Unattractive people overrate their looks

Good points, attractiveness is a fluid combination of factors, but it probably starts with the face. Eyes, smiles, and classically beautiful proportions are the first thing people tend to notice.

I think almost all humans have a general sense of objectively nice looks.

Every model I have seen in the SI swimsuit issue and every single Victoria's Secret model I have seen I can say are objectively nice looking people, even if some of them don't necessarily suit my own personal preferences and taste.

When Bella Hadid was called the most beautiful woman in the world because of her facial proportions, I was like "huh?" She is gorgeous but IMO there are others more so.


Bella Hadid is the most beautiful woman in the world because her face shape, lips and chin are ‘perfect’, according to the’ Golden Ratio’ equation

What percentages would you apply to most people in terms of "above average", "nice looking" and "not so much"? 25-50-25? 5-90-5? 35-60-5?

With age, I grew to appreciate the observation "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it" so I'm with the latter percentages.

What do you think of the common thought that "less attractive people are more encouraged to develop a personality since they can't get by on their looks alone?"

I think it should be the opposite. Attractive people should focus more on personality and other intrinsic qualities, rather than skating by on their looks.
When Bella Hadid was called the most beautiful woman in the world because of her facial proportions, I was like "huh?" She is gorgeous but IMO there are others more so.


[FONT=&]Bella Hadid is the most beautiful woman in the world because her face shape, lips and chin are ‘perfect’, according to the’ Golden Ratio’ equation


She is definitely exotic and striking, but I agree that trying to distill beauty down to mathmatical proportions just doesn't really capture the full essence of beauty.
Witold was clearly below average in IQ. Jits wasn't retarded, but certainly felt that his family's money and jujitsu expertise was all he needed to be "attractive".

I didn't see him as below average in IQ... IMO he was on the spectrum. He appeared to know a lot about Polish history and other topics, but his social skills were below par.

IMO, it's a trait that was passed down from over 250,000 years of living in tribes where men were the hunters, a highly visual/non-verbal skill, and when women "chewed the fat" in social circles while caring for the young, the sick and the old.

Don't forget the women were "gatherers" too.
You bet Christiefan

Women had the boobs so they carried the babies around while they gathered food

The men didn’t have boobs so they hunted

Women without babies very likely hunted too

When you need food it doesn’t matter who collects it

small animal snares and traps can give you plenty to eat in the right environment

You had to be near water so fishes were part of the diet

women very likely did it all

even the large game as long as they were not putting a child in danger
I always liked his looks. He's an adorable nerd and I am a sucker for adorable nerds.

I think Zuckerberg's wife is attractive but not stunning. But IMO Mark looks like a Martian. He has a "fivehead." Why does someone with all that money have such a bad haircut?

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From what I remember, my female partners throughout my life had crushes on these guys:

Jason Momoa
Johnny Depp, when he was in his prime
Tom Cruise
Young Robert De Niro
Brad Pitt
David Beckham
The youngish Mel Gibson
Youngish Billy Dee Williams
One of my College girlfriends liked the pretty boys in Duran Duran

You know who they didn't have a crush on?

Danny Devito
Chris Farley
Mitch McConnell
Newt Gingrich
Donald Trumpf
John Belushi
George Castanza from Seinfeld

Jason Momoa. <swoon> ;)
I find Helen Miran, Cate Blanchett, and Queen Elizabeth II were, or still are, all gorgeous women.

Most men do not agree with me though!

These woman all look the same with or without makeup! They look good with or without make-up!

I always thought QEII was strikingly beautiful as a young woman.
Cate Blanchette looks good.

Sometimes it's better to have a unique and interesting look. I never really thought the Pamela Anderson blonde beach bunny look was necessarily the highest bar achievable of beauty.
Her natural look was so much prettier than her Hollywood look. And I still hate eyebrows plucked to a fare-thee-well. :laugh:

I think it should be the opposite. Attractive people should focus more on personality and other intrinsic qualities, rather than skating by on their looks.

I agree but human, and animal, nature doesn't work that way. They often take the path of least resistance to obtain goals.