Unattractive people overrate their looks

Because he's other-focused. Mr. Owl had an even worse one when we first met.

He doesn't even look like the same guy in this picture below.

Did you steer Mr. Owl to a different look? Several of my friends did that to their guys. :D

Don't forget the women were "gatherers" too.

Gatherers is one thing, taking down a bison with sharpened sticks is another. Different skills involved. :)

On the subject of choosing mates, "normal" and healthy would be "attractive". Looking further, I searched longevity. Surprisingly, that turned into a dead end, since human beings tended to live into their 70s across ancient civilizations. https://aeon.co/ideas/think-everyone-died-young-in-ancient-societies-think-again

Then I looked at the other end, infant mortality, and found an answer that would become another variable in "attractiveness". About 25% of all infants died in their first year and about 50% of the survivors died before puberty.

At a guess, the most common cause of death would be disease followed by accident/injury. Survivors would be likely be both healthy and smart enough to avoid getting killed out of stupidity. LOL

Across the entire historical sample the authors found that on average, 26.9% of newborns died in their first year of life and 46.2% died before they reached adulthood. Two estimates that are easy to remember: Around a quarter died in the first year of life. Around half died as children.

What is striking about the historical estimates is how similar the mortality rates for children were across this very wide range of 43 historical cultures. Whether in Ancient Rome; Ancient Greece; the pre-Columbian Americas; Medieval Japan or Medieval England; the European Renaissance; or Imperial China: Every fourth newborn died in the first year of life. One out of two died in childhood.
I didn't see him as below average in IQ... IMO he was on the spectrum. He appeared to know a lot about Polish history and other topics, but his social skills were below par.

Possible about the spectrum, not my area of expertise, but he struck me as dimwitted, albeit with a healthy knowledge of Polish history.