US police have been infiltrated by racists

Hello evince,

If your friends and family are destroying your life they need to be left behind

Which is why I said it is asking a lot.

Plus, racists do not perceive the situation as destroying their lives. After all, they have their support group.
But it turns any society to shit

They insist society ignore and abuse people of talent and intelligence which will make that society weaker and prone to evil threats

It’s a loser for any nation that tolerates it

A massive misuse of human ingenuity and brilliance

It’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face

It’s like cutting fingers off

It’s like trashing 20% of the science learned because it was written down on the wrong type of paper

It’s self mutilation

Utter stupidity for the sake of fake pride


I don’t want to respect stupid ideas

I never will
Hello evince,

But it turns any society to shit

They insist society ignore and abuse people of talent and intelligence which will make that society weaker and prone to evil threats

It’s a loser for any nation that tolerates it

A massive misuse of human ingenuity and brilliance

It’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face

It’s like cutting fingers off

It’s like trashing 20% of the science learned because it was written down on the wrong type of paper

It’s self mutilation

Utter stupidity for the sake of fake pride


I don’t want to respect stupid ideas

I never will

Agreed, but it is still a difficult challenge to overcome guilt induced racism which has been handed down from generation to generation since slavery, and shared within peer groups.
If they embrace the evil then they are guilty

All Americans should accept the real history

If a person wants to deny history they are idiots

If you don’t learn the true history you will NEVER learn the true lesson

Bad information in means bad decisions out

They want to be wrong

And they want my respect

No I didn’t forget it

I can’t forget something that is utter bullshit

I (unlike you) don’t even try to incorporate idiot lies into my world view

That’s not forgetting that is outright ignoring idiot lies

o you say its bull shit really , Odd there's lots of information about it on the net, dont worry I will start a thread about it so the entire truth is told, by the way la street gangs have been doing this for year along with the mafia and drug cartels
Listen to how fast she says I’m going to tase you twice and then gives the taser taser taser warning

The other cop isn’t even clear of the young mans body when she shoots

Like 5 seconds of time

This was a kill plan

whos surprised by this?

question is will it take whites 400 years to admit it?
No I didn’t forget it

I can’t forget something that is utter bullshit

I (unlike you) don’t even try to incorporate idiot lies into my world view

That’s not forgetting that is outright ignoring idiot lies

O I postee a thread about it with links showing how the white supremacist have been doing it and my personal experience in making sure it didnt happen along with how the cartels and street gangs have been doing the same as a matter of fact they started doing in back in the 80s along with joining the military to get battle training and access to military grade weapons and parts , youn see unlike a rciest like you I am able to look at the entire picture and truth.
whos surprised by this?

question is will it take whites 400 years to admit it?
There were reports and studies saying it

The republicans are the racist party

Them and the Russians are fomenting racism in America

Once Americans know these facts they won’t embrace it anymore

Fucks news must die
You are a Francis filled with borsht

04-08-2008, 10:28 AM

You are talking to a woman who ahs stood and screamed in the face of two separate drug dealers who were both nearly twice my size. The drug dealers left and I still own both houses and live in one.

10-23-2013, 8:45 AM

I have stood and spit in the face of a 6'3" drug dealer and told him to get the fuck out of my neighborhood. These dweebs dont scare me in the least. I dismantle them with glee

10-23-2013, 9:25 AM

Ive stood toe to toe with TWO drug dealers in my life. They both got the fuck out and I still own both houses. both were huge 6'3"ish 300 pounders. one white and one was black. Big guys think they can just get away anything sometimes. I spit in the face of the black guy and sprayed the white guy with my hose. Blew the fucking neighbors away with my actions.

11-04-2013, 04:13 AM

I only ever spit in the face ( a good one to) of one person. That person was black. he was about 6'3" and about 300lbs and spit in my face first. so I looked right at him and hocked one right in his fucking face. Never saw that drug dealer in my neighborhood again.

04-06-2016 8:17 AM

One I sprayed with my hose the other tried to spit in my face so I hocked a good one in his face.

10-24-2017, 02:10 PM

he didnt spit in my face he stayed accrossed the street frim me and didnt come at me like the other guy did. The guy I sprayed lived accrossed the street so he didnt out right threaten me. he laid low while I complained to his wife and then he moved. both hoods are still drug deal free thanks to me

05-11-2018, 2:36 PM

I saw the drug deal idiot he was the buyer the skinny little dweeb selling took the fuck off right away he thought he could scare me so he started giving me shit I gave him shit back I treated him the same as I would have treated a 16 year old white girl buying drugs in my hood

11-04-2013, 8:08 AM

Oh he didn't run at the moment and I continued to stand toe to toe with him even after his girl friend tried to push me down for spitting in his face. He hung arround calling me names for awhile longer after that. they didn't touch me again. They did leave and they NEVER returned ever again. they SAW they were not scaring me.

4-12-2021 7:04 AM

It’s an asault The druggie tried to spit in my face I dodged it and hacked him up a good one in self defense Druggies get mad when you tell them to get the fuck out of your hood All’s good
It was years ago and he never came back to my hood I don’t live there anymore but I still own the property

4-12-2021 7:18 AM

I fucking watched the idiots doing a deal out of some clowns car trunk So I went outside and started walking down the sidewalk and asked the assholes what they were doing They got all nervous and the spit guy got hostile while I was giving him my attention the driver got the fuck out of the hood The big guy and his girl tried to intimidate me It didn’t work well for them All the neighbors came out and watched as I verbally ripped a man twice my size to shreds Big guys doing wrong often try to use their size to intimidate you The guy was like 6’3 over 3oo lbs I treated him like he was a 10 year old Shamed his silly ass He never showed back up And neither did the car guy My neighbors were brown away with my actions And grateful
O I postee a thread about it with links showing how the white supremacist have been doing it and my personal experience in making sure it didnt happen along with how the cartels and street gangs have been doing the same as a matter of fact they started doing in back in the 80s along with joining the military to get battle training and access to military grade weapons and parts , youn see unlike a rciest like you I am able to look at the entire picture and truth.

This did not translate well to English from Russian

Tell your programmer he better be careful

Or your programmer will get putins special tea with your borsht delivery
There were reports and studies saying it

The republicans are the racist party

Them and the Russians are fomenting racism in America

Once Americans know these facts they won’t embrace it anymore

Fucks news must die

This did not translate well to English from Russian

Tell your programmer he better be careful

Or your programmer will get putins special tea with your borsht delivery
