usf, is just a whiner with blood on his hands


New member
usf, has repeatedly argued that the mj legalization activists are just whining and are responsible for the damages of the drug war. His argument rests on asking us to imagine what would happen to the black market if people quit buying mj. But that is just fantasy. It also amounts to whining that does nothing to solve the "problem" while ignoring the realities of the drug war.

You cannot stop people from using drugs by putting some words on a piece of paper and calling it a law. If you are a control freak that hates human nature, it might be nice to imagine such a world but it is pointless to do so in a public policy debate. It's not going to happen. Whining about it, won't make it so.

Laws are written not in the expectation that they will affect behavior but to give the executive and judicial branches direction. If they had the magical powers usf wants us to waste our time imagining the executive and judicial branches would be pointless. The legislature could just pass a law and everyone would obey. There would be no crime or challenges to the law.

While whining about human nature, usf ignores the costs of enforcing laws and questions of whether they are just/unjust by simply blaming the results on those who do not obey. His priniciple is absurd and highly dangerous, but at least he does not apply it consistently to issues such as civil rights or equality for homosexuals.

Sorry, to post another thread, but I did not want these points to get buried in the repetitive whining, diversion and evasion that usf uses to cover his failures.
Why don't you man up and make a point, Clint. You are just a coward like usf who wants to ignore the facts of reality because dealing with them might confront you with the uncomfortable truth that your position leads to death and destruction. It's okay, no one will fault you for your past errors but every day you ignore the results you contribute to more and more death and destruction.

usf posted that others were only whining (even though many of us detailed our other actions) over and over and over again. But when I point out ONCE the fact that he is the one whining while doing nothing else, you should back with "talk about whining." It's blatantly obvious that you are simply trying to divert attention from the issue (it's not usf, I just use him to highlight the issue), again.
usf is a bonafide authoritarian. he thinks any civilian should follow the law, period, no matter how unconstitutional or illegal it would obviously be. He does this while at the same time making every sort of excuse for any police officer who knowing or unknowingly breaks the law. don't let his moniker of 'usfreedom' fool you, he does not believe in freedom, only a police state atmosphere.
usf is a bonafide authoritarian. he thinks any civilian should follow the law, period, no matter how unconstitutional or illegal it would obviously be. He does this while at the same time making every sort of excuse for any police officer who knowing or unknowingly breaks the law. don't let his moniker of 'usfreedom' fool you, he does not believe in freedom, only a police state atmosphere.

Both he and disloyal went by different names before 9/11, but like the sad little attention starved children they are, they changed to their current monikers to garner more attention during the days following the attacks.

They are just two more "do as I say and not as I do" hypocrites.
usf is a bonafide authoritarian. he thinks any civilian should follow the law, period, no matter how unconstitutional or illegal it would obviously be. He does this while at the same time making every sort of excuse for any police officer who knowing or unknowingly breaks the law. don't let his moniker of 'usfreedom' fool you, he does not believe in freedom, only a police state atmosphere.

The malitia member sticks his head out of his bunker, acts like a window warrior, pulls his head back in, and locks the door.
Both he and disloyal went by different names before 9/11, but like the sad little attention starved children they are, they changed to their current monikers to garner more attention during the days following the attacks.

They are just two more "do as I say and not as I do" hypocrites.

You're full of shit, as usual.
I had never posted on any message board, prior to 9/11.

So take your fat ass and find a single thing to support your stupidity, or else just continue being an embarassment.
Both he and disloyal went by different names before 9/11, but like the sad little attention starved children they are, they changed to their current monikers to garner more attention during the days following the attacks.

They are just two more "do as I say and not as I do" hypocrites.

You're full of shit, as usual.
I had never posted on any message board, prior to 9/11.

So take your fat ass and find a single thing to support your stupidity, or else just continue being an embarassment.

The really funny part is that you know you're lying, I know you're lying, and now you know that I know you're lying.

You're offspring must be really proud of having a lying father.
Nice parenting, tubby. :good4u:
You're full of shit, as usual.
I had never posted on any message board, prior to 9/11.

So take your fat ass and find a single thing to support your stupidity, or else just continue being an embarassment.


USF is upset people are finding out he's a "fair weather" patriot who only adopted his current moniker to garner praise as a "patriot" while he attacked, insulted and taunted anyone who dared speak out against the "W" agenda after the 9/11 attacks.

Why am I not surprised?
You're full of shit, as usual.
I had never posted on any message board, prior to 9/11.

So take your fat ass and find a single thing to support your stupidity, or else just continue being an embarassment.

The really funny part is that you know you're lying, I know you're lying, and now you know that I know you're lying.

You're offspring must be really proud of having a lying father.
Nice parenting, tubby. :good4u:

Had to add some more BS to your already ridiculous reply?

I am not lying...I was there and if you've got proof to the contrary then lay it out for everyone to see.
usf, has repeatedly argued that the mj legalization activists are just whining and are responsible for the damages of the drug war. His argument rests on asking us to imagine what would happen to the black market if people quit buying mj. But that is just fantasy. It also amounts to whining that does nothing to solve the "problem" while ignoring the realities of the drug war.

You cannot stop people from using drugs by putting some words on a piece of paper and calling it a law. If you are a control freak that hates human nature, it might be nice to imagine such a world but it is pointless to do so in a public policy debate. It's not going to happen. Whining about it, won't make it so.

Laws are written not in the expectation that they will affect behavior but to give the executive and judicial branches direction. If they had the magical powers usf wants us to waste our time imagining the executive and judicial branches would be pointless. The legislature could just pass a law and everyone would obey. There would be no crime or challenges to the law.

While whining about human nature, usf ignores the costs of enforcing laws and questions of whether they are just/unjust by simply blaming the results on those who do not obey. His priniciple is absurd and highly dangerous, but at least he does not apply it consistently to issues such as civil rights or equality for homosexuals.

Sorry, to post another thread, but I did not want these points to get buried in the repetitive whining, diversion and evasion that usf uses to cover his failures.


You could have posted this, within the thread of our disagreement; but instead you CHOOSE to start a new thread and you want to claim I'm the whiner!!


My "argument" was based on that the reason we have a black market, is because the mj users continue to fund it and then refuse to take responsbility for their actions.

The question regarding what would happen to the black market if mj users stopped support it, was a premise to get you to see where you're lying to yourself.

And you can't stop people from driving through intersections where there are stop signs.
It's a personal responsibility, like CHOOSING not to buy from the black market, which you are obvious lacking.
But you go ahead and keep whining that it's not your fault that you CHOOSE to support the black market and the death and suffering that goes along with it. :good4u:
And then you once again try to use homosexuality and the Civil Rights movement to support your lack of responsibility. :palm:

OH-You're sorry alright; but you're sorry, becuase you're getting spanked so bad that you are hoping you can garner more support.
But at least you've got zippy on your bandwagon; but then zippy would suck your dick, for any chance to rail against me!!


Stop funding the black market; because you're responsible for the death and suffering that comes with it.
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You could have posted this, within the thread of our disagreement; but instead you CHOOSE to start a new thread and you want to claim I'm the whiner!!


I gave my reasons. You cover your ass whipping with hefty amounts of repetitious whining, attempts at diversion and straw man arguments. I wanted it to be visible.

My "argument" was based on that the reason we have a black market, is because the mj users continue to fund it and then refuse to take responsbility for their actions.

The question regarding what would happen to the black market if mj users stopped support it, was a premise to get you to see where you're lying to yourself.

The premise is nothing but whining over human nature while pondering a fantasy world where it can be wished away.

What would happen if we stopped enforcing the mj laws? This is actually doable through legislative action. Your scenario is not.

And you can't stop people from driving through intersections where there are stop signs.

Not with a law. So? Are stop signs and enforcement of laws regarding them leading to death? Are the cops getting in shootouts, raiding homes and shooting dogs in an effort to get people to comply? Is the result of not enforcing mj laws as damaging as not enforcing traffic laws might be?

Smoking mj does not result in someone getting t-boned by an oncoming car. It results in the smoker getting high. Your argument is worthless and pretends that all laws are equal. They are not.

A better example is stop light cameras. They are proving unuseful and ill advised and are being removed.

But you will run away from this analogy as you have before and you have with all your others.

No one is demanding that the drug warriors be jailed and shot. Well, maybe sty and water :). The point is to get you to consider the costs of the attempt to enforce the law and quit confusing it with smoking mj or something that is inherent to the market for mj rather than inherent to a black market.

You are just whining and ignoring the REAL problems.

It's a personal responsibility, like CHOOSING not to buy from the black market, which you are obvious lacking.
:blah: :blah: :blah:
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I gave my reasons. You cover your ass whipping with hefty amounts of repetitious whining, attempts at diversion and straw man arguments. I wanted it to be visible.

The premise is nothing but whining over human nature while pondering a fantasy world where it can be wished away.

What would happen if we stopped enforcing the mj laws? This is actually doable through legislative action. Your scenario is not.

Not with a law. So? Are stop signs and enforcement of laws regarding them leading to death? Are the cops getting in shootouts, raiding homes and shooting dogs in an effort to get people to comply? Is the result of not enforcing mj laws as damaging as not enforcing traffic laws might be?

Smoking mj does not result in someone getting t-boned by an oncoming car. It results in the smoker getting high. Your argument is worthless and pretends that all laws are equal. They are not.

A better example is stop light cameras. They are proving unuseful and ill advised and are being removed.

But you will run away from this analogy as you have before and you have with all your others.

No one is demanding that the drug warriors be jailed and shot. Well, maybe sty and water :). The point is to get you to consider the costs of the attempt to enforce the law and quit confusing it with smoking mj or something that is inherent to the market for mj rather than inherent to a black market.

You are just whining and ignoring the REAL problems.

I reiterate:

You could have posted this, within the thread of our disagreement; but instead you CHOOSE to start a new thread and you want to claim I'm the whiner!!


The rest of this, is your sad attempt to try and avoid your responsibility.

Nice ad hom, regarding the stop signs; because you're so consumed by your own righteous indignation that you were totally unable to see that the example was about PERSONAL CHOICE AND RESPONSIBILITY; something that you're obviouly oblivious to. :good4u:

Now you're trying to state as a fact that mj smokers aren't involved in auto accidents?? :palm: You are truly an idiot.

Your accusation of me would have the chance of being honest and not an ad hom, if you can prove that I ever supported red light or speed cameras.

I never supported that the drug warriors (mj users be shot. Getting arrested and jailed is a natural consequence of their CHOICES.
As long as you continue to support the black market; death and suffering will continue and you will be responsible for it.

The REAL problem here, is your continual denial of what you are resonsible for.