opened their mouths. LOL

Obnoxious business guys, or gals, are not my cup of tea. :)
Do you think her singing ability or popularity was a factor in her "attracitiveness"?

While the maxim "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", I think a deeper understanding is that beauty is relative.

Is there any doubt that lepers isolated on an island would develop a relative view of beauty?

Treated like lepers: Honouring the dead at Darwin's leprosy island

The young Sinead O'Connor had the classically beautiful proportions of a nice face, high cheekbones, good smile that even a bald head couldn't diminish, independent of her artistic talent.

I wouldn't say she necessarily was my personal type, but I can look at her and recognize she checked a lot of the
aesthetic boxes for objectively true human attractiveness.
Of course he wasn't. No one gets to the pinnacle of business by being "nice." That's not my point though. I thought of him as a cute nerd guy, just from pics. He wasn't uglier than his bride, he was just an average nerdy-looking guy.

Yes, he doesn't strike me as butt ugly, he just looks like a fairly normal brainy computer geek and that is not necessarily a turn off to some women.