US IGNORANCE Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance

I'm wondering darla, do you think the world will be better if china takes over? Or are you so indoctrinated with self hate that you don't think that far.
I'm wonder darla, do you think the world will be better if china takes over? Or are you so indoctrinated with self hate that you don't think that far.

I wonder, assface, when are you going to learn how to read? I have already had to teach you what imminent means, and now I am going to have to use hooked on phonics to get you to sound out this paragraph. Let's start:

"The problem is, to me, I don't see a world where an unchecked China and Russia run amok, as a good thing. So let's hope we don't completely destroy this country."

Now, take your finger, and slowly trace it across each word, sounding out, with your lips, each sound as you go. Then, come back, and tell me what you think it means.
I agree. And still believe that actually following the Declaration Clause of the Constitution would have stopped much of this in its tracks. I do not believe that the Senate would have taken that onto themselves.

How does that work, though? Do they have to declare war to utilize force in any way, or is there a limit to any authorization of force?

I read the War Powers Act the other day, and that seems to give Congress legality to put time limits on a use of force...
I wonder, assface, when are you going to learn how to read? I have already had to teach you what imminent means, and now I am going to have to use hooked on phonics to get you to sound out this paragraph. Let's start:

"The problem is, to me, I don't see a world where an unchecked China and Russia run amok, as a good thing. So let's hope we don't completely destroy this country."

Now, take your finger, and slowly trace it across each word, sounding out, with your lips, each sound as you go. Then, come back, and tell me what you think it means.

So, considering your view, don't you think it's stupid to keep giving them billions in trade dollars, and allowing them to artificiallly suppress their currency to spur exports and put everyone else out of business?
How does that work, though? Do they have to declare war to utilize force in any way, or is there a limit to any authorization of force?

I read the War Powers Act the other day, and that seems to give Congress legality to put time limits on a use of force...
The SCOTUS ruled that anything longer than 90 days would need a declaration, long ago. Thus how it works is... if it is longer than a 90 day conflict you need a declaration. How the Congress can limit the time-frame of a war they no longer agree with is by defunding the war.

The War Powers Act is a way to attempt to put all the blame on one branch, and it takes away one of the protections that the founders put into the constitution. Nowadays we get idiots like Kerry "fooled" into voting for war powers because they thought the President, who in 2000 ran on a program of regime change in Iraq, would only use it to threaten them.... Instead with a Declaration they have to actually take responsibility for the decision to go to war, there is not a "I was so confused by the idiot" defense built right in...
So, considering your view, don't you think it's stupid to keep giving them billions in trade dollars, and allowing them to artificiallly suppress their currency to spur exports and put everyone else out of business?

First, tell everyone what an asshole you are, and one who can't read to boot.

Don't think I'm going to put up with your jackass shit, and then you just move on to the next question.

Own up to your assholeness, and maybe I'll answer your next question, and I'm sure you've got another thousand of them after that, because that's all you do is ask questions.

Except, it's not all you do today. You'll own your nonsense first.
First, tell everyone what an asshole you are, and one who can't read to boot.

Don't think I'm going to put up with your jackass shit, and then you just move on to the next question.

Own up to your assholeness, and maybe I'll answer your next question, and I'm sure you've got another thousand of them after that, because that's all you do is ask questions.

Except, it's not all you do today. You'll own your nonsense first.

Ok. Im an asshole. Should we modifty our trade policy so as not to benefit a totalitarian, slave labor using nation that is pointedly committed to NOT allowing personal freedom EVER?
US IGNORANCE Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance

Say goodbye to US military superiority.

Add this to the ever-growing "No one could have ever predicted" files, that the NeoCons keep.

Actually of course, a lot of people said to expect this reaction, when Bush implemented his policies: pulling out of that nuclear treaty, ramping up Star Wars missle defense, weaponizing space, vastly expanding pentagon spending, a belligerent foreign policy.

Its definetly weakened the US. I wouldn't panic though. Russia and China are natural and historic competitors. They'll never form an alliance akin to US/UK/Canada. There are simply to many natural rivalries between China and Russia.

As for military power? That's actually not the most important manifestation of power. Soft power is: diplomacy and economic power; the ability to convince people that your ideology and your intentions are, on balance, positive ones for the world....that you (as a country) are something to emulate.

Bush has discredited our soft power. We need to get it back.
US IGNORANCE Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance

Say goodbye to US military superiority.

Add this to the ever-growing "No one could have ever predicted" files, that the NeoCons keep.

Actually of course, a lot of people said to expect this reaction, when Bush implemented his policies: pulling out of that nuclear treaty, ramping up Star Wars missle defense, weaponizing space, vastly expanding pentagon spending, a belligerent foreign policy.

Its definetly weakened the US. I wouldn't panic though. Russia and China are natural and historic competitors. They'll never form an alliance akin to US/UK/Canada. There are simply to many natural rivalries between China and Russia.

As for military power? That's actually not the most important manifestation of power. Soft power is: diplomacy and economic power; the ability to convince people that your ideology and your intentions are, on balance, positive ones for the world....that you (as a country) are something to emulate.

Bush has discredited our soft power. We need to get it back.

Plus, giving them billions in trade dollars is suicidal, an intentional misprioritization designed by the leadership (both parties) to lead us all into overseas bondage.
Unless they own 40% of the military power, like the US does, leaving only 20% for the rest of the 130 nations of the world, I think it unlikely that this will stop the US from being the elite military of the world.


Afghanistan is a stone-age nation where those who have been fighting against us are using rifles and muskets .. yet we've been there longer than WWII lasted even with the help of NATO.

Iraq is a small nation which had been under sanctions for 12 years, yet all that's left is that Fall of Saigon moment .. yet another example.

Whether it stops the US from calling itself "elite" isn't the question, but it damn well better stop the US from continuing this course of terrorism that we've been on.
yeah. so you'd think we would rethink our "most favored nation" idiocy with china.

Our leadership is gunning for the destruction of our nation, both parties. They, as individuals, have secured their own futures by selling out the rest of us.

I can't argue with that.
So, considering your view, don't you think it's stupid to keep giving them billions in trade dollars, and allowing them to artificiallly suppress their currency to spur exports and put everyone else out of business?

so why are you still buying Chinese stuff AHZ ?
Walk yer talk.
I'm wondering darla, do you think the world will be better if china takes over? Or are you so indoctrinated with self hate that you don't think that far.

When has China declared that it wants to "take over the world?"

WE'VE declared that we own the world and Russia, China, and other nations are declaring that the US does not own the world.
so why are you still buying Chinese stuff AHZ ?
Walk yer talk.

they have put most competitors out of business. We should have a national level trade restriction on them, so humane manufacturers have a chance at success. Nation level trade policies are actually historically common. The impossibility of embargos is a fiction of globalist revisionism.
Ok. Im an asshole. Should we modifty our trade policy so as not to benefit a totalitarian, slave labor using nation that is pointedly committed to NOT allowing personal freedom EVER?

What makes China's slave labor any different from the slave labor that goes on in American prisons today? .. and we have LOTS of prisoners to enslave .. in fact a hell of a lot more than China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, and all the other nations we like to look down our noses at.