US IGNORANCE Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance

The right wing republicans and cowardly democrats are ALL globalists.
The globalist impulst IS EXACTLY why people see america as a dangerous rogue.


It was right-wing republicans and cowardly democrats .. many of whom are as AGAINST globalization as you are.

It was right-wing republicans and cowardly democrats .. many of whom are as AGAINST globalization as you are.

Which republican is against globalization but for the iraq war. Name one.

Which democrat is against globalization but for the iraq war. Name one.

And by the way, increased government services is not anti-globalization, it's the crumb they will throw the people when all jobs have been tranferred overseas.
So are you pro globalism now blackie, because the coolest guy on the board is against it? Think with your brain, not with your ego. An ego is illsuited for rationality.

Strange you should admonish me about thinking with my ego while you deem yourself to be "the coolest guy on the board."

Do I believe that America is part of the world and we must learn to co-exist without trying to dominate the world?

YES, I do.

Do I believe that America needs the rest of the world more than it needs us?

YES, I do.

Can you name any American product, resource, or service that the rest of the world can't get from somewhere else?

Did you vote for George Bush?
Which republican is against globalization but for the iraq war. Name one.

Which democrat is against globalization but for the iraq war. Name one.

And by the way, increased government services is not anti-globalization, it's the crumb they will throw the people when all jobs have been tranferred overseas.

Duncan Hunter

Tom Tancredo

A bit of digging and I'm quite sure there are many others

Did you vote for Bush?
Duncan Hunter

Tom Tancredo

A bit of digging and I'm quite sure there are many others

Did you vote for Bush?

Oh yeah, the real power brokers of the party. We went to iraq based on a powerful coalition between duncan hunter and tom tancredo. You're a funny bean. And now a dem?

No I didn't vote for bush.
I figured you'd stop focusing on your actual argument and focus on something trivial, since you're so obviously dead wrong.

Everyone for the iraq war is not a globalist? You're seriously retarded and out of touch if you believe that.

Where did I stop focusing on my argument?

I stopped to question your maturity,
Oh yeah, the real power brokers of the party. We went to iraq based on a powerful coalition between duncan hunter and tom tancredo. You're a funny bean. And now a dem?

No I didn't vote for bush.

Which republican is against globalization but for the iraq war. Name one

I gave you two off the top of my head and guarantee there are many more .. now you want to reframe the argument.


Do you HAVE the ability to engage in serious debate or are you the just clown everyone thinks you are?
It gets hotter ...

Russian Fleet Worries Israel
August 7, 2007

Commander of the Russian Navy Fleet Adm. Vladimir Masorin announced Russia’s plans to return to the Mediterranean at the end of last week in Sevastopol. He did not say whether new bases would be established in the region. It is commonly known, however, that such bases could only be opened in Syria, where ports were used for the same purposes by the USSR. As Kommersant reported on June 2, 2006, Russia is already dredging the port of Tartus and has begun to build a dock in the Syrian port of Latakia. A defense Ministry source at that time revealed that Moscow plans to a squadron of military vessels led by the missile cruiser Moskva to be permanently based in the Mediterranean Sea.

Masorin’s announcement, in which those plans were recalled, has caused serious alarm in Israel. The major Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot reported yesterday that Israeli intelligence holds that the presence of Russian ships in Syria is a direct threat to Israel’s security. In particular, the bases in Tartus and Latakia will turn into centers of electronic surveillance that will be able to monitor not only Israel, but the entire Middle East. There is also concern in Israel that Russia will share that information with its Muslim partners, especially Syria and possibly Iran. In addition, Russia will certainly create a major air defense system to defend its bases that will be able to defend much of Syria from attack as well.
Dude, you've said the most idiotic things I've read in a while. None of the iraqi hawks are globalists? Totally retarded. That's unrecoverably ignorant.

You're not as smart as you think you are dude. You keep reframing the argument because you're not smart enough to debate honestly.

Here is what I said .. It was right-wing republicans and cowardly democrats .. MANY of whom are as AGAINST globalization as you are.

Then you said .. "Which republican is against globalization but for the iraq war. Name one."

I gave you two and guarantee there are more.

Now you come back with .. "None of the iraqi hawks are globalists?"

Who said that?

It appears that you don't measure up as an intelligent debater. I've not reframed a single thing you've said.

too easy
You're not as smart as you think you are dude. You keep reframing the argument because you're not smart enough to debate honestly.

Here is what I said .. It was right-wing republicans and cowardly democrats .. MANY of whom are as AGAINST globalization as you are.

Then you said .. "Which republican is against globalization but for the iraq war. Name one."

I gave you two and guarantee there are more.

Now you come back with .. "None of the iraqi hawks are globalists?"

Who said that?

It appears that you don't measure up as an intelligent debater. I've not reframed a single thing you've said.

too easy

The majority of the people for this war ARE globalists in a full and complete sense. Hunter and tancredo are considered NUTS. You have yet to name a dem.

Your fluff and spin is unconvincing
The majority of the people for this war ARE globalists in a full and complete sense. Hunter and tancredo are considered NUTS. You have yet to name a dem.

Your fluff and spin is unconvincing

I hope you're not under any illusion that I actually care if you are unconvinced. You don't know how to do this without reframing what you're incapable of countering.

See if this can help you out .. "Antiglobalists are on the rise in both parties."
Non globalist dem? Can anyone think of one? Is there any dem who puts an american worker above above an illegal immigrant? Is there any dem who agitates against destroying the middle class through globalization? No. All they offer is social services, the crumbs which will soon be the only option.
Non globalist dem? Can anyone think of one? Is there any dem who puts an american worker above above an illegal immigrant? Is there any dem who agitates against destroying the middle class through globalization? No. All they offer is social services, the crumbs which will soon be the only option.

Oh yeah .. forgot about the dem .. try Byron Dorgan .. but there are more.

Let's hear you reframe this to say .. show me a dem that voted for the war, against NAFTA, CAFTA .. and can stand on his head and sing dixie through a straw


How long have you actually been thinking about politics?