What difference does it make if the gobbkement owns it vs dictates how to operate it ?
To those that understand, there is no difference. To those like kuntzu that love socialism, they'll find any way to justify it.
What difference does it make if the gobbkement owns it vs dictates how to operate it ?
Try one day trying to persuade any British voter to prefer the American 'system' to the NHS and I think you'll understand what experience shows. Without it I, for instance, would either be dead or poverty-stricken. No ta!
To those that understand, there is no difference. To those like kuntzu that love socialism, they'll find any way to justify it.
Fuck that, socialism is reserved for the aristocracy. You'll recall that's how we bailed out the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class across both a "conservative" and then a "liberal" administration leveraging the identical "financial advisement" team. Amazon just got a yuge socialist handout to put its new digs in New York. America loves socialism, it’s just not for the people.
You stupid fuck. Socialism is at the core of everything you believe in, including Universal Healthcare. Learn your Goddamn system.
Hey Numbskull. Socialism is where everyone works for the government, and every dime everyone makes comes from the government!
Has nothing to do with social safety net programs for taxpayers who vote for them in a Free Enterprise economy!
Get off that crack BOy! LOL!
What makes you think "We The People" or "We the vocal Majority" can't decide what we want for ourselves.
If we the people- or we the vocal majority, or we the voters, decide we want something, we vote for it, and we get it!
The vocal majority wants a National Healthcare system, and we got one!
And if you and the insurance companies don't like it- butte a fucking stump! OK!
It's a given, 7 out of 10 will exhaust a lot of expense, just trying to stay alive.
Why should the ones with the most money only have the privilege?
I just doesn't make sense, this country has the best Doctors, and the best Health Care Providers. So why are we allowing Insurance Company to decide what Doctors and Providers you get to use? Whe don't let them decide what car you can buy or what house you can buy.
You have no idea what socialism entails much less the ability to talk about it. Go back to whatever menial task your superiors have assigned for you to do today and let the educated discuss such matters.
Sports team cathedrals for owners, another example of publicly funded socialist programs enjoyed by the aristocracy.
For those, if they're not willing to do their part, let them go without and count on your personal compassion to provide for them.
Still diverting and making up nonsense, I see.
Just admit, boy, you have no clue and only come on here to whine like a pussy.
Does anyone else hear the barking outside?
You have trouble making sense of everything and anything. Had an oppoertunity to post "nigger" yet today?
Just kicking the little would be ankle biter.
Have you had the chance to be one yet today?
Kicking? That's a lie and easily refuted.
As easily as refuting the banjo's origin?
Have I disagreed with you yet? Well there ya go then.