US COVID-19 deaths by Election Day

Will US COVID-19 deaths exceed the 62,000 by Election Day?

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Agreed. Trump is a gutless coward; always has been, always will be. He never accepts responsibility for failure or takes the full blame. He just takes the credit. The economy is an example: He claimed credit for it doing well and passed the buck when it failed.

They are going to lie, as much as you do honey bunny. You can change you ID's but you can't change your writing style or verbiage. There are certain words and expressions that give you away every time.

If anyone is wondering where Evince went, look no more. :lolup:

Disagreed but, out of boredom before I start some chores, what other usernames do you think I have? I'm guessing you won't name any just like I knew you wouldn't take the bet. Like TD, all you have is a trolling keyboard and a bitter attitude about life. Sad.

How am I trolling? I debated your points and still have gotten ZERO response from you. More proof of what a brainless dishonest hack you really are. ;)
As of April 16th, there have been over 31,000 US deaths from COVID-19. The first documented US death was on February 29th. With social distancing and other measures, the curve of illnesses is flattening, but deaths will continue.

The poll question is simple: if the nation continues to keep shut down without a vaccine, a cure or access to speedy, cheap testing, will there be more than the high end of projected US flu deaths (62,000) or less by the November election?

6 months for a Miracle to happen is probably NOT going to happen.
So Governors are not accountable for what happens in their state? When did that happen dumbass?

I think it was just yesterday all you leftist ass clowns were declaring that Trump can't tell states what to do. Which is it, you lying hypocrite?

What a massive pile of buffoonish speculative bile. Do you ever have anything connected to reality and the truth to say?

Sure they are, but unlike the Federal Gov't, Trump, the States don't have an equilvant CDC, FEMA, DHS, FDA, nor the spending ability of the Federal Gov't., they weren't nor are equipped to handle a pandemic on their own, unfortunately, that is pretty much what they have had to do

Hardly, pure Trump, you don't think he does everything with his eye on November? He don't give a rat's ass about people nor actually the economy other than how it will effect him at the ballot box and his persoanl businesses interests. Setting up scapegoats has always been his motif, no different here, employing China, Democrats, media has reached the point of diminishing returns, he has to have one come October and he's already setting up the Governors, your "arguememt" shows it
Hello archives,

That is why he is setting up the Governors as the scapegoat

Trump will come out with some generalized statement, something nondefinative that he can alter as needed and deny later on, and then in October of events stay the same, he will proclaim he tried to restore the economy but the Governors wouldn't follow thru

He is a slick talker.
6 months for a Miracle to happen is probably NOT going to happen.

Agreed. 31,000 dead Americans in 6 weeks is serious. Even with the curve flattening and social distancing, this disease is spreading to other states. Like New Jersey and the South Dakota pork plant, there are places where people can't social distance. The virus will spread to all before the first one shows symptoms. Election day is over 26 weeks away. That's a lot of time for another 31,000 Americans to succumb to this disease.

I strongly doubt Trump will get his way to open up the country. In fact, I'm pretty sure his advisers are 'splainin' that to him daily. Trump, ever the showman, is just putting on a song'n'dance routine for the Trump voters so he can blame the Democrats, the Chinese and everyone else for the deaths and the poor economy on Election Day.

BTW, notice how, despite all of their big talk, the Trumpeteers are avoiding voting in the poll and will avoid both the poll and this thread like it was COVID-19. LOL
Agreed. 31,000 dead Americans in 6 weeks is serious. Even with the curve flattening and social distancing, this disease is spreading to other states. Like New Jersey and the South Dakota pork plant, there are places where people can't social distance. The virus will spread to all before the first one shows symptoms. Election day is over 26 weeks away. That's a lot of time for another 31,000 Americans to succumb to this disease.

I strongly doubt Trump will get his way to open up the country. In fact, I'm pretty sure his advisers are 'splainin' that to him daily. Trump, ever the showman, is just putting on a song'n'dance routine for the Trump voters so he can blame the Democrats, the Chinese and everyone else for the deaths and the poor economy on Election Day.

BTW, notice how, despite all of their big talk, the Trumpeteers are avoiding voting in the poll and will avoid both the poll and this thread like it was COVID-19. LOL

:) No telling how this plays out.
I can easily see how we all get this eventually. Hopefully, most of us will survive and become immune.
The Elderly seem to be the prime victims in this.

I'd sure like to see more antibody test kits come out and have everybody tested. That would create a sense of security if you knew everybody around you was immune.
As of April 16th, there have been over 31,000 US deaths from COVID-19. The first documented US death was on February 29th. With social distancing and other measures, the curve of illnesses is flattening, but deaths will continue.

The poll question is simple: if the nation continues to keep shut down without a vaccine, a cure or access to speedy, cheap testing, will there be more than the high end of projected US flu deaths (62,000) or less by the November election?

At this point, the question is whether it stays under that number by the end of April. I'm not convinced it will. We need to see some reductions in cases pretty quick since we are averaging about 2000 deaths per day in the last 9 days. Our daily new cases have held pretty steady and deaths trail new cases by about a week.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

As of April 16th, there have been over 31,000 US deaths from COVID-19. The first documented US death was on February 29th. With social distancing and other measures, the curve of illnesses is flattening, but deaths will continue.

The poll question is simple: if the nation continues to keep shut down without a vaccine, a cure or access to speedy, cheap testing, will there be more than the high end of projected US flu deaths (62,000) or less by the November election?

Does the poll have a time limit?

You know I like mathematics.

Obviously, the longer one waits to vote, the more informed their choice is.

I'm inclined to say yes, the number will go higher than 62K by election day.

It's already at 33,490 on worldometer, and 31,590 on Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering website.

Worldometer says there are also 13K in serious / critical condition. I understand that most people who go on a ventilator pretty much end up dying. That would easily place the death toll over 40K, and we are still adding new cases every day. Yesterday, we added over 30K new cases.

If it doesn't go over 62K, it will certainly get very close.

And what if DT calls off the shut-down?

Then all bets are off?

Also, there is confusion as to what the Poll question actually is.

The stated Poll Question is not the same as the longer question posted in the OP, which carries additional conditions.

Personally, I think DT is going to mimmick what has happened in China.

At first, they denied it even existed, punished those who tried to warn everyone. DT's got that box checked.

Then they had to admit it and took strong measures. Check, again.

And lately, they have opened back up, and are seeing their numbers go back up in a 'Second Wave.' Will DT check that box, too?

I'd be pretty surprised if he doesn't. He's been dancing all around it. Looks like he is about to.

And here comes the strongman approach with that.

You know what he is going to do.

He lacks the authority to order States to open for business, but he'll do it anyway, and if they fail to comply he will apply all kinds of unrelated pressure by withholding other things that have nothing to do with it. He is relentless in his over-reach of power.

I bet he 'opens the country up' too soon, and we get the second wave, which will surely put the figure over the 62K estimate if it didn't go there anyway.

That's my vote.
:) No telling how this plays out.
I can easily see how we all get this eventually. Hopefully, most of us will survive and become immune.
The Elderly seem to be the prime victims in this.

I'd sure like to see more antibody test kits come out and have everybody tested. That would create a sense of security if you knew everybody around you was immune.

The immunity thing is still undetermined. Additionally, if this virus mutates like flu, then it's a whole new ballgame. Even so, neither vaccines or nation-wide testing is expected in the next six months. Trump claimed 27 million by the end of April and only about 3M have been done in a nation of 327M.
At this point, the question is whether it stays under that number by the end of April. I'm not convinced it will. We need to see some reductions in cases pretty quick since we are averaging about 2000 deaths per day in the last 9 days. Our daily new cases have held pretty steady and deaths trail new cases by about a week.

I think it will flatten, but agreed: there will be a lot more deaths in the weeks and months to come. There is no vaccine or cure projected to be available en masse by November.

Thanks for voting in the poll. Not everyone has the guts to post an opinion and stand by it.
Too many are like Trump. :)
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Does the poll have a time limit?

You know I like mathematics.

Obviously, the longer one waits to vote, the more informed their choice is.

I'm inclined to say yes, the number will go higher than 62K by election day.

It's already at 33,490 on worldometer, and 31,590 on Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering website.

Worldometer says there are also 13K in serious / critical condition. I understand that most people who go on a ventilator pretty much end up dying. That would easily place the death toll over 40K, and we are still adding new cases every day. Yesterday, we added over 30K new cases.

If it doesn't go over 62K, it will certainly get very close.

And what if DT calls off the shut-down?

Then all bets are off?

Also, there is confusion as to what the Poll question actually is.

The stated Poll Question is not the same as the longer question posted in the OP, which carries additional conditions.

Personally, I think DT is going to mimmick what has happened in China.

At first, they denied it even existed, punished those who tried to warn everyone. DT's got that box checked.

Then they had to admit it and took strong measures. Check, again.

And lately, they have opened back up, and are seeing their numbers go back up in a 'Second Wave.' Will DT check that box, too?

I'd be pretty surprised if he doesn't. He's been dancing all around it. Looks like he is about to.

And here comes the strongman approach with that.

You know what he is going to do.

He lacks the authority to order States to open for business, but he'll do it anyway, and if they fail to comply he will apply all kinds of unrelated pressure by withholding other things that have nothing to do with it. He is relentless in his over-reach of power.

I bet he 'opens the country up' too soon, and we get the second wave, which will surely put the figure over the 62K estimate if it didn't go there anyway.

That's my vote.

Please vote. No time limit. Obviously some people may vote on November 2nd, but it will be obvious by that time who took a stand and who didn't. There's no money riding on this.

If Trump calls off the shut down (he won't) then the numbers will go higher.
I hope I am wrong, but I just do not see how it could be below 100,000.

Agreed. I'm certain US medicine will find both a cure and a vaccine but not before the election. At least not for mass distribution before the election and probably not before Christmas.