US IGNORANCE Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance

What makes China's slave labor any different from the slave labor that goes on in American prisons today? .. and we have LOTS of prisoners to enslave .. in fact a hell of a lot more than China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, and all the other nations we like to look down our noses at.

We have a lot of prisoners, true, too many. Too many drug laws.

My point about disallowing slave labor is really not about helping the chinese either, it's so the rest of the world isn't pulled down trying to compete with their inhumanity. And our prisons are a day in the park compared to their laogai.
Plus, giving them billions in trade dollars is suicidal, an intentional misprioritization designed by the leadership (both parties) to lead us all into overseas bondage.

correct AHZ and you give them trade dollars everytime you buy something made in China.
So Walk yer talk or shut up.
correct AHZ and you give them trade dollars everytime you buy something made in China.
So Walk yer talk or shut up.

Alternatives are scarce due to their unfair manipulations and slave labor use. We need a national policy. National trade policies are common, despite globalist propaganda. So you shut up.
We have a lot of prisoners, true, too many. Too many drug laws.

My point about disallowing slave labor is really not about helping the chinese either, it's so the rest of the world isn't pulled down trying to compete with their inhumanity. And our prisons are a day in the park compared to their laogai.

Book a flight over the phone on TWA and a prisoner/slave is probably taking your order. That Dell PC you have was probably put together by a prisoner/slave. Buy your woman something from Victoria's Secret and it was probably made in a South Carolina prison.

I'm willing to bet you can find instances in American prisons that would be a shocking as your Chinese example.

Point being is before you look out the window and point fingers at other nations, it might be wise to stop by the mirror first.

US aggression and terrorism has driven Russia, China, and many other nations into closer alliances. Most of the people in the world think the US and Israel are the most dangerous nations on the planet .. even people in tradional allied nations like the UK .. and they believe this for very good reason.
Book a flight over the phone on TWA and a prisoner/slave is probably taking your order. That Dell PC you have was probably put together by a prisoner/slave. Buy your woman something from Victoria's Secret and it was probably made in a South Carolina prison.

I'm willing to bet you can find instances in American prisons that would be a shocking as your Chinese example.

Point being is before you look out the window and point fingers at other nations, it might be wise to stop by the mirror first.

US aggression and terrorism has driven Russia, China, and many other nations into closer alliances. Most of the people in the world think the US and Israel are the most dangerous nations on the planet .. even people in tradional allied nations like the UK .. and they believe this for very good reason.

yes. and all these products should not be purchased from china until they reform.

I will point fingers. They're worse than us, and you're fucked in the head if you think differently on this issue. Their repression is quite extreme.
yes. and all these products should not be purchased from china until they reform.

I will point fingers. They're worse than us, and you're fucked in the head if you think differently on this issue. Their repression is quite extreme.

Saying that we should clean our own house first, is common sense though. We should. We should outlaw prison labor, first of all. I personally would not shop now at these places I know are using it. I had no idea.

You don't know what it's like inside our prisons. You give any human being absolute power over another, and it's going to be an inhumane situation. And Americans have a thing about punishment. In my opinion it is sick, and borderline sexually deviant. They love it. It makes them grin.

It's sick. But that is playing itself out in our prisons as well.
Well, if the failure is "imminent" then you will be able to gloat very soon.

Let me define imminent for you, ok jackass:

"likely to occur at any moment; impending"

When you think on the scales of time I do, as a far seeing visionary, it seems imminent.
And our leaders know exactly what they're doing, creating an excuse to enslave americans. "Woops, we messed up, oh well, now we have to do what they say". Bullshit.
yes. and all these products should not be purchased from china until they reform.

I will point fingers. They're worse than us, and you're fucked in the head if you think differently on this issue. Their repression is quite extreme.

The products were made in US slave/prisons for 25 cents an hour.

Let me repeat .. 5% of the world's population and 25% of all the world's prisoners.

You're been dumbed-down to avoid the mirror.
The products were made in US slave/prisons for 25 cents an hour.

Let me repeat .. 5% of the world's population and 25% of all the world's prisoners.

You're been dumbed-down to avoid the mirror.

You're comparing apples to oranges, being in prison here is better than being a "factory worker" in china.

Religions are repressed, there is no free speech.

You've been brainwashed to believe that "america is the worst country" so you will do nothing as it's citizenry is ravaged by the sick dynamics put in place by globalists. I really though you were smarter than this, black as coal, guess not. There's hope for you though.
You're comparing apples to oranges, being in prison here is better than being a "factory worker" in china.

Religions are repressed, there is no free speech.

You've been brainwashed to believe that "america is the worst country" so you will do nothing as it's citizenry is ravaged by the sick dynamics put in place by globalists. I really though you were smarter than this, black as coal, guess not. There's hope for you though.

Search through my posts and show me where I've said "America is the worst country." Are we going to debate like adults, or simply sling bullshit around?

Your argumnet seems to be China is worse so whatever we do must be good. Is that what you'd call logic?

What I've said and stand by is that America is not what it pretends to be and Americans are naive and often downright dumb as a rock. Like you, they'd rather look out the window than look in the mirror.

"Globalists" didn't mass-murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. Right-wing republicans and cowardly democrats did. And I'd imagine that you cheered that on.

"Globalists" didn't cause THE GLOBE to see America as a dangerous rogue nation and cause nations all over the world to form coalitions to stand against it. George Bush and his neocon horde .. along with people who supported him .. and my guess is that would be you .. did that.
And blackie, it's not about name-calling. It's a concern about what the effect will be of forcing free people to compete with slaves.

Then why aren't you asking that of your own country?

Amendment XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

(U-WIRE) LOS ANGELES -- It seemed like a normal factory closing. U.S. Technologies sold its electronics plant in Austin, Texas, leaving its 150 workers unemployed. Everyone figured they were moving the plant to Mexico, where they would employ workers at half the cost. But six weeks later, the electronics plant reopened in Austin in a nearby prison.

At the same time, the United States blasts China for the the use of prison slave labor, engaging in the same practice itself. Prison labor is a pot of gold. No strikes, union organizing, health benefits, unemployment insurance or workers' compensation to pay. As if exploiting the labor of prison inmates was not bad enough, it is legal in the United States.

It's a concern about what the effect will be of forcing free people to compete with slaves.
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Search through my posts and show me where I've said "America is the worst country." Are we going to debate like adults, or simply sling bullshit around?

Your argumnet seems to be China is worse so whatever we do must be good. Is that what you'd call logic?

What I've said and stand by is that America is not what it pretends to be and Americans are naive and often downright dumb as a rock. Like you, they'd rather look out the window than look in the mirror.

"Globalists" didn't mass-murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. Right-wing republicans and cowardly democrats did. And I'd imagine that you cheered that on.

"Globalists" didn't cause THE GLOBE to see America as a dangerous rogue nation and cause nations all over the world to form coalitions to stand against it. George Bush and his neocon horde .. along with people who supported him .. and my guess is that would be you .. did that.

The right wing republicans and cowardly democrats are ALL globalists.
The globalist impulst IS EXACTLY why people see america as a dangerous rogue.
So are you pro globalism now blackie, because the coolest guy on the board is against it? Think with your brain, not with your ego. An ego is illsuited for rationality.
Book a flight over the phone on TWA and a prisoner/slave is probably taking your order. That Dell PC you have was probably put together by a prisoner/slave.

And I would gladly pay more for all these made locally if it meant my friends or even I could be employed in their production, and if americans could be in charge of their own destiny instead of sold into dependance on foreign totalitarian powers.