US IGNORANCE Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance

Oh yeah .. forgot about the dem .. try Byron Dorgan .. but there are more.

Let's hear you reframe this to say .. show me a dem that voted for the war, against NAFTA, CAFTA .. and can stand on his head and sing dixie through a straw


How long have you actually been thinking about politics?

You're seizing on a minority and presenting it as common. How long have you been an idiot?
You're seizing on a minority and presenting it as common. How long have you been an idiot?


Which democrat is against globalization but for the iraq war. Name one.

I told you that you'd come back reframing the argument because you didn't have the intelligence to support the bullshit you spout .. and then you came right back and proved me right again

That is some amazing shit.

What a buffoon

too easy

SEN. BYRON DORGAN: Well, let me tell you what's going on. Let me tell you what's going on. Wages and salaries, as a percent of our GDP, is at its lowest level since they started measuring in 1947. That's probably not true for journalists or politicians; it's true for American families.

And this notion all these statistics people use -- I know the story about the nine guys sitting on a barstool, and Bill Gates walks in. On average, they're all now wealthy.

The fact is: There's a lot of trouble in this economy. You can't escape the fact that $2 billion a day in trade deficit we're ringing up every single day, the highest in history. It is not capitalism when we decide that we're going to have a product produced in China, with people living 100 to a room, in big, cinder brick rooms, and then working for $50 a month.

And, by the way, that's what's happening for the production of the iPod. We engineered iPod in this country; now, it's being produced for $50-a-month labor in rooms that house 100 people to sleep at night.

That's not capitalism; that's labor exploitation. And it's going on, not just with respect to textiles, not just manufacturing, it's going on in high tech. And that is not, in my judgment, what we fought for a century in this country to create.

Byron Dorgan agrees with me on globalization, do you agree with brian dorgan, or is he china-bashing?

I told you that you'd come back reframing the argument because you didn't have the intelligence to support the bullshit you spout .. and then you came right back and proved me right again

That is some amazing shit.

What a buffoon

too easy

The point is not for you to satisfy the requirements as laid out in a thread. The point is to build an accurate model of reality. Globalists are a majority still, though you technically passed the "name one" test. Think bigger.
The point is not for you to satisfy the requirements as laid out in a thread. The point is to build an accurate model of reality. Globalists are a majority still, though you technically passed the "name one" test. Think bigger.

The point is for you to make an argument that makes the slightest bit of goddamn sense. This thread is about a Russian/Chinese miliatry alliance and all you've talked about is "globalization" which isn't even close to being germaine to the topic. What fucking "accurate model of reality" are you talking about?

If you aren't smart enough to know that there are conservative democrats and pro-war anti-globalization republicans then you don't know shit about politics. You're just here pretending. What fool would even challenge anyone to "name one?"

Perhaps you should spend less time calling other posters names and patting yourself on the back for your own ignorance and spend more time actually digesting information and learning.

I've tried to give you the benefit of doubt and actually engage you in conversation but you seem determined to prove yourself to be the absolute fool many here think you are. This isn't the first time you have been unable to support the nonsense you post.
The point is for you to make an argument that makes the slightest bit of goddamn sense. This thread is about a Russian/Chinese miliatry alliance and all you've talked about is "globalization" which isn't even close to being germaine to the topic. What fucking "accurate model of reality" are you talking about?

If you aren't smart enough to know that there are conservative democrats and pro-war anti-globalization republicans then you don't know shit about politics. You're just here pretending. What fool would even challenge anyone to "name one?"

Perhaps you should spend less time calling other posters names and patting yourself on the pat for your own ignorance and spend more time actually digesting information and learning.

I've tried to give you the benefit of doubt and actually engage you in conversation but you seem determined to prove yourself to be the absolute fool many here think you are. This isn't the first time you have been unable to support the nonsense you post.

Oh. Since you're losing, and obviously an idiot, now the whole topic is out of bounds.

Do you agree with dorgan or is he china-bashing? Can you answer, senor Fraud?
Oh. Since you're losing, and obviously an idiot, now the whole topic is out of bounds.

Do you agree with dorgan or is he china-bashing? Can you answer, senor Fraud?

Dude .. you're a waste of time and it's your lack of intelligence that's out of bounds.

You came right back and proved me right again
So you won't answer. You lose. You're a loser.

one last chance.

Do you agree with dorgan or is he china-bashing?

Just too goddamn easy.

"You lose. You're a loser" .. you've gotta be 12 years old.

Grow the fuck up .. LEARN how to debate civily, honestly, and intelligently.
Just too goddamn easy.

"You lose. You're a loser" .. you've gotta be 12 years old.

Grow the fuck up .. LEARN how to debate civily, honestly, and intelligently.

I'm there man. I've knocked the holy shit out of you. You won't answer simple questions.

Do you agree with dorgan or is he china-bashing?
blackascoal reveals himself as an enemy of the american people. He's a globalist who's excited about the american people being destroyed by globalization. What an asshole.
Blackie, your anus feels warm inside. I always wondered about this whole Jungle Fever thing.

WOW .. you've just validated that I've stomped the hell out of you intellectually .. and you're too stupid to even recognize that.

You've degraded yourself to the point of talking about how another man's anus feels and you think that is an insult to me.

An absolutely incredible display of self-degradation and a lack of manlihood.

WOW .. you've just validated that I've stomped the hell out of you intellectually .. and you're too stupid to even recognize that.

You've degraded yourself to the point of talking about how another man's anus feels and you think that is an insult to me.

An absolutely incredible display of self-degradation and a lack of manlihood.


No. This was just some fun aside from the main point. Is criticism of globalization and china "china bashing", or is it a legitimate concern?
No. This was just some fun aside from the main point. Is criticism of globalization and china "china bashing", or is it a legitimate concern?

You have "fun" talking about how another man's anus feels? :shock: WTF

I would NEVER say some fucked up shit like that in a public forum or at anytime ever.

Son-of-a-bitch what a public display of self-degradation.

Go the fuck away .. you're not interested in serious debate.
The Real Ttle of the thread:

US political complicity enables a powerful russian chinese alliance which will be used to repress the american people, as the elites of all nations involved go off and party together and laugh about it.
You have "fun" talking about how another man's anus feels? :shock: WTF

I would NEVER say some fucked up shit like that in a public forum or at anytime ever.

Son-of-a-bitch what a public display of self-degradation.

Go the fuck away .. you're not interested in serious debate.

No. you use any excuse to get out of a debate when you're losing your ass. That's the truth here. If not, prove it by answering the question: Do you agree with Dorgan?
blackascoal reveals himself as an enemy of the american people. He's a globalist who's excited about the american people being destroyed by globalization. What an asshole.
What a stupid lying remark. Course if you don't know any better, it is just your error. ---which is it.